Super Floating City

Chapter 33: Evil spirit two

  Stephen stared at him frowning, and it was obvious that the big housekeeper had concealed nothing.

What caused the death of Miss Tinax, he did not make it clear, and Stephen vaguely felt a hint of danger.

A breath similar to [evil thing]!

He glanced at the housekeeper’s residence, as if thinking of something, he reached over and grabbed the Countess Ilya next to him, and whispered: “I will leave here today. It is not safe here.”

Aboriginal wizards of this world like to refine strange potions to enhance their strength.

Some of the materials used to make these potions appear to Stephen to be activated monsters at all. For example, the screaming mushroom recorded in the magic book can move, talk, have a human face, and emit sound waves that are deadly to mortals. Tinaco The reason for the death of Miss Si is probably because of exposure to similar things!

——”Psionic Eye!”

Stephen quietly cast a spell, and everything in front of him suddenly became gray, and Miss Tinax’s body exuded a strange black mist. The housekeeper’s residence was the most eye-catching, and one could be seen. The twisted black shadow was wrapped around a humanoid plant, the whole manor was shrouded in a thin gray mist, and everyone, including himself, was covered with a trace of gray evil. The most serious of them is the big housekeeper himself. Stephen actually saw a strange woman smile face made of black mist behind him. This face is vaguely similar to Miss Tinax, but the smile is really people. Seeping panic.

This is a ghost!

While Stephen Week saw her, she also saw Stephen Week. With a weird chuckle, she stared at Stephen while licking the big butler’s neck…

As Stephen canceled the [Psionic Eye], the fog in front of him gradually dissipated. This is a special spell that allows people to temporarily see things outside the real world. The big housekeeper found out that Stephen stared at him straightly. His eyes made him very uneasy, and inexplicably felt that the cold and numbness on the back of the neck was all cold sweat. He was just a wizard apprentice, and he could not observe evil spirits like Steven, but he knew that Stephen had guessed something, but he finally decided to grind his teeth to hide it for what he wanted.

The actual age of the big housekeeper is close to one hundred years old, which is almost for humans to enter the grave.

He has been cultivating an evil demonized plant, which can absorb the vitality of human beings, and when it is used as a material to refine potions, the final product can permanently increase the lifespan of a person!

Now, the demonized plant he cultivated seems to be almost out of control.

In the arcane academy, alchemy is a required course for wizards, and the concept of alchemy in this world is relatively general. Instead of alchemy, it becomes a required course for aboriginal wizards-[Magic]!

Unlike Stephen’s alchemy potions that temporarily increase their strength, the potions of this world are even stranger and more powerful. It uses many strange plants and animals, uses incredible and mysterious methods to cultivate materials, and even refers evils as medicines to potions. Make. The potions made by these methods are terrible and very powerful. Some of them can permanently increase their strength, some can permanently improve their physique, and even directly increase the spiritual power of the wizard. Of course, the wizards have to pay a price for taking these potions. Some potions will damage their physical fitness, some potions may leave permanent hidden dangers, and more importantly, the aboriginal wizards in this world do not know Taking potions can cause energy radiation, and it seems to Stephen Chow that they all have a trace of evil.

Generally speaking, the more abominable spirits are wrapped around the aboriginal sorcerer who takes more potions, the more serious one may become the same as the demon witch incarnate evil!

The potions recorded in the magic book obtained by Stephen almost all have the conditions for taking them. If the conditions are not met, the users may die on the spot, or they may be transformed into monsters by the potions. For example, the shrieking medicament recorded above, if the user fails to meet the conditions, will itself transform into a huge human-shaped meat mushroom (monster form) in severe pain.

Stephen took the Countess Eliya back into the room.

The final level of evil spirit creatures is level 10 or higher. The spirit system is immune to physical damage. It is very deadly to ordinary people. It is obvious that evil spirits are already forming in this manor.

The current level of Stephen’s alchemist is 5, which means that without using the hole card (rune alchemy), it is not necessarily an opponent of this evil spirit. Although he is not afraid of evil spirits, ordinary people like Countess Elijah are a dead word once they come in contact. Although the evil spirit is now wrapped around the big housekeeper, a third-level wizard apprentice can not bear it for long. After the evil spirit is completely formed, he must be the first to bite back. Everyone in the whole manor was contaminated with evil thoughts. After the evil spirits were formed, they would kill them one by one. Miss Tinax was only the first victim.

“Take things away from here.” Stephen entered the room and said in a deep voice: “Go back to the underground base first, and send you back to the ruling wind city handover territory the day after tomorrow.”

Since the big housekeeper refused to say anything, he was too lazy to go about his business.

Most monsters and evil things have the characteristics of “Bound Spirit” and “Soul Eater”. The evil spirits born here are attached to a strange plant, which means that the scope of its activities is limited to the vicinity of the manor. As long as he left here, he would be able to protect the Countess of Elijah from being Otherwise, the body of the evil spirit is not in this world, and he may not be aware of when he suddenly appears to kill.


Stephen had just left his front foot, and the big housekeeper returned to his residence anxiously.

Miss Tinax’s accidental death made him wonder how to explain to Old Earl Sutton. Stephen had just pointed out the reason for Miss Tinax’s death, and he giggled in his heart, guessing that it was because of him Up.


When the big housekeeper entered the residence, he pushed open a heavy wooden door. The decoration in his room was very simple. The most striking thing was a deep red mud in the center. The mud came from the other side of the strait. Mystery. There are lines of magic circle around the mud, and an unremarkable plant can be seen on it. A small red flower, three leaves, a slender root, it looks no different from the wildflowers and weeds on the side of the road, but when the big housekeeper came over, everything suddenly became dazzling, only to see the eyes The plant suddenly pulled itself out of the ground. The rhizomes beneath it looked like babies the size of a fist, with hands and feet, and the facial expression contours were very human-like. The entire rhizome was bright red, as if sucking up human blood. It panicked around the red earth in a panic, making a whimpering chirp in his mouth.

——【Scarlet Mandala】!

A demonized plant that draws the power of resentment and resentment. It needs fresh corpses or even living people to support it. It will absorb the vitality of living people. Every mature root will be bright red, and eventually its roots will become bloodlike. Same bright red. “Scarlet Blood Agent” extracted from it can permanently increase a person’s life span for nearly a hundred years, almost equivalent to having a new life!


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