Super Floating City

v2 Chapter 119 - Legion War III



-“Hammer of Chaos!”

The attack from the high-level demons instantly caused casualties in the steel fortress, but the demons had not yet had time to cheer, and suddenly some terrible figures appeared in the enemy’s defense.

A scream that pierced the soul sounded.

With the emergence of the extremely aggressive energy of the Necromancer spell, many demons changed their faces. But all creatures born on the lower planes know one thing, that is, don’t provoke those undead creatures, they are much more difficult to deal with than expected.

-“Higher evokes the undead!”

-“Undead Scourge!”

-“Evil Spirits!”

The Lich from the Soul Tower began to cast spells. Among all the wizarding schools, the Necrotic School has always been the most capable. If it were not for the necromantic school, it would cost too much. Alone. Basically, none of these black wizards are living people. They have either been transformed into witches, or have become half-dead living corpses, and they will wait for their strength to be transformed into witches.

They have been eroding the flesh for a long time with the necromantic spells. When the fire of the soul burns in the pupils of the eyes, their flesh automatically dies.


“It’s a necromancer! Be careful!” the demons exclaimed.

The necromantic school’s spells of vicious brutal lethality have a wide range of attacks, and even the demons are very afraid, let alone killing these living dead people is far easier than killing them.

Some dead demon corpses climbed up again, their flesh and flesh began to detach and flake, converge and merge in the surging of the ground soil, and finally thousands of demon corpses were mixed with blood-stained mud, and the head was more than 20 meters tall. The corpse devil appeared in front of him. The demon’s flesh and blood corpses make the corpse devil more powerful. It appears more violent and more aggressive than in the past. After it is formed, it is directed towards the front.

“The chaotic nature of the devil seems to have affected the corpse devil.”

“Strengthening of strength is obvious.”

“It’s more offensive, the difficulty of manipulation increases, the level of creatures increases, and the increase in combat effectiveness is obvious.” A lich casts data over and over again by remotely controlling the quill pen.

Many dark wizards are fighting against the Demon Legion for the first time today.



“Scanned evil aura! Disturbed self-resistance!…”

“Scan to the blasphemous realm! You are suppressed by the evil realm!…”

The aura and the field from the higher demons gradually spread, and many wizards below the legend clearly felt discomfort. At this time, Stephen’s figure appeared over the steel fortress. Instead of launching an attack, he raised his staff and immediately followed. The invisible ripples of the Tao spread to the aura, and all the wizards immediately found that their mana recovery speed was accelerated, and the realm power from the higher-level demons was cancelled.

The powers of aura, aura, and fields will conflict with each other. When a certain field dominates, other negative states will gradually disappear.

“Great Arcanist?!” The face of Demon King-Pai Meng changed slightly.

A small number of assassins broke through the enemy’s defense line, and their figures suddenly appeared to attack the wizards, but what they did not expect was that they had clearly hit the enemy’s key points, but these’fragile’ wizards did not Instead of dying on the spot, on the contrary, they still have fighting power, and even dare to fight them close.

Sorcerers came to support him from all directions, and this team of assassins quickly wiped out the whole army.

Wisps of emerald green light emerged.

The power of the natural field is so striking in the dark abyss, the figure of the tree-keeper Arendo appears on the battlefield, and in his vicinity are dozens of Druid formations, and the Druid in the heart of the oak tree. Yi is sleeping, there are only so many Druids that can be mobilized.

The healing spells emerged one after another.

These semi-elemental wizards have retreated to the front of the front for treatment. Their bodies have begun to transform towards the elemental body, which means that they are not regular flesh and blood bodies, and they have completely removed the fatal point. They cannot be treated as ordinary. The wizard looked at it.

The assassination of the demon did not result in the expected results.

A fierce collision erupted in the middle of the battlefield, where it seemed to be a flesh-and-blood hangout field. There were constant demons coming up and then repelled, a large number of stone golems were destroyed, and the defense line responsible for the Zenda garrison was also endured pressure.

There are still too many demons.

Although the wizards can carry out spell bombing, but the number is too small to form an effective blow, in the end, they must rely on close combat troops to block the demon army.

“The Soul Demon attacked from the right.”

“The tempting demon raided from the left.”

“The six-armed snake demon went to support the frontal battlefield.”

After a short period of contemplation, the king of demons—Paimon ordered the launch of the first wave of total offensive. Demon troops with a size of over 30,000 began to move, and the huge six-armed snake demon formation on the battlefield began to move forward.

The pressure of these six-armed snakes on the battlefield is far higher than that of other high-level demons. I am afraid that only Barlow Flames can compare with them.

The six-armed snake demon weighs more than 4,000 pounds. Each arm is equipped with a weapon, mainly a long sword and a scimitar, and also wears a lot of bracelets and jewelry. It is impossible to judge whether it is magic equipment. They are proficient in combat skills such as brute force attacks, multiple attacks, multi-weapon battles, etc. At the same time, they can also summon sword blade is one of the most powerful demon in melee.

The six-armed snake is advancing very fast.

In a moment of encounter with the Stone Golem Legion, you can see a statue of a stone golem dismembered by them. The six-armed snake demon’s crazy offensive is completely unreasonable. They wield their weapons like a storm. Only one or two rounds of attacks can remove a stone golem. After the six-armed demon joined the battle, a loophole in the Golem Legion soon appeared, and some demons poured into the steel fortress.

Fortunately, there are not many six-armed snakes and demons. There are not many high-level demons with a challenge level of 17 or higher, even if they are the king of the demon-Piemon.

“Dispatch the Iron Golem formation!”

“Start Arcane Guardian!”

“Send someone to prepare the altar.” Stephen ordered expressionlessly.

at the same time.

After the six-armed demon broke through the defense line of the steel fortress, the demon king, Peimeng, was immediately excited, and roared: “Their defense line collapsed!”

“Rush in! Kill them all!”

“Barlow Flame Attacks!”

Fighters are fleeting!

In the position where the six-armed snake demon broke open, a large number of golem puppets are pouring in to try to fill this gap. The demon lord-Piemon can naturally not allow the enemy to re-establish the defense. He decisively sent his most elite Barlow Flame Devil Formation. As long as a gap is torn through the enemy’s defense line, the number of demonic forces that occupy the absolute superiority can continue to flow into it.


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