Super Floating City

v2.5 Chapter 26 - Legion one

Dark abyss.

Half a month’s time passed.

With the help of Stephen’s Golem Legion, a long winding river channel has been opened near the burning plain. The water of the Styx flows along this channel through the dark abyss, and it spreads the power of death to the entire plane. In the bottomless abyss, because of the Stygian river, not all souls will be transformed into demons, and some of them will become undead, such as Poda corpses that are full of hatred for living creatures. There are also undead in the dark abyss, but they are all low-level skeleton zombies. They wander unconsciously near the Styx, absorbing the breath of death around the Styx.

During this time, Stephen returned to Jarantir, and the prophet Ankara returned to the floating city to sit down. The wizards of the fifth ring tower have already settled here.

The current main strategy of the college is to win over the Silver Dome City. According to the exploration of wizards, they have recently discovered some new continents, but there is no sign of wizard civilization. The people living are all primitive indigenous people. The situation is a bit like the Misty Continent. Those The places are the wreckage of the destruction of ancient wizarding civilizations, filled with all kinds of dangerous creatures.

Today’s Flame Devil’s Cave has been expanded three times in size, where a deep purple energy crystal is suspended at every distance, and the earth energy network is spread throughout the steel fortress.

The Misser nuclear has been installed in the floating city, so Stephen transferred the original element furnace to provide energy for the factory built here. The southwest of the steel fortress is a series of rails. These are made by Stephen himself. Others are far less efficient than him. The rails directly lead to the depths of the mining area. A large amount of ore is sent to refine every day. . The Dark Abyss produces most of the metal except Mithril. Stephen has surveyed the veins here, and no Mithril Mine has been found for the time being, which has to be said to be a regrettable thing.

Inside the wide hall.

A crystal ball was suspended in front of Stephen, and the figures of the Prophet Ankara and Lianna Witch were projected.

“The production line of steel golems has been working normally. As long as there are sufficient resources, we can make at least six steel golems every day. However, it is difficult to make arcane guards. We lack enough high-level wizards.” Ankara, the predictor The projection looked at Stephen: “Diamond Golem I and Akasha are making it by hand, but the number may not be much.”

The diamond golem is regarded as the pinnacle golem process technology in the Thorium era, because the supreme golem has been almost eliminated.

Mainly because the price/performance ratio is too low.

Although the Arcane Guardian is a construction technology in the Age of Arcane Empire, the threshold for making it is not very high, and it is more biased towards the golem puppets of long-range energy attack methods. Among the golems of conventional close combat are still the diamond golems. Strong. Stephen didn’t plan to make too many arcane guards, because their resistance is not very high, even the steel golems are more resistant than them. However, he still hopes that the number of diamond golems can be a little more, because diamond golems are the only ones that can confront the swarms of monsters. The ordinary steel golems can’t beat those giants at all.

“Well. I will go back next month. I will do it myself by then.” Stephen pondered for a moment and then said: “Yes. Have I finished the parts you made?”

“The arm is ready.” Ankara, the prophet, turned and looked a little excited. “Look! Here!”

The screen turns.

A huge metal arm nearly fifteen meters in length appeared in front of the eyes. It was made of dark blue magic steel ingots, with a large number of rune marks on the surface, silver gray at the joints, an energy crystal on the wrist, and the entire arm showed A fluent sense of science and technology, composed of a large number of precision alchemy components.

“What is this?” Lianna’s projection asked curiously.

Stephen glanced up and down and was satisfied: “Magic Power Armor. Equipped with a floating ring, energy cannon, wave blade sword, small element fusion furnace, AT force field, um, which is a high energy protection barrier…”

“Single soldier combat equipment in the interstellar age.”

“The combat capability is very strong and flexible, but the production cost is too high.”

Lianna witch curiously said: “How does it compare to your conceptual construction?”

“The two are not of an order of magnitude at all, and there is no comparability at all.” Stephen shook his head: “Conceptual construction can only be used by me, and it must rely on the psychic computing power of the demigod level, and the demand for energy is higher. But The magic power armor does not have such high use requirements, it only needs a tower spirit to assist the control, even ordinary people can use it.”

“Can it be mass-produced?” Lianna witch surprised.

“No,” Stephen shook his head. “The production cost is too high. The most expensive one is the small element furnace. If you don’t carry other additional combat systems, the production cost of a magic power armor is about 3,500. Ten thousand Kindlers around.”

So expensive!

The witch Lianna couldn’t help but stunned. The annual income of a kingdom in the Motorola world is about 300,000 Kindlers. Enough cost to make it. Of course, Stephen also hopes to be able to mass-produce it a bit, but the production cost of this thing is not far from the high, and the productivity level of the Motorola world can not be sustained at all. Even if it is an ordinary steel golem, the estimated cost is close to 240 million yuan according to the purchasing power level of the earth. The combat power of the arcanist is basically piled up with money.

The cost of making magical power armor is basically the same as that of making an aircraft carrier formation. If Stephen doesn’t eat the dark abyss, he can’t afford it!

“It’s a pity.” Lianna witch said.

Then she was excited again: “It’s done, can you play for me?”

Stephen’s face was black and he didn’t answer. Instead, he stared at the goblin, and then said to Ankara: “You stare more at the arsenal. When the preparation of the Iron Golem Legion is completed, we will start preparing to counterattack the moon.”

“I know.” Ankara, the prophet, nodded, a very reliable look.

Lianna witch couldn’t help but whispered, then said: “The people on the other side of Yinding City have been drawn by us. Everyone except the Curse School is willing to cooperate with us.”

“We found that the Curse School is gradually evacuating from Yinding City.”

“They seem to be planning to move elsewhere, are we going to block it?”

Stephen frowned and thought for a moment. “Don’t worry about them. We don’t have the energy to clean up the curse school in this period.”

“As long as they don’t do anything.”


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