Super Floating City

Chapter 60: Banshee Six

   Miss Tinax followed behind a little uncomfortably.

Compared to whether she is dead or alive, she is more concerned about whether she will become a terrible monster, but she is not good to ask. But she was obviously over-considered, and even if Stephen had a wonderful aesthetic, she would not like to leave a terrifying monster around him to serve herself.

This trip to Howling City Steven brought back a lot of things.

But compared with Miss Tinax’s changes, the progress of the Countess Elijah’s transformation really disappointed him.

no doubt!

Countess Elijah’s dragon vein warlock bloodline qualifications are very poor, because in the case that the dragon wing bone has grown for so long, she has not even obtained the most basic “dragon power”.

Stephen was disappointed.

The current strength of the Countess Elijah is a little stronger than that of ordinary women. I am afraid that even a militia can’t compare with it, and she hasn’t even met the condition of [Dragon Power] awakening. This means that the blood veins of her own dragon vein warlock are very thin, but she was awakened because of Stephen’s reasons, and her own potential is not enough to meet the transformation standard. In contrast, Miss Furan’s transformation is perfect. She has learned a lot of common words, and at the same time, there is already electrical energy in her body, and Stephen also feels a breath of storm. This is a very powerful warlock talent.

High-level spirits have already been sold, and the market has been opened in the cold northland.

Steven brought back a lot of alcohol this time, and also sent a batch of finished glassware to Howling City. Most of the time used in this era is pottery, glass is also a category of luxury goods, it can not only be sold in the north, but also shipped to the south. The Countess Elijah proposed the idea of ​​establishing a caravan, but the North-South trade crisis is so heavy that it is not likely that the veteran will lose all money. Stephen is more inclined to directly control the original caravan. At least they are familiar with the rules in various places, and they also know the suitable trade routes.

Steven’s Wizard Tower is like a monster that devours metal.

This year, one-third of the metal and steel in Howling City was sent here, and many caravans had to ship a batch of spirits to sell because they could not obtain steel.



Steven is carving a complex rune array in a corner of the element pool. The shape of a wizard tower is easy to build, but the internal structure requires a lot of energy.

He is transmitting the energy of the elemental plane of fire.

Four major elemental planes inside the water, wind and fire, the elemental plane of fire is the most dangerous and the most unfriendly to the plane of life. There are seas of fire everywhere, and the terrible heat will turn mortals into ashes as soon as they enter. Only the fire elemental plane of the four elemental planes is the starting challenge level legend, which is much more terrifying than the abyss hell. What is even more troublesome is that the fire elemental plane is chaotic, evil, and war is endless. The elemental lords with names are one after the other. Any elemental lord with a name is above the semi-god level, and the fighting power is enough to hang a lot. Weak little god.

No one can explore how big the elemental planes are, because their borders are endless and endless, each independent fire elemental space has different characteristics, some are spread over the sea of ​​magma, some are only burning air and the sea of ​​fire, Some are composed of ash flame fragments. The ocean on the plane of the fire element will float, and the endless sea of ​​fire will surge in the plane with the air flow. Occasionally, a violent element explosion will produce a flare. To some extent, the characteristics of the fire element plane are very close to the sun. Arcanists believe that the birth of all stars is initially drawn from the plane of the fire element.

Steven doesn’t know much about this type of academic research. He used to live on the sun for a few years. To a certain extent, the sun is much more friendly than the fire element plane, at least there are not so many hostile fire giants.

“All right.”

With the last rune completed, Stephen clapped his palm and stood up. He is currently unable to enter the plane of the fire element, not to mention the [inner fire element] plane, even if it is the [surface fire element] plane. The high temperature was enough to burn him to ashes. The surface and inner layers of the element plane are not easy to explain. Using the analysis data of the soil element plane, the outermost gravity coefficient of the soil element plane is 2-5, which is 2-5 times the gravity of the earth. Then enter the surface space from the outermost layer, the gravity coefficient of the soil element plane will reach about 5-20 times, and then continue to deepen from the surface space, the gravity coefficient will reach 20-200 times, then 200-500 times, then 500 -1000 times and so on.

So far, the limit of the highest Arcane Council exploration is 15,000 times the gravity map.

Under this level of gravity, the Arcanists can only go with the spirit body, and the spirit form is severely disturbed by gravity.

The plane of the earth element is in the inner space, unknown.

Basically, the four elemental planes are almost the same. In contrast, the most friendly is the wind elemental plane. In addition to being so big that there are no boundaries at all, the wind is everywhere. In addition, many alchemists’ spells and rituals for transforming material forms require the power of the elemental plane, and some even need to sign contracts with strange creatures on the elemental plane. The communication of the earth element plane is the most common at this point, because the special plane nature of the earth element plane has all the metals, gems, minerals, etc. that people can know and think of.

The temperature of the surface layer of the elemental plane of fire is similar to that of the surface of the sun. What Stephen has to do now is to extract one of the most commonly used flames by wizards [Elemental The name is just a codename, if you call it[ [Sun Fire] No problem at all.

Stephen’s most commonly used fires are three.

The first kind is psionic fire, the second kind is elemental fire, and the third kind is negative energy fire.

Spiritual fire consumes the most spirit, and negative energy fire is the most dangerous. Basically, it burns everything. I especially like viable fuel. If you are happy to call it “Ghost Fire”, you can also do it. Elemental Fire is the cheapest and most commonly used flame. Steven now arranges the energy rune array of an element forging furnace.

At this point, the devil are masters of playing with fire. They like to use the advantage of [Hell’s Fire] to forge weapons and equipment.

Steven wants to extract a trace of power from the elemental plane of fire to supply the furnace.

The power of the flame greatly affects the characteristics of the furnace, just like the fire of **** is the easiest to forge a evil weapon full of vicious atmosphere. The purity of the elemental fire is also a shortcut to later refine materials such as Mithril and Adamantite, some of which are rare Elemental fire must also be used for the synthesis of metals, and the sand of the astral world cannot be melted with ordinary flames.


Time passes day by day.

Miss Tinax’s changes are becoming more and more obvious. Her long hair has become snow-white, her eyes are like melting bloodstones, and her nails are gradually becoming sharp silver-gray. Fortunately, she didn’t become the monster that she was afraid of. The changes in her appearance are still within her acceptance range. At most, she looks more like a legendary vampire.

Steven is still busy with the construction of the wizard tower.

This situation continued until the Countess Eliya sent someone to send a letter of help, because more than 20 people have been missing in her territory!


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