Super Gene Ⅱ: Evolution

Chapter 61 - 61 Threat

Chapter 61: Chapter 61 Threat

Ye Yuzhen seemed to sense something and turned his head to see Lin Shen, his face immediately taking on an unpleasant look.

Lin Shen smiled, turned around, and was ready to leave.

Ye Yuzhen immediately rushed over, blocking Lin Shen’s path, adjusted his emotions, and asked as if nothing was wrong, “When did you get back? I heard you left Yashen Base, did you not?”

“Not too early, not too late, just when you were talking about ‘tou’, ‘tou’, ‘tou’, ‘tou’… what tone is that word supposed to be in again, I can’t quite remember…” Before Lin Shen could finish speaking, Ye Yuzhen covered his mouth and dragged him to an isolated place.

“Why are you dragging me? Mind your image, you are a strategist, strategists should use their mouths, not their hands; how can you personally resort to violence?” After Ye Yuzhen let go, Lin Shen said with a deadpan expression.

“I warn you, if I hear a single word related to this matter outside, I will definitely not let you off,” Ye Yuzhen threatened fiercely.

“I’ve always been someone who responds to kindness, not force. It seems someone actually wants to threaten me; looks like I need to go print some flyers,” Lin Shen said playfully as he made to leave.

Ye Yuzhen quickly reached out to hold him back, biting her lip and saying, “What exactly do you want?”

“Take me home,” Lin Shen said seriously, with a subdued smile.

“What do you mean? Take you home, to whose home?” Ye Yuzhen looked at Lin Shen with a puzzled face, not understanding what he meant.

“Of course, take me to your home,” Lin Shen replied.

“Why should I take you to my home? Have you lost your mind?” As soon as Ye Yuzhen saw Lin Shen’s face darken, ready to walk away, she quickly caught him again, whispering, “You have to at least tell me why you want to go to my home, right?”

“I met you for a marriage interview and found you quite satisfactory; it’s only reasonable to meet your family now, isn’t it?” Lin Shen said.

“Reasonable, my foot. I already apologized to you, can’t you stop playing with me?” Ye Yuzhen said exasperatedly.

“Just tell me whether you’ll take me or not.” Lin Shen had made up his mind to go to Ye Yuzhen’s home. Her family’s defenses should also be very good. After the beast tide broke into the base, it should be a relatively safe place.

Since he had caught Ye Yuzhen’s weak spot, it would be a pity not to make good use of it.

“Impossible. I won’t take you to my home even if I die; get that through your head,” Ye Yuzhen said, gritting her teeth.

“Impossible, is it? How should I write the flyer later? Someone ‘tou’, ‘tou’, ‘tou’, ‘tou’…” Lin Shen pretended to be lost in thought, slowly turning around to leave.

“Fine, fine, fine, if you want to go to my family’s ancestral tomb, I’ll even take you there, okay?” Ye Yuzhen grudgingly said as she held on to Lin Shen.

“I’ll pass on visiting your family tomb for now; we can talk about that when we’re buried together in the future,” Lin Shen paused, then added, “I’m meeting our parents; what kind of gift should I bring, I wonder?”

“Who’s ‘our parents’ with you…” Ye Yuzhen was almost amused by her anger.

“Tou’, ‘tou’, ‘tou’, ‘tou’…” Lin Shen began to chant again.

“All right, all right, all right, it’s yours, everything’s yours, is that okay?” Ye Yuzhen said in frustration. “Seriously, what do you really want to do? If you don’t feel vindicated, why don’t you just beat me up? Beat me however you like, I’ll take it even if it kills me.”

“How could I bear to hit you? I’ve finally taken a liking to someone, and I’m waiting to marry you. It wouldn’t be good if you were injured. Stop wondering, let’s go buy some gifts to meet our parents,” Lin Shen said as he put his arm around Ye Yuzhen’s shoulder and walked toward the market.

Ye Yuzhen struggled with her waist a few times but couldn’t undo it, so she just stopped bothering with it.

When they arrived at the gift shop, Lin Shen simply bought a few things and came out.

“You’re really generous, all these items together must cost over a hundred bucks, you’ve really spent a fortune,” Ye Yuzhen commented as she saw what Lin Shen was carrying, her lips twitching uncontrollably.

“A small gift from afar conveys deep feelings,” Lin Shen genuinely had no money left. After buying the pet, he didn’t even have money for food, otherwise, he wouldn’t mind spending a bit more.

Now, he was holding onto Ye Yuzhen as a big thigh, hoping to at least secure a place to eat and live.

“If you carry these things to meet my parents, do you believe they’d break your legs and throw you out along with this trash?” Ye Yuzhen said as she snatched the things from Lin Shen’s hands and dumped them into a trash can before heading to another high-end gift shop of her own.

“Don’t throw them away, that’s all money. If you don’t like them, you can return them,” Lin Shen hastily picked the items out of the trash and went to get a refund.

In a short while, Ye Yuzhen came out holding several exquisite bags and handed them to Lin Shen, “Take these instead.”

Lin Shen accepted them and handed them over to Wei Wufu, “Hold these for me.”

“Don’t tell me you’re actually thinking of bringing him to meet my parents?” Ye Yuzhen looked at Lin Shen as if he were insane.

“Which wealthy person doesn’t bring a bodyguard? It’s a sign of our distinguished status. Let’s go, hurry up and head back, my parents are getting anxious,” Lin Shen half-hugged, half-pushed Ye Yuzhen forward.

“I just don’t know what sins I committed in my past life…” Ye Yuzhen complained reluctantly, twisting her body as she walked on.

As they got to the front door, Ye Yuzhen glanced at Lin Shen with some nervousness and said, “Are you really going in?”

“Of course I’m going in. Why else would I be here?” Lin Shen looked at the Ye Family’s castle-like home and felt particularly satisfied.

“Fine, you’ve got guts. Just don’t say anything stupid later,” Ye Yuzhen said and walked towards the gate, ringing the bell. It wasn’t long before someone opened the door from inside.

The castle with white walls and a blue roof was like something out of a fairy tale. From the outside, one couldn’t tell it was built of base mutation materials, but the door alone was half a meter thick which showed just how extensive the defense system of the castle was. The Ye Family’s security was even better than Lin Shen had imagined, probably no worse than the Lu and Xu Families.

Of course, in terms of scale, the Lu and Xu Families were much bigger, but in terms of equipment, they might not be better than the Ye Family.

“It looks like Ye Yuzhen’s parents have more backing than I thought,” Lin Shen thought. Even though he hadn’t been out much, the architectural standards of the castle told him that Ye Yuzhen’s parents were not simple.

Before Lin Shen and Ye Yuzhen could enter the castle, a beautiful, well-dressed lady, appearing to be only around thirty years old, had already seen the two clearly through surveillance.

“Is that Lin Yin’s youngest brother?” The lady asked an old man next to her as she observed the two on the monitor, who seemed somewhat awkward and ambiguously close.

“Yes, madam. His name is Lin Shen. He is the youngest of the Lin siblings. His reputation at Dark Bird Base wasn’t very good. However, with the recent attack on the Lin family’s caravan and the absence of Mr. Lin Zongzheng and the fourth child from the base, only Lin Shen could handle the situation. According to the information from our spy in the Xu Family, although Mr. Lin Shen’s own abilities are not impressive, he possesses a handgun capable of killing Crystal Base Level pets, presumably a Pet Launcher with an unknown grade,” the elder detailed meticulously, even recounting the conversation between Lin Shen and Ye Yuzhen without missing a word.

“How do you think he compares to Lin Yin from back then?” The lady asked after listening.

“He is far inferior, one is in the heavens, the other on earth,” the elder answered without hesitation.

“A difference between heaven and earth, huh? Not necessarily. I find him quite interesting,” the lady said with a meaningful smile.

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