Super Floating City

v2 Chapter 124 - Peeper!

The howling wind blew.

Stephen stands on the top of the mountain and looks down on everything under his feet. Zela Ants is busy clearing the mining area. Although the demons are a good hand to fight, but the production is far inferior to other intelligent creatures. In the end, destruction is always easier than creation. The demons have operated the dark abyss for thousands of years, but so far no decent city has been born, and no civilization has been created.

Their life is a continuous killing, weak meat and strong food, the law of the jungle, strangling any possible birth of civilization!

“These demons are worse than I remember!” The figure of the high-level angel Shaar appeared behind Stephen.

“The devil has always been like this in my memory.” Stephen didn’t look back, but watched the Zara Ants psionicist bury the central crystal underground. This mine area will build automatic transportation tracks, which requires a Small energy source.

“Really? The demons in my memory are more cunning and more difficult to deal with.” The high-level angel Shahr seemed to be in deep thought.

Stephen turned to look at her, thoughtfully: “Maybe the demon you know is the second generation of demon.”

“The birth of the third-generation Tanari demon appeared to make slaves.”

“After the Orbis demons occupied the bottomless abyss and killed the indigenous creatures, they realized that they lacked the object of enslavement, so they created the original Tanari demons with human souls. These demons are the most ugly aspects of human nature. Were born, so they have to be more crazy and chaotic.”

“But the demons of the ancient gods are still very powerful. At that time, the second generation of Orbis demons were also their slaves.”

The devil loves slavery.

The second-generation Orbis demon was the slave of the original Void Demon, but later succeeded in ascending after the Void Demon disappeared with the ancient god. The third-generation Tanari demon was originally a slave of Orbis demon, and finally succeeded in the massacre of Orbis demon in the rebellion. The demons of the Dark Abyss are all Tanari demons, so they are more chaotic and crazy in nature.

A statue of a stone golem is carrying heavy objects, and they have to clean up the mining area to supplement resources.

High-level angel Shahr didn’t speak anymore, just frowned and looked into the distance, not knowing what to think about.

Three days have passed since the last battle ended.

Stephen led the army to successfully occupy the demon king-Paimon’s lair, and obtained a lot of treasures from it, but there are still a lot of demon lords in the dark abyss, such as the western succubus and the southeast. Six-armed Serpent Warlord, the ruler of the Soul Demon in the northeast. The continuous high-intensity battle caused the expeditionary army to lose a lot, and Stephen had to temporarily give up his plans to attack these demon lords and instead recuperate to restore his strength.

The dark abyss is currently a three-legged state.

The expeditionary forces led by Stephen occupied the surrounding area of ​​the Burning Plains, and controlled the other demons through the support of the succubus lord Ramire, and the original demons gathered around the succubus after the death of the pie, They gave up their offense and turned into defensive, a lot of demons were stationed in the steel fortress along the road. In this case, even Steven did not dare to nibble. It must be known that the elite army of devil was not easy to capture the steel fortresses of demons.

Forcing the casualties is too big.

The last force is the ancient evils in the Corruption Trail. They have been silently expanding the site, and only the places contaminated by the Corruption Trail will be swallowed up.

Now the site occupied by Stephen is big enough, and even if he knocks down other places, he can’t hold it.

There are too few troops.

There are at least millions of demons in the dark abyss, and new demons are constantly being born in the wilderness. Unless Steven changes the basic rules of this plane, the demons will continue to be born one after another.

He is currently trying to send someone to sign a temporary armistice agreement with the succubus.

“I want to go out for a walk,” the high-level angel Shahr said suddenly.

“Astral roaming?” Stephen looked up at Shaar’s dreamy eyes and slowly said: “Are you coming back?”

“Well,” Sall nodded. “Look around. Try to think of something.”

“Then go,” Stephen said calmly.

“Not in a hurry.” High-level angel Shahr stared at Stephen’s eyes and said softly: “Wait until the corrupted brain is wiped out. He will be back by December at the latest.”

That time was Stephen’s time to counterattack the moon.

“Okay. I’ll wait for you to come back.” Stephen smiled.

“That’s right.” High-level angel Shaar suddenly said with his heart: “Did you feel someone watching you in secret recently?”

“What?! Do you feel it too?” Stephen’s expression did not change, and he communicated with his heart.

“Yes.” Shar looked at the distance with a smile, secretly said: “A very dim and fuzzy feeling, it is impossible to capture the location of the target.”

“Can you find him out?”

Stephen also looked into the distance and secretly spread the message: “You can try it. But I need your help.”

“The computing power of Taling 1 cannot capture the trajectory of the target.”

“I need you to be happy and to merge with me.”

The voice of the high-level angel Shaar said with a hint of doubt: “The fusion of the mind and the mind? I don’t understand this!”

“Simply put, it is to combine our spiritual ideas, so that the computing power of Taring 1 and your computing power will be synchronously integrated, so that it is possible to find the location of the target.” Stephen calmly said.

“The existence of the spirit level?” Shar’s voice showed a hint of should be. Stephen said lightly.

Sal said: “What should I do?”

Stephen calmly said: “Be happy. Let my mind enter. I will synchronize the spiritual connection of each other. But I can’t go to the astral world here.”

“Okay.” Shar nodded.

“Astral Teleport.”

The aura of a spell emerged.

The figures of Stephen and Shahr disappeared in place, and the figures of the two appeared in the endless astral void next moment.

Not surprisingly.

That kind of peeping sensation appeared again. The other party seems to be watching them in an unknown area, but it is not easy to find him.

“Leave it to me next!” A golden ray of light appeared in Stephen’s eyes and reached out to hold the other party.

next moment.

A huge stream of data emerged. His spiritual power was connected to the high-level angel-Shaer, which was synchronously integrated with the computing core in her body. The combination of the two super computing carriers, a white light also appeared in the eyes of Shahr in the blink of an eye. The huge data operation is activated, and the space in front of you seems to be divided.

“Found you!” Stephen’s expression instantly became a little excited.


In the unknowable void space, a silver-gray strange dragon-like shadow appeared like an hourglass, and looked at the two people with very amazed eyes. It seemed that he had never thought that he would be found.

“Time Dragon! (Immortal Dragon)”


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