Super Floating City

v2.5 Chapter 4 - Well of darkness

Compared with stone golems, the production cost of steel golems has increased more than several times.

The weight of a steel golem is about 5,000 pounds, that is, 2.3 tons. A large amount of medicaments and blending agents must be used in the production process. In addition, the production of its body requires a corresponding level of craftsmanship, which is more difficult than the stone golem. More than a little.

However, Stephen has already arranged for this, this time it was the turn of the stone dwarves from Xianyue.

Well known.

Dwarves are born masters of forging, and even half-sized boys can make good iron, so this time you need to join a group of dwarves to work in the Golem factory. If it is a rush to recruit, it is still very troublesome, but Stephen now has the entire Shixin dwarf group to call, and easily transferred 300 dwarf blacksmith masters. Because the manufacturing cost of the steel golem is too high, Stephen must re-plan the entire golem factory to build a large steel furnace on the periphery, and also need to make an additional small element furnace to supply energy.

The iron ore output of Yarantil is enough.

However, the production speed of the steel golem is still very slow. At present, it takes about three days to produce a steel golem. After the completion, it can produce three to five statues every day.

Compared with the glorious age of Arcane, Steven’s floating city productivity is still a little bit worse.

Time passed and a week passed.

Under Stephen’s hands, the Golem factory was rebuilt in advance, a large steel furnace with a height of 25 meters was built, and there was a completed blacksmith shop nearby, where more than 300 stone-hearted dwarves were busy. Because the production process of steel golems is relatively high, few people can achieve it. The training time of a blacksmith master is too long, and the life span of humans is too short. At present, there are about 500 people working in the whole Golem factory. Almost all dwarves are wizards, mainly members from the Blind Witch Society. Many of them are interested in alchemy.

Golems are girls’ best partners.

According to the current progress, probably at least three steel golems will be manufactured every day next week, about a hundred statues a month, and one or two hundred steel golems can be made a year, barely forming a group Iron Golem Legion.

The entire Yarantil temporarily stopped its external expansion and began to accumulate resources frantically to increase its strength.

The Druids spread towards the surrounding forest and spread their influence to the children of the forest in the north. Nowadays, Arendo-Pastoral has a high reputation among the children of the forest. The church serving the tree of life has also begun to be established. Dragon City’s judgment was completely quelled, and the strength displayed by Stephen made the whole northern territory tremble. After seeing that he did not continue to expand, many old aristocrats could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. A lot of resources are being transported from the dark abyss continuously. Stephen’s already empty warehouse is gradually filling up, and he can even feed a topaz to Orexia a gem every day as a piece of cake.

The progress of exploring Flame Mountain’s secret realm is relatively slow.

The wizards suspect that there is a red dragon bloodline on this plane. The true dragon’s nature is more obscene and disorderly. The good dragon is still slightly reserved, and the five-colored evil dragon will be a lot of debauchery. Among the red dragons, green dragons, blue dragons, black dragons, and white dragons, the red dragon is the most arrogant, the most promiscuous, and the most natural and strong. The red dragon is easy to leave some offspring through strong means, so it is red in the dragon vein warlock There are more dragon blood veins, and white dragon blood veins are the rarest. They are basically Asian descendants that breed with dragons. This is the case with Flame Mountain, where there are a large number of sub-dragons that adapt to the volcanic environment.

However, the wizards of the Fifth Ring Tower have not yet discovered the red dragon, because they cannot reach the volcanic area yet.


The bottomless abyss, the well of darkness.

There are many famous planes in the bottomless abyss, and the well of darkness is one of them, but this is also the place where the demon lords are most reluctant to mention.

The Well of Darkness was born more than 50,000 years ago. At first, humans began to multiply and flourish in the material plane. Then, after the death of these humans, some of their souls fell into the bottomless abyss. At that time, human souls did not automatically transform into demons. The Orbis demon lords at that time found that human souls have a darker side than other races. It can be said that it is the most complex intelligent creature with emotions at present. Other intelligent creatures such as elves, dwarves, orcs should be more suitable for demonic forms. Therefore, the Orbis demon lords at that time transformed the human soul and created the third-generation Tanari demon today.

The Orbis demon lords of that period were still very powerful. They inherited some of the abilities from the void demon, and they were quite good at transforming creatures.

The original Tanari demon existed as a slave.

But the Orbis demon lords never expected that they had underestimated the potential of human souls. The evil and dark side of their hearts contained immense energy, so the first generation of Tanari demon lords rose. They launched a rebellion and almost killed more than 90% of the Orbis demons. Only a few of them were still alive. At that time, the plane law of the bottomless abyss was changed. During the reign of Orbis demon, the bottomless abyss has not been so chaotic, but I don’t know whether it is because of the dark side of human nature. The war in the bottomless abyss has never stopped since the birth of Tanari demon~www.mtlnovel .com~ The demons began to flood like locusts.

Humans on the material plane are gradually flooding, and the same demons in the bottomless abyss are beginning to spread. In the end, there are traces of demons everywhere in the lower plane, and they can be seen almost everywhere on the main plane. Human traces.

Not all Orbis demons are dead, they are the second generation of demons, inheriting some of the abilities of the void demons, so although some Orbis demons are dead, the body is still alive, and the soul still has fragments, You can even see their huge corpses in some places, and hear their painful wailing noises, among which the more famous is the huge Orbis demon in the territory of the king of jackals-Yenogu. Corpse.

The well of darkness is where the Orbis demon was first imprisoned.

Some demonic lords are as difficult to kill as they are gods, and demons can only imprison them forever.

There are so many bottomless pools here.

They are the prisons that hold prisoners!

There are dark black strange liquids in these pools. They don’t know why they should be called. Some people call it. These strange liquids can restrain the people in the pool. Even the powerful demon lord can’t escape. Of course, the Well of Darkness is not just relying on this prisoner, there are countless seals here, even the demons will not be close, because there they can hear the whispers of ancient evil gods. In the period when the ancient gods of order alternated with the gods of faith, many evil gods were born, and the gods often mated and reproduced at that time, so many gods were born at that time, and the well of darkness was also imprisoned. The place of gods and evil spirits.


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