Super Floating City

v2.5 Chapter 30 - Fire Mountain Secret

Death slough.

Along with an aura of teleportation spells, Stephen wearing a robe of magnificent archmage came out of the circle.

“Chief Lord.”

“Sir Stephen.”

There are already wizards waiting on the horoscope, and now Stephen is the chief wizard of the horoscope. Basically, it can be said that all the wizards belonging to the horoscope are from his door. As a wizard who pays more attention to the accumulation of knowledge, the people in the horoscope are responsible for all kinds of finishing matters. The battle is the element pool, and the logistics is the sole responsibility of the botanical garden. There are three outposts on the side of the dead slough, and there are about fifteen wizards stationed there. They are responsible for daily monitoring of the movement of the dead slough to prevent the monsters inside from breaking out and affecting the world of ordinary people.

“Well.” Stephen nodded in response. “I’ll go in and see. You stay here.”

“Yes. Your Excellency,” the wizard said respectfully.

After speaking, Stephen’s figure rose into the air, directly opening the seal and entering the death slough.


“The host has entered the area of ​​mild radiation pollution!”

The alarm of Taring 1 sounded.

Stephen frowned slightly. He looked around and found that many plants were dead, and he did not know whether it was due to the influence of evil things. The radiation pollution here actually showed further signs of spread. He just flew a few hundred meters forward, and he rushed towards the face of a violent wind element. Elemental life was easily attracted by radiation pollution. Stephen directly raised his hand and dismantled the target to kill the target in seconds.

“So much death?!”

The corpses of many creatures began to appear around, most of them were anacondas. They used to be one of the masters of the dead slough.

Stephen traveled all the way to the vicinity of the crack in the space. The original half-plane has now completely collapsed. There is only a black space crack left here, as if it were a black hole. The strong radiant energy is emitted from inside. There is a lot of elemental life hovering around here, which looks irritable and irritable, and Stephen is too lazy to clean them up and directly casts an advanced stealth technique on himself.

——”Rune Sealing Technique!”

A nine-pointed star formation was formed at Stephen’s feet, and more than ten rune marks on his arm were stripped and merged into the formation.

As soon as he raised his hand, he spilled nine energy crystals, and then the rune array quickly spread. The dark space cracks in front of him began to shrink gradually, and finally disappeared in front of him.


An element of wind was attracted and involuntarily approached the edge of the circle, but the next moment an aura of light emerged from the energy crystal, and out of thin air a lightning bolt split down, turning it directly into ashes.

“I don’t know if the tree of life can purify here.” Stephen said with his chin.

Although the wizards have great power, sometimes they are powerless to destroy themselves, otherwise the destruction of the arcane empire will not cause such a terrible disaster. Stephen can seal this area, but there is no way to eliminate these radiation pollution, but only to nature to slowly purify.

Many gods are hostile to arcanists because of this terrible destructive power!

It took Stephen half a day to seal the dead quagmire for the second time. This time the seal should be able to be maintained for a period of time. Future things can only be seen in the future.

Misty continent, flame mountain secret realm.

This is a very hot land, almost no water can be seen in front of him, Stephen just arrived here and felt a heat wave coming. Activities in this plane must be blessed with flame resistance. If it is an ordinary person, it will be turned into a human being in about half a day. Here the wizards have not found any intelligent creatures, only a large number of dragon beasts rely on powerful vitality to thrive here. The dragon beasts moving here have amazing digestive abilities. The wizards have seen them devour ore metal more than once. Many dragon beasts can even drink magma as water.

After this period of observation, the wizards of the Wuhuan Tower initially determined that they possessed the blood of the Red Dragon.

The red dragon bloodline is the most powerful bloodline in the five-colored dragon. The physical and strength of the red dragon are far superior to other five-colored dragons. If the shame of the dragon family like the white dragon, the red dragon of the same age has one hand Can play several. The strength of the dragon beast of the flame mountain is far beyond the material plane, and the challenge level has reached 10+. They are an individual type with huge power. Many dragon beasts are almost similar to ordinary red dragons. However, these dragon beasts do not have the knowledge of the dragon clan, that is, they cannot master the dragon clan spells, and can only use the natural breath of the dragon.

Inheriting the powerful digestion ability of the Red Dragon bloodline allows these dragon beasts to eat almost everything. There is no food in the entire Fire Mountain secret realm. Their recipes include a variety of ores, and most of the drinking water comes from the Magma River.

“Sir Stephen.” Wizard Eden of the Elemental Pool welcomed him.

The Wuhuan Tower has established an outpost in this secret area. It is preliminarily judged that this is a large secret area, and there is a certain connection with the seabed large secret area, because they discovered some ancient ruins that have been completely damaged. If this assumption holds true, then it is very likely that there are two other great secrets in the world of Motorola, and they are arranged in the manner of ‘ground water and fire’.

This is one of the reasons that Stephen came over in person!

The scale of the outpost here is not large, but there are nearly sixty wizards stationed in the camp. There is a corpse of a huge dragon beast. The body is about eight meters long, three meters wide and five meters high. The dragon wings are covered with metallic shiny dragon scales. The horns of the head are very strong. Only the blood of the red dragon has such a large horn. The limbs are quite strong and powerful. The degenerative features are developing towards the ground dragon.

“Delicious?” Stephen said a little speechlessly as the wizard was setting fire to the pot.

The shaved elemental pool wizard shaved his head a bit sternly and shook his head: “It’s not tasty. It smells of metal. The teeth are separated.”

It was speechless.

You dare to eat anything!

Stephen is already powerless to vomit, and simply ignore these two goods, they eat it if they want to eat it, anyway, the final cultivation of the element pool is the elementalization of the body, and it is no problem to eat more heavy metals.

“Take me to see the ruins.” Stephen turned to Wizard Eden.

He came over this time mainly to judge the connection between the flame mountain secret lands and the seabed great secret lands. If there is a certain connection between the two sides, according to the layout of the land, water, wind and fire, the ancient wizards will certainly not only build one of them, according to certain laws. Find two other great secrets in the world of Motorola.

This is a major discovery for both the Wuhuan Tower and Stephen himself!


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