Super Floating City

v3 Chapter 36 - News of peace

There were trembling sounds underground.

A peculiar silver-white metal eyeball appeared in the hands of the cool black wizard, and the magic stone crystal injected into the mana was activated. This silver-white eyeball floated in midair and quickly flew forward. Going, there is a faint spread of magical spells, which spread like a wave.

“The hole was found.”

The black wizard glanced at the others, and his eyes fell on the adventurer squad in front of him. Shen Sheng said: “Your mission has been completed. You can evacuate.”

“We may not care about you later.”

The tone is not very friendly, there seems to be a slight contempt, the dwarf defender’s expression is a little dissatisfied, but before the attack was pulled by the wizard next to him, he said: “Don’t worry about him. The black wizards are a group of annoying people. Guy.”

The black wizard’s reputation has always been stinky.

Even because of Stephen’s gradual surrender, it is still difficult for the dark wizards to get along well with other people, because the environment in which they were born is too dark. Dark wizards who are accustomed to the rules of the dark forest cannot trust other people, have a certain degree of distorted personality, and are more serious than others. At present, the black wizards are mainly concentrated in the Necromantic School. The black wizards of other schools are now few, and one person has been merged by the Five Ring Tower. People of the Necronomicon School have a corpse-like smell, and even his teammates keep a certain distance from him. Probably the only one who is not afraid of him is the demon hunter who leads the team.

The top demon hunters in Crow’s Nest have been chasing and killing black wizards who have committed serious sins for nearly a thousand years. They have extremely high magic resistance and can save most of the negative spells. Now Crow’s Nest is still chasing. Kill the black wizard who stole the remains of the ancient demon.

Fierce fighting soon broke out.

The steel golem moves towards the worm’s nest, while the Destroyer Squad has a clear division of labor, culling the spoiled and twisted blood-hatching organs bit by bit.

at the same time.

In the floating city of Arantir, part of the picture transmitted by the Eye of Mystery was also projected on a suspended central crystal. After confirming that this devil’s lair does not need more support, the Insight-Akasha Turning his eyes behind him, he slowly said: “How is the construction progress of the southern counties?”

Behind her is a senior member of the Blind Witch Association. The middle-aged witch in front of her face respectfully said: “This month we built 180 kilometers of roads, and we have initially opened up the surroundings of Dragon City.”

“The druids have reclaimed 3.5 million hectares of land.”

“This year’s food should be enough.”

“The sixth mine in Howling City has been officially started, and the smelting plant on the secondary element level of fire has also been started. This year’s steel output should exceed 200,000 tons. The first phase of the construction plan formulated by His Excellency has basically been reached. Now.”

“This is a newly built factory in Yarantil and Howling City.”

“Another part of high-level wizards hope they can also open factories. They sent representatives to talk to you.”

Insight-Akasha glanced and said slowly: “Let them wait first.”

In the words of Stephen, in the past five years, the world of Motorola and Moon Moon has been a process of increasing explosive productivity, at least to satisfy all aspects of self-sufficiency. The population around Alain Thier has become more and more, and here has gradually become the center of the north and south. In the future, this area will gather tens of millions of people. Although the development of the plane can obtain a lot of resources, the material required is also huge. At present, the development of the dark abyss is limited to the surface, and the exploration of the element plane has just begun. At this stage, more resources are accumulated to train manpower.

If you want to fully develop an elemental sub-plane, you need at least 10,000 middle-level wizards. At present, Yalandir does not have so many people.

“Don’t Stephen return yet?”

The figure of Lianna witch appeared outside the door. Behind her were twin sisters Avril Lavigne and Emily. Now their mentors are already resident in Jalandir, and naturally they also came with them. Recently, the people of the Wuhuan Tower are busy purifying the magic stone and turning it into a new energy crystal, which is the Cherdarin gem in the Thorium Age. The energy supply scope of the magic net is limited to the interior of the floating city. There are many places in the outside world that need to use energy crystals.

“No.” Insight-Akasha shook his head a little tiredly: “He said a few short months, and a year or two.”

Lianna witch was a little disappointed: “So long.”

“Forget it.”

“I’ll go and see His Highness Betty.”

Stephen’s botanical garden has been stripped from the floating city alone, and the root system of the tree of life has taken root deep into the earth, and is repairing the wounds left by the ancient evil along the earth’s veins. The power of the Druid Order is gradually growing, but their main task is to repair the natural environment of the moon, and the pastoral is now the most respected profession. The wizards should pay more attention to the interests in front of them. They are more enthusiastic about exploring the development site. Even the wizards of the five-ring tower pagoda who are responsible for the migration of dinosaur species to the moon are also for the larger ecological park in the future.

They are not interested in restoring the natural environment of the lunar moon, that is what the Druid should do.

During this time, many wizards gathered a lot of wealth, but the wealth finally flowed into Stephen’s hands, because they needed to exchange more knowledge about the field of legends from Stephen’s library. Of course, Stephen didn’t need the wealth too much. He changed hands and gave them back to the wizards. In the end, he got a large group of wizards as a labor force to join the construction of the floating city. Yarantil’s contribution is already a more valuable hard currency than gold. This is the only place among all forces that can be exchanged for advanced high-level legendary knowledge through conventional means.

Bottomless abyss.

Stephen ended his wandering of the material plane, but the news kept reaching him.

This period of staying in the bottomless abyss is very and nothing, he can only continue to develop the eternal blazing spell model, probably after a month, and finally the time dragon brought back a The good news is that the war along the southern coast seems to have stopped, and the two sides have temporarily signed an armistice agreement.

It seems that the running of the natural **** system has already had an effect, and the elven **** system has also intervened at the same time to intervene in this war.

But the bad news came back the next day. Some gods did not want the war to end, especially the forces of Lady Night, War Gods, and Furious Gods, etc., they gained a lot of benefits in this war. They hope that the losses on both sides will be greater, and that it would be better to weaken the foundation of Death. So a few days later, Stephen received the news that the believers of the war gods and the believers of the death gods had fought. Ms. Black Night seemed to have another fight with Ms. Yin Yue. Anyway, the sign of a little peace suddenly It’s just another fight.

Time passed little by little.

A month later, the Time Dragon finally brought back good news. After the restless war gods and wrath gods were cut, the death master and the glorious master seemed to be prepared to sit down and negotiate.

At this time, the casualties of the major material plane have reached millions.

If we continue to fight, the break of the war will increase the casualties sharply. This is something that neither side wants to see. In the end, the two big brothers have to negotiate under the pressure of the union of natural gods. As for the final result How Stephen didn’t know yet, but he knew his task was almost over.

He has been bored in the bottomless abyss for several months, and it is naturally best to finish the task quickly.


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