Super Floating City

v2.5 Chapter 23 - Change the law!

What a powerful body!

Stephen has seen a lot of strong men along the way, but he has not heard of anyone who dares to immerse himself directly in the water of the Styx, even other gods dare not easily touch the water of the Stygian, It is estimated that only the **** of death in the multiverse can resist the erosive power of Styx. Stygian water has many abilities that Stephen can’t understand, but its most terrible thing is that it will cleanse a person’s memory. The more familiar Styx is a typical thinking disorder. If the undead touches the Stygian water , Will permanently lose part of the memory.

The boiling Stygian water gradually calmed down, and many souls drifted unconsciously in it.

Without the intervention of the gods, the reincarnation of life and death is dominated by the source sea. After the soul dissipates, it merges into the source sea. When life is born, it draws energy from the source sea. Stephen once entered the source sea, it is not in the upper plane, the lower plane, or the inner plane (element plane), but in a special multiverse universe.

Wizards believe that Yuanhai is the source of spirituality and spirituality in the multiverse. All souls of life, including the ancient **** of order, were born from Yuanhai.

But the source sea is also extremely cruel, where it is extremely dangerous. The way it digests the soul and the birth of the soul can be simply understood as papermaking. First, the used waste paper is crushed into pulp, and then re-manufactured by the machine. New batch of blank paper. To a certain extent, you can understand entering the sea as a flying soul, and the reincarnation dominated by the **** of death, to a greater extent, clean up a blank piece of paper, erase all its previous life memories, and then reuse it Again. Of course, Reaper is not sending all souls into the reincarnation, a considerable part of the soul still leads to the source sea.

The real task of Grim Reaper is to ensure the normal execution of the death cycle, so that the soul will not be stolen or used by others after death.

The devil and the devil are masters of stealing souls, and the same stars of death are stealing souls. The purpose of his pollution of the nightmare is to intercept and devour the soul from the underworld. Sophia’s purpose of developing the Styx in this crystal wall system is to allow the soul to pass through the Styx and enter the source sea to avoid erosion and corruption. The Styx is the channel for transporting the soul and is also a means of protecting the soul.

Pure death is annihilation.

“I need to open the river channel. Let the Styx flow down the dark abyss.” Sophia walked out of the Styx Pond.

Her wet long skirt was attached to her body, revealing a beautiful girl curve, but Stephen had no mood to appreciate at this time. After seeing Sophia coming, he stepped back a little, and mortals could not touch the Styx. Water, he didn’t want to lose a part of his memory, even those unimportant memories of eating and drinking Lhasa.


“With your ability, even if you directly touch the Stygian water, it will not be too seriously eroded.” Sophia smiled and said: “The outside world actually exaggerates the power of the Stygian water, but this is exactly what the **** of death expects. .”

“Some demons will even temper their bodies through the Stygian water, although they pay a price.”


The legendary demigod that had been soaked in the Styx except for his naked feet? It seems that Styx really has the ability to strengthen a human body as rumored!

But Stephen is not interested in this and does not plan to take a bath in the Styx.

“There is nothing wrong with developing the river channel.” Stephen nodded. “I still have a lot of golem puppets in the dark abyss. They can quickly dig a river channel.”

Stone golems are gradually being eliminated.

But they are still very qualified as labor, working 24 hours a day, not afraid of wind, rain, thunder and lightning. The rise of the arcane empire to some extent was equivalent to directly raising a medieval civilization to the era of interstellar robots. This kind of deformed civilization led to everything relying on the power of wizards. Therefore, whether it is the Thorium Age or the Arcane Empire, the final destruction and collapse are very rapid. In a blink of an eye, a glorious civilization is over, and then the historical process returns to the medieval period.

“The Flame Demon Legion I brought can also help.” Sophia whispered.

She stared at Stephen slowly: “The power of Styx will completely change this plane, and the number of demon reincarnations will gradually decrease in the future.”

“Part of the undead may be born near Styx.”

“You should know this?”

Stephen nodded: “Yes. I’m only interested in the resources of the Dark Abyss, and I don’t plan to be the demon king.”

“So you can deal with it at will.”

“But I hope that when you transform the power of the law of the entire dark abyss, I can follow the whole process. I am very interested in the knowledge of the law of the plane transformation of the gods.”

Power of law.

This is one of the most rooted forces of the gods!

The current law of the dark abyss is that all souls entering here will be converted into demons first, and a certain deviation will be made towards the chaotic camp. Many planes have corresponding laws of force interference. For example, Stephen’s favorite bliss is that after entering this plane, all the pleasures are strengthened. If the will cannot resist, it will be captured by the plane, and never will. Want to leave this Sophia opened the Styx in the dark abyss to change the power of the law here. Similarly, if you want to purify the nightmare, you must also change the law made by the star of death sign there. .

Sophia couldn’t help but hesitated, and then nodded: “Yes. Deal.”

“Let your Golem Legions begin to work.”

“I will next measure the movement of the dark abyss, and then give you the route of the Stygian river channel.”

Really a pleasant partner.

Stephen nodded in satisfaction: “I will prepare now.”

He has always been very interested in the power of the law of the gods. If Sophia can successfully transform the law of the dark abyss, then he must benefit greatly from it.

Time, space, law, order, death…

Stephen believes that the analysis of the laws of the plane can further his own divine power. In the multiverse, it is not only the gods who can master the power of the law. Those who really study history will find that the belief in the birth of gods It will not exceed 100,000 years now.

The powers of the gods’ laws can be roughly categorized into the following-changing form, changing size, changing reality, changing space, transforming laws, dominating creatures, domain mastery, priesthood mastery, etc.

What Stephen is currently studying is changing the space, transforming the rules and changing reality.

Even because of the ability to obtain the time dragon dragon warlock, Stephen now has the ability to slightly interfere with time. He believes that he can reach the corresponding level even if he does not deity.


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