Super Floating City

v3 Chapter 29 - War priest

Sure enough, it was a goddess with a small belly.

Stephen can say that she has already given her a good face, but she did not expect her to be enemies. Whether it is the goddess of luck or the goddess of doom, these two gods are very stingy people. It is better not to provoke them. Stephen feels that he does not rely on luck to eat, as long as he stays on the upper middle. If you really want to improve your luck, go back and play with Queen Betty for a while and let her kiss herself. The little fairies were originally spiritual incarnations of nature. They were born with lucky attributes, and they could even transmit luck to those around them.

The bottomless abyss was temporarily quiet again.

With the help of the Time Dragon and the Eye of the Void, Stephen can perceive that many demons have sneaked into the material plane, but these demons are not under his jurisdiction. His task is to prevent those above demi-god level from entering the material plane. Even ordinary demons, even the high-level Balo Flame Demon, don’t care about it. The weakest worthy of Stephen’s shot must be the next demon lord. However, the situation inside the void boundary outside the bottomless abyss is not very clear to others. After discovering that ordinary demons can enter the main material plane, some demon lords entrenched in many levels began to move.

They sent their minions to sneak in quietly, and secretly calculated when they would sneak in to benefit the fishermen. The soul of the main material plane is the richest. Every time during the turbulent period, these demons jumped out to do things.


After sending away the goddess of doom, Stephen’s attention turned back to Arundel. He went to Glacier City and found that the bragging of the tavern owner in Motor City was actually true, and his ancestors were true. Has been a city owner here, and was also erected a statue under the glacier because he hunted an ancient dragon-level white dragon. Nowadays, there are not many dragons in the White Dragon Mountain Range. It was a gathering place of frost bipedal pterosaurs and white dragons hundreds of years ago. Now only when you go deep into the mountains can you see the traces of dragons. Stephen blessed himself with a constant advanced flight technique, flying all the way down the mountain towards the sea.

He was going to wander around this plane.

Within the scope of Arundel, some pirate forces are still active, but it is very interesting that they actually believe in the death master-Sauron. It is said that the **** of death once ruled the four seas of the main material plane before, when he collected most of the pirate forces in the whole world. So now many pirates believe in him, and think that a good enough pirate will enter his kingdom after death and become a ferry to the Styx. Most of these pirates will not burn and loot excessively. They are more inclined to occupy a sea area and charge corresponding protection fees. Generally speaking, they need to take away nearly 30% of the profits of commercial ships.

The characteristic of the colonial era is that the ocean trade is particularly prevalent. Under the intervention of the **** of death, the main material plane already shows signs of the birth of the alchemical industry system.

Stephen is very interested in examining all this.

In the lunar world and the world of Motorola, he also needs to advance the progress of the entire plane civilization. Although there are not so many gods in these two worlds, because of the star of death, there are still a lot of remaining monsters outside. Therefore, it is even more dangerous for ordinary people. From the perspective of Stephen, the speed of death’s advancement of civilization is still very conservative, because he has only seen a relatively complete industrial system in the overseas islands, but it is only limited to the level of the first industrial revolution. If Stephen did it, it would take about ten to twenty years to advance civilization to the level of modern history.

of course.

The process of civilization is not a good thing. Even the technology tree on the magic side needs to be planned well.

After drifting on the sea for some time, Stephen went to the kingdom of elves. The elves of the Emerald Forest still enjoyed a comfortable and comfortable life, and seemed to be a little indifferent to everything outside. The biggest enemy of the whole elven **** system is the spider god. Every day, near the corrupted spider forest, the battle between the surface elves and the drow elves erupts. Stephen disguised his appearance as an ordinary elf, which made him easily into the kingdom of elves. There has been little change in the kingdom of elves for thousands of years, and even the impact of the holy saint’s catastrophe has not caused some upheaval. Their civilization inheritance has continued from the Thorium era to the present day.

The life rhythm of longevity species is very slow.

Stephen walked around in the kingdom of the elves and lost interest, because he was completely uninterested in their favorite poems, songs, and dances. The closed life of self-sufficiency made the kingdom of the elves look a little dull. There is no vitality in the human society. No wonder Many elves will run out and fall in love with humans.

It is very close to the city of fallen leaves.

There used to be the largest city of half-elves, but now the most half-elves are overseas islands. A large number of sycamore trees are planted in the deciduous city. This is a city with beautiful scenery, but when Stephen arrived, the atmosphere here was a little nervous. From the mouth of others, Stephen learned that the southern countries have waged war with the overseas islands. South The situation on the coast became quite subtle for a while.

And as the war approached, Stephen also saw a group of muscular brawny men wearing priest robes.

-War priest.

The emblems of this group of priests are very interesting, that is, the’five hands holding a scimitar, forming a circle’, this is the emblem of the **** of war-Carrigos, he is a weaker deity, even if it is the body Advent can’t beat Stephen, it can even be said that he will be completely beaten by Stephen.

But his boss is quite awesome.

Because the main **** of the war gods is the **** of battle-Tampas, and the priesthood is war, battle, a powerful master **** in the field of battle, power, protection, etc., and also the backbone of the conservative gods Although He did not support the Lord of Light very much, he also opposed the reformation of the Lord of Death. Stephen quickly saw from these people the priests of other gods in the war **** system, such as the priest of the Red Knight (Goddess of Strategy), the priest of the war temple rarely shows up, but if there is a war in the main material plane, then With a keen sense of smell, they will appear again soon.

The leaders of these priests were the high-level priests of the **** of war. They drove outside the fallen leaves city and soon disappeared into the mountains.

“War is coming?”

Stephen held his chin in contemplation, and the war priests seemed to be heading towards the Orc’s territory, where there was also a legendary figure-Eugene the God-Climbing.

A powerful half-orc who was a **** in turbulent years


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