Super Floating City

v2 Chapter 98 - Druids

Although the wither of life was killed, the problems left over by him were not solved so quickly.

First of all, the boundary between life and death has been broken. This is like a mirror. It is easy to break the mirror, but it is quite difficult to repair the mirror. Fortunately, the original flood of dead infants was prevented. The problem that remains is that there are already many undeads. Some dead people who have resentment will be very likely to be transformed into ghosts of undead. There is no priest in the world of Motorola. If there is a priest, it is much easier. They have many ways to rest the dead. But now we can only rely on the wizard to deal with it, reducing the possibility of the birth of wraiths as much as possible.

Sophia walked quite smartly.

After returning from the nightmare, he waved goodbye to travel to the Rainbow Sea.

Steven is actually a little envious of this point. He may not have been free and easy in some things. It may also be that his bond with the world is getting deeper and deeper. After all, when he first arrived in the world, he wanted to go wherever he wanted, and it was not much different from Sophia now.

Thinking of this, Stephen couldn’t help but think of Master Xu.

He couldn’t help talking.

It can be said that Stephen was completely pulled into the chariot against the star of death sign by the virtual master, and now he has no escape route. The star of death sign is already a big hatred with him, and Stephen does not like to give up halfway.

“if everything goes well.”

“After solving the star of death sign, I should start to explore this astral world.” Stephen said secretly.

Now his grasp of Death Star is getting higher and higher, not only because of his own strength, but also because of allies around him and his understanding of Death Star. Although the Death Star is powerful, it also has weaknesses. After all, he does not think like humans, but his behavior is dominated by pan-consciousness.

Witch Lianna has not yet returned to the Wuhuan Tower.

The news from the Endless Sea tells Stephen that they are still talking to the marine race. The Naga hope that the Five Ring Tower can help them deal with ancient evils, but they are not willing to pay enough sincerity. Some things involve too many interests and it is not so easy to reach a consensus. The Wuhuan Tower is also reluctant to take the risk of his own life for nothing.

Instead, there was good news from Yinding City.

The wizards of the change school are very interested in the knowledge of the Wuhuan Tower, and even a small number of people already have the idea of ​​joining the Wuhuan Tower. The wizards’ desire for new knowledge even exceeds the recognition of the school. The change school belongs to the younger school of wizards. It lacks a lot of important knowledge, and the Wuhuan Tower just has it all.

There is nothing for the college here.

Stephen quickly returned to Arantil, and this time Arendo-Pastman greeted his return, it seemed that he had been waiting for some time.

High tower, in the meeting hall.

“Your Excellency Stephen.” Arendo-Sherder leaned over slightly and then stood straight: “I hope that you will allow me to form a Druid sect serving the tree of life.”

Arendo-Pastoral looks slightly agitated.

“Druid?” Stephen could not help but frowned slightly, holding his chin in deep thought.

The word sect is different from the ordinary Druid organization. The Arundo Treekeeper wants to build a church organization that serves gods. Once this organization is established, it is difficult for Stephen to intervene, even if he is very powerful. The caster cannot interfere with the internal affairs of a deity church.

The look of Arendo-Planter on the side was a little bit uneasy. This is Jarantir, which is Stephen’s territory. Without his support, the Druid sect could not be established.

“What doctrine?” Stephen asked for a long time.

Arendo-Pastoralist heard the expression but was very happy, slowly said: “We are prepared to use orthodox natural teachings.”

Druids have many teachings.

The sect of the earth, the sect of nature, the sect of balance, etc., although the whole is relatively similar, but some internal differences are not small. This is like Taoist Buddhism. Although it belongs to the same religion, the internal schools are different. Some schools are more radical. For example, the balanced school may help humans kill monsters today. Tomorrow thinks that there are too many humans. , It is possible to help monsters kill humans in reverse, anyway they think everything in the world must be balanced. Some denominations have no way of surviving in Arantir because their views will affect Stephen’s plan.

“Doctrine of nature?” Stephen pondered with his chin resting.

The Arendo-Pastoral next door waited carefully for Stephen’s reply, and said softly: “Yes.”

“Only the doctrine of nature is too monotonous.” Stephen thought about it: “Add the doctrine of life.”

“Doctrine of Nature and Life.”

“It’s just that His Highness Betty has mastered the basic realm of life.”

Arendo-Pastoral can’t help but fall into contemplation, he naturally knows what Stephen This is to serve the fairy queen Betty as an orthodox natural god. Although Her Highness Betty has been promoted to a demigod, her dependants are still limited to the scope of the flower goblin, and others do not know her existence. And if it is included in the service of the natural deities, then His Highness Betty will be recognized by the Druid as one of the true orthodox deities of the natural deities. Even, Stephen has plans to let His Highness Betty further involved in the life priesthood, which can be said to be a potential transaction.

“Yes.” Arendo-treekeeper said in a deep voice.

It is not an excessive requirement for Druid to serve the tree of life and the queen of flower fairy at the same time. After all, although Queen Betty has a low starting point, it is also a spirit of nature.

“Very good.” Stephen finally smiled: “I will arrange for someone to help you build the temple.”

The establishment of the Druids requires a lot of resources.

This is inseparable from Stephen’s help, and he is the only one who can quickly support a new sectarian organization in Yarantir.


Now the number of druids is not enough. They need to further spread their faith and enlighten more people with druid talents. The number of druids in humans has not been very large, but there are children of forests on the side of Yarantir, and many of them have become druid talents.

After receiving Stephen’s reply, Arendo-Pastoral left quickly.

He can’t wait to rebuild the Druid sect. There is already a spirit of nature in the heart of the oak tree. Once the enlightenment is completed, the new druid will soon grow up.

Doctrine of nature and life.

This emerging Druid sect still has many things to do.


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