Super Floating City

Chapter 10: Steal mine

  The caravan will arrive at Rinfeng City tomorrow afternoon.

Camping in the wild in the evening, and reaching a canyon near the evening, Eden asked others to find a place to rest, and then shouted to a highlander to order: “There are robber activities near here, you take two people to investigate, be careful of the enemy. ”

The caravan’s folks set up a bonfire. Others put the goods into a humble car array, and hurriedly stopped with the team’s merchants to take care of the animals. Basically, the animals had enough food to start eating. Eden’s daughter took a thick black leather book and calculated the replenishment of goods. He told other guys how much water, food, and salt to replenish after arriving at Howling City, which goods should be delivered first tomorrow, and which goods can be later. Basically nothing matters, and she can be seen as the core of this caravan. Eden himself is just a powerful warrior of Kong Wu.

A sharp whistle came from the forest to the north.

Eden, who was taking care of the camel, suddenly changed his face and shouted: “Dickson follow me! Fra, Nordeck, Mark, Vinson…you stay to take care of others!…”

The Yalong who had been lazily wiping the handle suddenly stood up, and like a cheetah, he rushed into the woods with Eden. The other caravan guards also spread out alertly, allowing others to gather behind the car array. Eden’s The daughter’s expression was a bit worried, but she quickly ordered others to hide behind the van.

About ten minutes later, the figures of Eden and others appeared.

The first person who went out to investigate had a wound. The Yalong was covered with blood all over him, but it was all others. He carried a corpse in his hand and threw it on the ground like a toy.

A Northlander, a Yalong.

The Yaron named Dickson threw the body on the ground and spit at the body of the Yalong robber on the ground: “Bah! Robber!”

His expression was disdainful, and he seemed to have no interest in robbers, even if he was of the same race.

The two guys used to help bandage the wound. Eden’s daughter went up and asked a few expressions, but the other caravan guards were much more alert, and they basically stayed away from the knife.

“Resume one night ahead.” Eden wiped the blood from his body and said, “I will leave early tomorrow morning.”

Steven Zhou sat behind a camel to observe all this. He needed to have more understanding of the aborigines in this world, and even imitate them to a certain extent in order to facilitate his dealings with other aborigines. Soon, Stephen Week will begin to prepare to restore some of his strength. This process requires the use of materials such as jewelry, gold, diamonds, etc., and he will definitely need to deal with businessmen in the future. Following the caravan, on the one hand, he did not know where Rinfeng City was. On the other hand, he also collected more intelligence. On the other hand, he hoarded wealth in the hands of the aborigines, and then used the wealth in exchange for more rare materials.

No real wizards have been encountered yet.

Steven Zhou initially judged that this world is a low-magic civilization. Most of the intelligent races rely on talent, blood, and physical strength to fight, which may be related to the large-scale [element tides] that have not erupted in this world. To date, the most dangerous encounter target is the priest of the shamanism voodoo group of the giants. In terms of physical fitness, the aborigines of this world completely crushed the other worlds that Stephen visited in the week. The strength of Eden is still unclear, but the Yalong is at least a warrior with a professional level of 12 or higher, and is placed in other indigenous civilizations. Already belongs to the little BOSS.

Contact Ms. Bi Chi, who first met. There should be many legendary professionals in the world.

Overnight calm.

The caravan set off very early the next day, and arrived at Rinfeng City at about three o’clock in the afternoon.

A short contact for more than a day was not enough for Stephen to have a lot of friendship with this caravan. He just greeted Eden’s daughter before leaving. The other people went to the place and ran their things. The traveling merchants who were running single orders were busy with their goods. Eden also hurried to visit the target of the transaction. Basically, everyone was very busy.

Rinfeng City is a large city with a population of nearly one hundred thousand, and there are hundreds of towns and villages nearby to provide support.

Basically, it is difficult for indigenous civilizations to have large cities with hundreds of thousands or even millions of people if they do not transport them by sea. The nobles here are local tyrants, because Rinfeng City is rich in mineral resources, and the minerals here belong to the noble class. The Normans loved the use of slaves, and there were thousands of slave prisoners in the mining area of ​​Howling City.

The city stands against the mountain, the wall is 15 meters high, and it has been established for more than three hundred years. The ruler is the Earl of Keaton, a typical Norman aristocrat. It is old-fashioned, mean, conservative, and severely discriminates against other races.

The architectural style of Howling City is biased towards the Romanesque, giving a strong and solemn feeling. The road is a smooth bluestone road, with flowers and trees on both sides, a fountain in the central square, and marble sculptures of more than ten meters high on both sides. The exquisite domed houses stand tall and look like small villas with private gardens. Only Norman nobles are allowed to live here. They are separated from the outer city by a low wall and the inner city river. The guards of this city are almost all plate armor, tall and tall, and a silver-white knight. The Normans have profound metallurgical skills, and they can see the inner pride and pride from their treatment of other races.

After walking so many places, Stephen Zhou also had to admit that the Normans did have the confidence to be proud of the indigenous civilization.

Their city is clean and tidy, with complete sewers and elevated channels. The architectural style is magnificent. The Normans love marble architecture very much. Many magnificent buildings are built entirely in marble.

This city has the heritage of ancient civilization, majestic and magnificent, representing the wisdom of the Normans.

But like all ancient civilizations, the outside of the city is almost a mess. Dirty and messy dirt roads, slums built in vain, prosperous trade make caravans everywhere in the outer city, and all kinds of mules, llamas and beasts are all over. The smell of animal feces is almost everywhere, and the smell of mixed foul smelling ditch makes people want to die. The Normans can only maintain cleanliness by restricting the entry of livestock into the city, and at the same time built a separation wall outside the slum area to maintain the decentness of the city with an invisible sight. Almost all Norman nobles have Not close to the slum area.

This city severely discriminates against races other than humans. Basically, if you want to enter the city, Yarons, half-elves, and half-breeds are subject to strict investigation. UU reading books

But if you look like a Norman, then entering the city guards does not even ask.

Although it is only a short contact, Stephen Week can feel that the Normans have a greater sense of pride and cohesion than other races. If history is to build an empire on this land, then there is no doubt that this empire will be a promise. The Mann was established.

They have conquered Dragon City, Beifeng County and Alain Tir, and although they discriminated against other races, they still accepted alien intelligent creatures.


is just everything you see on this journey, Stephen Zhou has already felt that the rise of the Normans in the northern border is unstoppable!

But all this has nothing to do with him. What he has to do now is to dig the corner of the Normans. Howling City has very rich mineral resources, and the mining difficulty is much lower than other places and the rich ores and reserves are high. There are more than ten ore veins of various sizes, rich in iron ore, copper and silver. These veins are firmly controlled by the Norman nobles to provide funds for their growth.

Steven week to do is to steal the mine.

This is not the first time he has done this kind of thing. The resources required for alchemy are very large, and the accumulation of original funds must be through some unconventional means.

The first step he needs to do is to survey the veins.

The Normans guarded the silver mine with heavy soldiers, where gold was also associated. Earl Keaton valued this vein very much. In addition, other mineral veins are much looser. All mineral veins extend from the main vein. This land is extremely rich in minerals.

Steven Week is now going to build an underground security base.

Then, he would dig a tunnel directly to the silver mine. At present, what he lacks most is gold. He must carefully mine the gold mine under the eyes of the Normans.

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