Super Floating City

Chapter 2: Digging Master

   There are many unknown mushrooms in the dense primary forest.

Unfortunately, Stephen Zhou’s strength has plummeted, and he dare not dare to die and try to eat it. In the deepest part of the virgin forest, occasionally some huge and dull sounds came. Hearing him be careful that the liver was thumping, he was sure that there were absolutely super-sized carnivorous beasts in it. The risk factor could not be determined, but it could be at least 3.0. Degree. (Remarks: The hazard factor of Geodragon is 1.5.)

“What monster did this leave?”

Stephen Zhou didn’t go far into the forest, so he saw some huge footprints on the ground.

Eighty centimeters in diameter.

Light front and back weight, larger footprints on the hind limbs, and deeper traces left. It can be preliminarily judged that the center of gravity is on the hind limbs when the target is active. These footprints have been left for some time, and it can be determined that this is not its active area, but it has come to the periphery of the forest for some reason.

A strong wind hit.

While Stephen Zhou was observing the huge footprints in front of him, a black shadow suddenly rushed from the jungle.


Steven Zhou turned around a little embarrassedly, but a sudden pain still struck, leaving a **** claw mark on his back.

“Large cats?”



A quick glance at Stephen Chow did not see the target, but when the target hit again, he finally could see clearly what creature attacked him.


A huge lynx with a body length of 2.7 meters, standing close to 1 meter, and weighing about 270 kilograms. It has an amber pupil and looks like a fierce tiger. What is even more disturbing to Stephen Zhou is that this lynx It actually has two tails.


Although it is a cat meow, but the voice is very low and full of danger.

The bobcat in front of him threw it again without a hit. Stephen Chow did not avoid it this time, but knelt down on his back as soon as the enemy threw it, and waved the wooden pickaxe in his hand, accompanied by a touch of light. Jin Guang, the wooden draft in his hand became like silver-white metal in the blink of an eye, followed by a scream of sorrow, the lynx slammed directly over Stephen, the wooden draft ripped it out of the blood from head to toe He drenched it all over. This shocking injury was not enough for the Erwei Bobcat to die immediately. After landing, he just walked five or six steps and then fell to the ground. He twitched dyingly for a while before finally swallowing.

“Sure enough!”

“The high oxygen content has led to a huge animal in this world! A lynx is actually as big as a tiger! Are these two tails mutants?”

Stephen passed a few sips of blood to replenish his strength and salt, and then he fought the giant lynx in front of him, and ran towards the forest without looking back. The beasts are sensitive to **** smells, some of them can be smelled tens of kilometers away. He must leave this place and deal with it quickly to avoid attracting other fierce beasts.

Alchemists are not good at fighting, but generally have good physical fitness.

Especially Stephen Zhou, an alchemist who is highly specialized in mining, may be stronger in physical fitness and endurance than many warriors.


He returned to the temporary base, and the **** smell attracted some predators, but they did not leave the forest, and returned near the edge.

There is a unique biological chain here.

Many beasts seem to be distributed within a certain range according to a certain rule.


Stephen Zhou placed the huge bobcat on the workbench, and in a blink of an eye, he completed the skinning and splitting. His hands seemed to have a strange magical power, but he just rubbed it to complete the leather production, and then he pulled off the hair of the bobcat and twisted it with his fingers. After twisting and twisting into a complete thin thread, I then selected a slender bone perforation to make a needle. About ten minutes later, I cut and made a simple leather leather pants.

“Finally, there are clothes to wear and no need to walk the birds.”

Perimeter Stephen breathed out, and then said with a bitter face: “The next time it must be made according to the conventional method, otherwise the remaining strength will be used up quickly.”

As the most amazing branch of alchemist, Steven Zhou’s strength is obtained from work.

In the work of planting, mining, forging, alchemy, etc., he can quickly extract the elements of nature to supplement the magic power he consumes and store it in his body. This efficiency is much higher than that of ordinary alchemists, and it is also the capital of his legendary alchemist at a young age. Deduced according to his past data, his strength was close to the limit of mortal in the peak period. But at that time, because he could not break through the bottleneck, he simply reduced his strength and made a semi-artifact with soul enchantment, and placed the research target on a creature named [Sin], trying to break through the mortal. The upper limit of the bottleneck. But I didn’t expect that the plan had a little accident and was punished at the beginning. Not only did he commit punishment for blame, but he was also sentenced to permanent imprisonment.

Steven Zhou doesn’t like fighting, because fighting consumes too much magic power.

In his opinion, the magic should be saved in peacetime, and then wait until the upper limit is filled to break through the bottleneck and upgrade. The magic power that Stephen Zhou’s body can store is tens of times to hundreds of times that of ordinary wizards, but the cost of fighting is also multiplied. Often, he needs to farm a long time to recover from a large-scale battle. The upper limit of the magic power is too high. It’s very slow. It’s really too much to affect the speed of the upgrade.

He is an academic research alchemist, not a combat maniac who likes to fight.

The core principle of    alchemy is ‘equivalent exchange’.

Even if it doesn’t seem to be equivalent, it has to be “equivalent” to some extent. It’s like a kilogram of gold and a kilogram of brass. Anyway, believe it or not, top alchemists believe them Is equivalent.

Anyone who understands this has the talent to become an alchemist!

Most of Stephen’s power was exhausted in the chaotic flow of time and space, and there is only one power available at present-[Change Material] (Form).

A handful of lynx hair.

You turned it into a ten-meter-long line, but it is essentially a bobcat hair, but it is a little outrageous. (It has not turned into cotton thread.)

To put it plainly, the ability that Stephen Zhou can use now is as simple as that.

When he can turn brass into gold, it is really a restoration of the past strength.

Serious words.

All the abilities that Stephen Chou shows now can only be regarded as apprentice-level ‘trick’ in the alchemist. Of course, this standard cannot be imposed on other indigenous civilizations, because alchemists who can do this are already very powerful in indigenous civilizations. And there is no one else who can use the tricks so fascinatingly except Stephen Week.

Earth and earth are the biggest, and the biggest meal.

Although the shuttle in the chaotic flow of time and space is close to the internal time, but Stephen Chow has been hungry for so long.

He is an open-minded person.

About how long the time in the space and time has passed, he is still not in the original galaxy, or even in the original universe, because he can’t even do anything. At first, the Arcane Empire passed through the chaotic flow of time and space before reaching the universe he was in.

Fire is very simple.

Stephen Zhou raised a bonfire at any time, and then used a wooden stick to wear a bobcat meat rack and grilled on it. He is a person who is very particular about life. Although most alchemists are very homey, they are enjoying life. Is a first-class player. Today, there is no oil, salt, sauce and vinegar seasoning, and the bobcat’s meat still has a fishy smell, even if it is hungry, it is unpleasant to eat. Stephen Chow can only make up his stomach first, and then find ways to improve his life. I don’t know the situation in this world yet, but even a legendary alchemist can build a paradise even on the death star. If he can’t do it, he will dig a mine for more than ten years and build a floating city.

The big deal is to start over again!

Since the underground has been dug, Stephen Zhou naturally moved the position to a safe place. He packed the bobcat’s meat and packed it up. Then he went up the stairs and reached the underground.

“I need an ignition handle.”

Stephen put the workbench, strengthened the surrounding walls with alchemy, and then took out the wooden pickaxe to start digging stones.

This process is much slower.

The stone is much stronger than other things. Stephen’s tools are not good. It takes more than fifty times to dig out a one cubic meter stone, and the wooden pick picks up very quickly. Because of the ability to ‘change the physical form’, the dug out stone is still a complete piece, as if cut out with top-level machinery, Stephen Zhou first collected a batch of stones, and then moved to the workbench for production.

Stone Age!

Anyway, is he fed up with these wood tools, or upgrade to the Stone Age first?

Making stone tools consumes more power, but fortunately it is only to change the basic shape of the substance, not to change the inner essence. Steven Zhou can still bear it now. Most of his early alchemists’ accumulated power depends on farming, because farming is the way to consume the least and collect the most energy. The alchemists of the Stephen family are very cautious about enchanting, because the top-level soul enchantment will temporarily reduce their strength level. UU reading www. (The upper limit of the level remains unchanged.)

“It would be nice if there was an iron puppet.”

Stephen Zhou polished the stone tools while sighing: “Let the iron puppet be responsible for the basic work, and you only need to complete the most critical steps.”


“Where should I find some iron ore?”

Stephen Zhou, who had just upgraded to the Stone Age, is full of longing for the Iron Age, but at present he is blind to the world and he dare not run around. A bobcat can injure him, and he will die when he meets other beasts. He needs a lot of gold to reactivate the alchemy score on his body.

time flies.

After making the stone tools, Stephen looked at the wound on his back and healed almost.

Alchemists have their own unique ways of understanding.

For example, the wound on his body first scratched the skin, right? Then there was a lot of blood, right? Then the meat was cut apart, right?


He has just eaten a lot of bobcat meat, and has supplemented himself with the nutrients needed to repair these wounds, so now that the nutrition to repair the wounds is satisfied, then the natural wounds should heal quickly, right?


The above are actually nonsense. As a legendary alchemist, Steven Zhou’s body is also one of the pinnacles of alchemy.

wow la la.

As a blood cocoon was peeled off, Stephen Zhou’s back was smooth and new, and no scars were visible at all. He moved his body and then picked up the stone pickaxe to start his mining business.

Stone is the foundation of architecture.

Since there is no way to obtain iron ore, you can only hoard a little stone first.


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