Super Floating City

v2.5 Chapter 6 - Lord of the Underworld!

“your Highness!”

“your Highness!”

Along the way, someone kneeled down to salute Sophia. The girl nodded expressionlessly. After returning to the underworld, she was far less lively and lovely in the world of Tamora, as if she was wearing a mask. The closer the group of people on this station is to the city of the dead, the more they can feel its magnificence. A number of death angels follow her along the road, and the Stygian ferryman silently follows. Sophia has a very high status in the underworld, because the death master-Sauron has only two heirs, both of whom were born when he used to be a saint in the world. After returning to the kingdom of God, the death master no longer has any heirs.

These two heirs are demigods, one is the king of Arundel and the other is Sophia.

“your Highness.”

“You are back.” At this time, a rather thin figure fell in the sky, which was far less handsome than other death angels. He whispered: “Master has been waiting for you for a long time.”

The death servants all around kneeled on one knee.

“Your Ugly Monkey.” Sophia also leaned over slightly, and then said: “I know.”

Angel of death-ugly monkey.

The death angel in the third sequence of the death **** is a powerful legendary professional during his lifetime. He was active in the holy saints and has many legendary records. After the battle, he was transformed into the form of the Holy Spirit by death, ranking third in the angel of death. Seat, command the Reaper Legion in the Shura field.

The entire city of the dead has a population of tens of millions, these people are the people of Sauron, the master of death.

As for the souls outside, the judges of the underworld will decide where to go. People who believe in piety will enter the kingdom of gods. Every day, messengers from other kingdoms come here to extradite the souls of believers. As for other people who reincarnated in the upper plane or reincarnate in the lower plane, those who are too shallow in their beliefs can only finally drift along the waves in the Styx to the depths of the Nether Sea. It has been a long time since the death master-Sauron took control of the underworld, and many unbelievers have been pasted into the wall. Many people in the gods are dissatisfied with this, but the fear of the power of the death master is a bit daunting.

This lord killed the true God who did not kill in the holy saints, even if he rarely showed up after taking control of the underworld, it was Yu Wei.


A dazzling holy light crossed, and a trace of a holy light angel could be seen vaguely.

“What happened recently?” Sophia turned to ask.

The high-level death angel named the ugly monkey said: “There have been wars in the southern countries, and I heard that some of the patrons of the Lord of Glory have died in battle. It may be that they came to pick up the soul.”

Death Sovereign-Sauron ruled everything in the underworld with iron fists.

He is different from any other **** of death in the past, and the means of action can even be said to be tough and overbearing. Since he entered the underworld, the death master has directly forced other gods to re-sign the gods agreement as the name implies. The easy-to-use resurrection technique directly cut off 90% of the power. Now only the gods can come back to the souls of the dead to resurrect.

In the past, there were many ways to resurrect people if they had just died.

Sophia knows the purpose of his father, because he once said that it is because the ambitionists of the main material plane can’t die. Even if they die, there are various ways to resurrect, and then it will lead to the whole The war on the material plane never stopped. Since Sophia was sensible, she knew that her father was different from everyone else. In principle, he was a **** of death. Naturally, the more people who died, the better for him, but her father has always been They all do the opposite, and have long been committed to reducing wars on the material plane.

In short, even the gods couldn’t understand the idea of ​​this **** of death.


Death Dominator-Sauron’s belief in the material plane is very extensive and active. His temple is not as gloomy as those of the past. Instead, he is basically built with white marble, unusually clean and tidy, and the layout is grand and neat and symmetrical , Once made people think that this **** of death has cleanliness and mild obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The same is true for the city of the dead.

The streets here are wide and tidy enough for more than a dozen carriages to pass by at the same time, because the flowers and trees in the world cannot be planted, most of them are bright red flowers on the other side, and many fountains are built in the city. If it is not the eerie atmosphere of the underworld itself, It should be said that this is an extremely beautiful city.

The residents here are all prayers.

Most of them are believers in the **** of death. They are reborn here after death and have a life span of about three hundred years. When these life spans are exhausted, they will return to the underworld and merge with the kingdom of death. There are records of the city of the dead on the frescoes in the world. Most believers of the **** of death are not afraid of death, and they can even be said to embrace death as a grace.


Sophia has never understood why his father’s church values ​​life as one of the most important creeds.

A believer in death cannot give up his life easily.

Even if they see death as a grace, they must wait until the sign of death comes to embrace this gift.

Some hazy phantoms were floating in the city of the dead.

They are wandering angels, a low-level subordinate angel who is responsible for receiving the souls of the believers. There are many such angels in the city of the dead. After all, the master of death-Sauron is not only responsible for the death rule of one or two planes. Her Royal Highness. ”

“your Highness.”

Along the way, there were people saluting toward Sophia, among which there were other angels of the gods. In the past, many souls did not pass through the underworld, because at that time the death gods had not yet risen, but now no matter who the soul is, even the demigods die , He also had to walk in the underworld.

Death Sovereign, Sauron is notorious, even his enemies fear him from the bottom of his heart.

Go all the way.


A magnificent palace appeared in front of us. A team of death angels guarded the palace walls. Thousands of heroic troops were waiting for it. On the throne of the palace, Sophia saw her father.

“Are you going out again?” Sophia asked in a low voice.

The ugly monkey nodded and said: “The demon of Shurachang has launched a rebellion, it seems that there is secret support from other gods. Recently, the situation in the city of Moto is also very unstable, and the master is investigating who is behind the scene.”

Death Sovereign-Sauron is a unique god.


He also has many enemies, especially his reforms to the world, which also inspired the old school spirits to counterattack. Regarding the future direction of the material plane, Sovereign-Sauron believes that technological progress is very important and supports the re-establishment of a civilized system similar to the arcane empire, but it must be controlled to avoid the recurrence of the World Extermination. The technological development of the material plane restricts it to the level of civilization in the Middle Ages, and then circulates back and forth to facilitate them to harvest their souls, that is to say, to limit civilization to a certain extent to prevent them from taking the wrong road and having the ability to destroy everything. .

This conflict of ideas has caused the new and old gods to face each other seriously for centuries.


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