Super Floating City

Chapter 35: Evil spirit four

  A world dominated by trickery can happen.

Sorcerers of the scheming school were exiled before the Thorium Age. Although the wizarding civilization of that period was no match for the Arcane Empire, there are also many floating cities exploring how far the universe is. But now look at the aboriginal civilization in front of Stephen, which is at most the level of the medieval period. It can be said that the progress of civilization is very serious. This must be caused by something terrible. The situation on the other side of the strait is not yet known, but the complete separation of wizards and ordinary people is itself a deformed feature of civilization. In the Supreme Arcane Council, the floating city roaming in the universe is set aside, it is just the planet ruled by the Arcanists, the actions of the wizards are closely related to the lives of ordinary people, especially [High Elemental Fission] and [High Demon Able to transform] After the research is completed, the wizard’s achievements change the progress of civilization all the time, and at the same time make the daily life of ordinary people change with each passing day.

Especially the development of [Magic Power Armor], it allows ordinary people to join the war against Zerg.

Although the Supreme Arcane Council avoided the war with the gods through the chaos of time and space, they also encountered more terrible enemies in the new universe, that is, there is a great connection with the Abyss Zerg and Fermi Ants. Zerg species.

They are the biggest enemy of the highest Arcane Council!

Zergs have a strong physical body, Zerg mothers also possess psionic power, and the risk is higher than that of the abyss Zerg prince.

Their social structure is similar to that of the Fermi ant clan. The most powerful mother body may be more dangerous than the gods. The highest arcane parliament began from encountering them on the edge of the void, and the battle has continued for nearly 800 years. The origin of the Zerg is unknown, but they retain many of the characteristics of the Abyssal Zerg. Within the Parliament, it is believed that the Zerg lineage has penetrated into the multiverse, and that their mothers have the ability to cross the space barrier.


After solving the matter of Earl Keaton, Stephen’s energy began to shift to the development of the Mithril Mine.

With a companion Mithril Mine, Stephen has been able to make a leap forward, turning the construction of an “underground temporary refuge” into the development of a “basic wizard tower”.

The sorcerer tower is a large integrated strategic defense research fortification. A qualified sorcerer tower must be able to withstand at least intercontinental missile-level attacks, at the same time have a stable magic energy supply, a small fan lock protection energy field, ultra long-range strike device, Built-in Golem Legion, as well as the tower spirit configuration commander and so on.

At present, Stephen can’t do any of this, because he has no expensive materials to make these devices.

Steven can build only a basic wizard tower now, the protection is all based on the placement of spell traps, and the long-range strike basically depends on his own spells. There is no one in the Golem Legion now.

As for the main material for constructing the wizard tower, it is currently prepared to use the relatively weak but convenient ‘cement’.

An ideal wizard tower should use obsidian as the main construction material, which not only has good magical properties, but also cooperates with the operation of the lock protection field. Stephen has not yet discovered obsidian, and today’s strength cannot use alchemy to continuously convert magma into obsidian, so everything can only be done first.

Preliminary calculation.

Steven plans to build a wizard tower with a height of 35 meters and an area of ​​800 square meters near the Mithril Associated Mine.

The main body of the wizard tower uses rock and cement. It is expected to require a lot of labor. The material cost is estimated to be more than 100,000 gold coins. The duration of the project is set to one and a half months. Of course, it is mainly the case of Stephen.

Apart from him, no one could build a wizard tower in a month and a half.


Jinxi Manor.

On the next day Stephen Stephen left the Countess Eliya, the second victim appeared again in the manor.

This time the victim was not a woman, but a manor guard. He was found dead in the back garden in the early morning. His body was cold and stiff, his lips were purple and his expression was terrified. The deceased was the **** responsible for the vigil last night. The servants of the Knights of Tiente have been trained as knights since the age of twelve. But such a reserve knight was killed without knowing it. When the Bernard steward heard the news, the panic had spread irresistibly in the manor. Many servants felt uneasy and were responsible for guarding the manor. The guards were also a commotion.

The Butler butler hurried people to clean up the body, and then called in a young guard.

Yesterday he stayed in his room all night, just to prevent the **** mandala from harming people again, but the accident finally happened. He can be sure that the **** mandala never left his room.

This means that something else has killed the guard!

“You patrolled with him yesterday, right?” Bernard’s housekeeper’s eyes were bloodshot and his voice was hoarse.

The young guard looked uneasy and stuttered: “Yes… yes.”

The big housekeeper breathed a bit harder and said seriously: “Tell me! What happened yesterday?”

The guard’s expression was a little frightened. After a while, he whispered: “We patrolled together Then he said he was going to urinate, we… I don’t remember…”

“No!” Bernard Butler stood up angrily and said with a deep voice: “What do you absolutely know? Hurry!”

The young guard stood up in shock and panicked: “I said!…I saw it with Ham yesterday…I saw Miss Tinax…she…she was wearing a white dress… …Walking in the back garden…”

A gust of wind blew past.

The candlelight swayed in the room. Not only did the Bernard housekeeper feel cold, the two middle-aged knights beside him also changed their faces.

The guard continued to stammer: “I… I was terrified…”

Miss Tinax is dead.

This incident quickly spread throughout the manor, but they actually saw Miss Tinax walking in the back garden at night.

Isn’t this a ghost?

Everyone felt a trace of fear for a time, and Bernard’s housekeeper was also pale, and seemed to be very uneasy about what kind of expression he thought of.

The guard continued to stammer: “I’m terrified… I want to leave… But Ham…Ham insists to follow the past…he has always been in love with Miss Tinax…many people Everyone knows…I dare not go…frightened to go back to the room…then…then the next morning someone found him dead in the back garden…”

is not a **** mandala killing.

It was something more terrifying that was killing. Bernard’s housekeeper finally knew why Stephen had rushed away.

The problem is more serious than he thought. There is something terrible parasitic on the **** mandala, and it has gradually formed. It is killing the souls of the manor to gain strength.

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