Super Floating City

v2 Chapter 115 - Death Attendant One

Dark abyss.

In the position of a huge crater, the demon lord sent his huge body slowly out. His body is more burly and stronger than other Balo Flames. The devil’s skin has undergone three special transformations, and his toughness has even exceeded. Dragon skin. Although Pei Meng has a magnificent palace, he spends more time in this volcano, and he will enter the depths of magma every once in a while.

“Damn alien god!” Peimen raised his hand and stroked his chest. There was an amazing wound, but now there was only a shallow scar.

Just three days ago, he was in trouble again.

At the beginning, a death servant suddenly ran out of the turbulent portal of the seal space. Because someone had already ran out in front of him, Peimen sent people to guard near the portal very early.

no doubt.

The alien **** was attacked by elite demon guards, and the battle quickly disturbed the demon lord, Piemon.

But the final result was unpleasant, because the elite demon guards suffered heavy casualties, and even Paimeng itself was severely hit by this strange god, and was almost dismembered by the other party.

Where is this a strange god, almost almost has a godly strength.


“When did Death start to touch the bottomless abyss?”

After luckily escaping from the well of darkness, Pi Meng never thought of returning to the bottomless abyss, because there are too many powerful monsters in that place. Not only are there newly emerging Tanari demons, but also Orbis demons left over from ancient times, and in extremely dangerous places such as the Well of Darkness, many infamous monsters are held, part of the twisted gods , The other part is the distortion that the devil is also afraid of.

“grim Reaper.”

“Strong power!”

“Damn! These gods are really ghosts!” Piemon’s voice was a little annoyed. He was afraid of those gods, knowing that he was not their opponent.

The purpose of the alien **** is to find the daughter of death.

Unsurprisingly, that person should be the weird girl who first caused trouble to Paimeng. It was precisely because of the pursuit of her that Paimeng had a wave with the corrupted brain, and the demon legion under his control suffered serious losses.

“Gods cannot leave the kingdom of God!”

“He can only send his minions to get here at most.” Paimeng comforted himself.

If the death master, Sauron, could arrive here in person, Pi Meng would absolutely not hesitate to run away. Of all the gods, death is definitely the most difficult one to deal with. He has almost no chance of facing a powerful **** of death. In other words, there are not many people in the entire multiverse who dare to say that they can conquer a master **** of death.

Paimeng was injured in that battle, but his opponent was not much better.

After all, the death servants are not true gods, and they can’t take advantage of a demon lord. The strength of the two sides is undoubtedly, and the other party must die in the end. Unfortunately, the enemy ran away at the first sight.

This point is very similar to that difficult girl.

“Master.” A demon guard walked in quickly.

Peimeng was interrupted by his thoughts, frowning and looking at the past, “What is it?”

“Human invaders have been found in the Burning Plains.” The demon guard shuddered with fear: “They are a group of wizards and brought many golem puppets.”



The wizard of the world of Motorola? Damn it! Is the dark abyss invaded by the ancient evil? Do we have to face the invasion of human wizards again?

Peimo covets the soul of the world of Motorola.

Since the discovery of this main material world, he has secretly sent his minions to penetrate into it, even grazing soul worms there. But he was also afraid of the ancient demon near the world of Motorola.

-“Star of Death Sign!”

Even from a distance, Pi Meng can feel the evil and power of the star of death sign, that is the horrible existence he can’t fight!

He longed for souls, more souls, especially human souls.

The Tanari Demon is the third generation of demons born from human souls. Although the Dark Abyss also has other ways to obtain souls, the soul resources are far less abundant than the nightmare.

Peimen has been secretly planning, trying to cut his own part from this cake.

But one thing that never happened.

His actions attracted the attention of the Star of Death Sign, and let the Star of Death Sign find a dark abyss, and then the Corrupted Brain appeared here. The thought of this faction is like crying without tears. The corruption of the dark abyss has a lot to do with his greed.

“How many enemies?” Peimeng said in a deep voice.

The demon guard cautiously said, “I don’t know. But they captured the Flame Devil’s Den in less than a day, and all the sites south of the Burning Plains were occupied by them.”

“A bunch of waste!” Piemon growled.

Damn the wizard!

The aborigines of Motorola World are very powerful! This fact was known very early on because he secretly contacted aboriginal wizards and had his men sign contracts with some black wizards, but the devil didn’t take advantage of the whole process at all. The black wizard controlled slavery. Those dark wizards are definitely the most difficult opponents, they are fierce and brutal and greedy and cunning, and these words are all praise words from the devil’s mouth.

“Calling the army of demons!” Pi Meng pondered for a moment.

The dark abyss is his domain.


He absolutely can’t allow humans to occupy Meng has operated this plane for thousands of years, and finally made this a base camp for demons, he will not give up easily anyway.

Only by letting those human wizards know the terrible demons can they be driven out of the dark abyss!

“Yes.” The demon guard quickly retreated.

at the same time.

On the edge of the Burning Plain, close to the mark of corruption, a small battle has ended.

Wizard Mograine sent someone to clean the battlefield, then crouched down and looked at this kind of evil creature that he had never seen before, holding his chin and saying, “Are these the brain eaters?”

“Come here.”

“Bring all the bodies back.”

The dark abyss not only has demons, but also many evil things.

On the edge of the Corruption Scar, evil creatures will attack any living people close to them, whether they are demons or humans, for them are prey. When they first encountered these brain eaters, the wizards of the Wuhuan Tower were a little flustered, but soon they adapted to this strange enemy and were looking for their weaknesses.

“You go first.” After cleaning the battlefield, Wizard Mograine murmured.

The other wizards began to evacuate.

And when everyone left, Wizard Mograine carefully pulled out a completely sealed cage, a fierce impact sounded, and as the cage was opened, a small dark purple slime monster drilled out.


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