Super Floating City

Chapter 37: Allocation two

   A mansion with a large area appeared in front of me.

This is the mansion of Earl Norrington in the Howling City, covering an area of ​​about 3500 square meters, with dozens of rooms, two back gardens, a swimming pool, a pond and so on. The Normans loved the construction of marble. The main body of the whole mansion was a marble structure, with an elevated water channel, a flower garden, a grape rack, a pavilion in the front yard, a warehouse, a wine cellar, a basement in the back yard, and a small house in the back garden on the left. Inside the basement is a small interrogation room. There were not many people in the whole mansion. The original servants were either dead or fled in the chaos.

After the death of Earl Keaton, a few faithful servants returned, but there were only seven or eight people, all of whom had served the Norrington family since childhood.

When the Countess Eliya was in trouble, the loyal knight guards were almost dead. The only thing still alive is Witt, the nephew of Highland Knight Lanster, a knight who was only 16 years old. He survived the melee and hid in the burrow, but one of his arms was abandoned and fell down softly. The injury was a comminuted fracture. The current guard was a team sent by the old Earl of Sutton, and the servants were transferred from other places. There are still blood stains in the whole mansion. The flowers in the back garden are very conspicuous, and there is a faint smell of blood.

Earl Keaton took it here and simply cleaned it up. Most of the valuables were transported away.

“Mrs. Eliya!”

The servants who rushed back spontaneously saw the countess of Eliya crying, and everything that happened not long ago was not only the nightmare of Madame Ilya, but also a terrible disaster for these servants.

A middle-aged deacon from Sutton Manor nodded slightly towards Mrs. Eliya, and then began to arrange for the house to be cleaned manually. A bucket of fresh water washed the ground, and it was still washed three times and can still be seen A trace of blood. Since returning to here, Mrs. Eliya’s expression has been quite sad, but she still insists on arranging things. Now although everything is taken back, but many places are still blank, there are Stephen who can still control other things. Noble, but if Stephen leaves one day, she must ensure that these powers and wealth are in her own hands.

“First clean a clean room for His Excellency Stephen.”

Countess Eliya bit her lips, waved a middle-aged maid to take care of her daughter Fran, and then commanded: “Clean up the house on the south side, and put the new furniture first.”

The entire cellar was smashed. It can be seen that the old Earl of Sutton attaches great importance to Stephen. Some people are paying attention to the situation here, and some food and wine are delivered before evening. It will take about a day or two to completely clean up the mansion, but in the evening, where the pedestrians already have a place to live, the Countess Eliya promoted some qualified servants as servants, and then recruited some life from the slums. Clean young girl. The guards are basically helpless. The mercenaries are not reliable. The reliable knight guards of the Norrington family are dead. All this has to take place slowly.

Stephen didn’t care much about everything outside.

Before returning, he went to the library of Howling City to borrow some books, mainly in history, astrology and geography.

Normans migrated to this land in less than eight hundred years. The reason for their migration is vaguely stated in the book, but some supernatural events can be sure. Most of the history has recorded the expansion and rise of the Normans. In just a hundred or two hundred years, they have changed from barbarians on the icefield to civilized races with superb smelting and construction techniques. The history recorded in the books is incomplete, basically all praising merits, and even the large pieces of ruins that Stephen saw after entering the civilization zone are not recorded in detail. The terrible’mark of death’ is definitely left by monsters above the legend. . But the book simply records that the herds from the wilderness attacked the southern region, forcing the Normans to abandon large areas of land to move.

Geographical books only specifically recorded in the South Valley Wind Valley, and mentioned that there are large areas of land on the other side of the strait.

The real key is the astrological aspect. More than 90% of them are nonsense, but what Stephen really cares about is the record of ‘Xianyue’. In the Norman’s mouth, the night of the moon is called the “blood moon”, which represents disaster and evil. Before entering the civilization, their priests will hold a grand sacrifice ceremony, but now they are only sending heavy soldiers to block the border. The arrival of the blood moon will make the beasts in the wilderness irritable, and occasionally there will be attacks on the village, but the massive beast tide only occurs once every ten years. There is a vague reference to the wizard in the book, alluding to a wizard dispelling the herd when the blood moon comes.

But Stephen didn’t believe it, because there were some mutant beasts in the wilderness that he couldn’t beat. From the mouth of the Countess Elijah, he learned that there are indeed many wizards stationed elsewhere in this continent. According to his guess, someone should arrange a very large protective circle on this land, some low-level The wizard is stationed here, and the magic circle is activated whenever the blood moon comes. This magic circle will offset the energy field of the blood moon and automatically dispel the restless beast. Some important things are also recorded in the books. [Blood Moon] originally appeared once every three years, but later became biennial, then every year, and almost twice every year in the last 60 years.

Once is a crescent moon and once is a full moon.

It is a pity.

There are no specific records about Xuanyue in these books, and even no one on Xianyue survives.

“I always feel that the energy field of this world is a bit wrong!”

Stephen’s gaze looked at the three moons outside the window. The purple ring crossed the sky and the stars were under the night sky. The starry sky looked very magnificent and gorgeous, but I don’t know why he was uneasy every time he saw the three moons. It’s like the heart palpitations when faced with the but it is a little stronger than this.

He believes in his intuition that there must be a problem in this world!


Inside the study.

After a busy day, the tired Countess Eliya came to the packed study, she spread out the paper and pen for a moment, and then began to write to the south.

Norrington family members are almost completely exhausted, the only survivor is her daughter Furan. The Countess Elijah did not believe in the children of her side, and even the knights who were loyal to his husband were equally at ease. She desperately needed a little help from the South.

She now controls everything in the Norrington family.

Based on the land she has received now, she can provide at least twenty knights’ enclosures, three or more tax officers, the mayor of a large town, the big housekeeper of two estates, etc. These positions require some trust. Candidates, and there are some talented candidates in her family who were born poorly. The Countess Elijah tried her best to remember which cousins ​​in her memory were talented and reliable. At the same time, she wrote another letter to the Southern Highlands. She remembered that Lanster also had a daughter who studied at High Tower College. The knight died in order to cover her escape, and his descendants were eligible for a fief.

Lanster’s nephew was too badly injured, and if he couldn’t recover, he could only arrange him to be a patrol leader in the town.

Countess Eliya gently pressed her temples to think about what else she had to arrange. Suddenly taking over the complicated things made her a little overwhelmed, but she was a clever aristocratic woman after all, and soon she had dealt with things Experienced.

(PS: Thanks to the confidant of the book friend [glasses that can draw]. The name looks like a cute boy…→_→)

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