Super Gene Ⅱ: Evolution

Chapter 87 - 87 Death Powder Evolution Complete

Chapter 87: Chapter 87 Death Powder Evolution Complete

Lin Shen was indifferent to his nickname of being a playboy; how others viewed him had no impact on him whatsoever.

The whole world knew about Zheng Yan’s actions, which made Lin Shen very curious about how the Lu family would deal with him.

However, that wasn’t very important. Whether the Lu family dealt with Zheng Yan or not, he wouldn’t give Zheng Yan a second chance. Even if the Lu family protected him, he would still take Zheng Yan’s life.

What concerned Lin Shen now was the increasing number of Mushroom Beasts in the Blue Tree Sea. Even near the Yashen Base, Mushroom Beasts could be seen everywhere.

Scouts sent by the Lu and Xu families had discovered a huge Purple Crystal Mushroom Beast, large as a small hill and emanating purple poisonous gas, probably of the Crystal Base Level.

The Yashen Base was making efforts to clear the nearby Mushroom Beasts, but the more they killed, the more seemed to appear, like an unending stream.

Many people had obtained Base Mutation Eggs from the Mushroom Beasts, and quite a few had hatched them. Now, almost everyone had a Mushroom Beast pet.

The appearance of Crystal Base Mushroom Beasts, coupled with their vast numbers, made the situation at Yashen Base look very grim.

According to Ye Yuzhen, there were more than twenty Crystal Base Powerhouses at Yashen Base, and a conservative estimate put the number of Crystal Base Level pets at forty to fifty.

If there weren’t too many Crystal Base Level Mushroom Beasts, they should still be able to hold the line. However, it would be difficult to cover the entire base, and when the time came, a large influx of Mushroom Beasts penetrating the base leading to inevitable urban warfare was likely.

If there were too many Crystal Base Level Mushroom Beasts, then there would be real trouble.

“Why not take the initiative to attack? Don’t give those Mushroom Beasts a chance to breed, and just charge into the Blue Tree Sea to annihilate them,” Lin Shen asked with some doubt.

“You think the Lu and Xu families don’t want to do that? The key issue is that the Blue Tree Sea, in some outer areas, can be entered and exited, but deeper regions have a Base Mutation Point. There are many Crystal-based Creatures inside, and with the manpower available to Yashen Base, I’m afraid they won’t be able to capture it,” Ye Yuzhen paused and said after some thought.

Lin Shen felt that the situation was quite serious. There was actually a Base Mutation Point inside the Blue Tree Sea. If anything went wrong, Yashen Base might not hold.

“You don’t have to worry too much. I heard that the Lu and Xu families have already spread the news about the Realm King Cultivation System here through their channels,” Ye Yuzhen added.

Upon hearing this, Lin Shen understood, “The Lu and Xu families can really let go. To give away such a great opportunity so readily.”

“It’s just a matter of time. Rather than being robbed later on, it’s better to gain some immediate benefits now. I believe it won’t take long before a large group of Mutators arrive, including powerful members of major families. Even if there are any accidents in the Blue Tree Sea, there shouldn’t be too much trouble,” Ye Yuzhen smiled and glanced at Lin Shen, “You should be careful though. Those guys from the major families might take a great interest in you.”

“You’ll protect me, right?” Lin Shen asked Ye Yuzhen with a smile.

“How shameless you are, asking me that. Go to Lu Qing for protection. What relation do I have with you that I should protect you?” Ye Yuzhen feigned anger.

“Forget it then. I’ll go and ask Lu Qing later. I’m tired; I’m going to take a nap,” Lin Shen said and headed to the guest room on the second floor.

“You…” Ye Yuzhen was dumbfounded.

Halfway up the stairs, Lin Shen seemed to remember something, turned his head, and said, “Lend me your incubation chamber.”

Since the whole world had seen his actions on that planet, there was no point in hiding anything. He might as well hatch the two Mutant Sea Demon God Generals first. When the beast tide came, they would be his main force in combat.

In the future, when he returned to that planet, having two Mutant Crystal Base pets, he could practically do as he pleased.

Ye Yuzhen guessed he wanted to hatch the Mutant Sea Demon God Generals and didn’t say much, leading him to her private incubation chamber.

Lin Shen placed the two Mutant Sea Demon God Generals and Mushroom Beast eggs inside, hoping they would hatch soon.

Ye Yuzhen’s hatching chamber was quite obviously a high-end model, much more advanced than Lin Shen’s; I’d bet the hatching time can be significantly reduced as well.

“Don’t worry, this hatching chamber is only used by me. Apart from me, nobody else can get in here, so you don’t have to worry,” Ye Yuzhen made a point to say.

“What’s there to worry about? What’s mine is yours, and what’s yours is mine. If you want to use it, just take it. We’re family, after all. It doesn’t matter whose place it is,” Lin Shen said with a laugh.

He didn’t have much choice, either. He couldn’t wait until after the beast tide to start hatching, could he? The beast tide was his biggest threat; he had to hatch before it struck, and the best option he had now was to do it at the Ye family’s place.

“You talk a good talk, but who knows what you’re really thinking,” Ye Yuzhen said, though he couldn’t suppress a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Back in the guest room, just as Lin Shen had lain down on the bed intending to rest, he felt something moving in his pocket.

“Damn it, when I need you, you don’t show up, and now when there’s no need, you finish evolving? Are you messing with me?” Lin Shen saw something that looked like a red string wriggling out of his pocket. It crawled along his body and he realized it was Death Powder.

Lin Shen grabbed Death Powder and pulled it out. This creature had become even more delicate after evolving, resembling a semi-transparent dark red beef tendon string about three to four meters long. Its head was smooth and round, and its tail was thin and sharp. It had become much heavier than before, and while it wasn’t as heavy as a trident, it was still quite heavy for an ordinary person.

“Did it ascend to Crystal Base level?” Lin Shen was pleased and quickly checked its attributes.

Mutated Death Shredder: Super-Base Alloy Creature (can evolve).

Strength: 21.

Speed: 21.

Hardness: 21.

Toughness: 21.

Base Mutation Talent: Super-Base Devouring, Super-Base Evolution, Super-Base Armor-Piercing Spike, Super-Base Instantaneous Speed, Super-Base Hundred Refinements, Super-Base Solidification.

“Huh, it didn’t ascend to Crystal Base level but mutated into Super-Base?” Lin Shen was somewhat surprised.

The environment hadn’t changed, but all the innate skills had acquired the Super-Base prefix, and a new skill, Super-Base Solidification, was added.

Lin Shen wondered how he could test how much these talents had enhanced. On a whim, he flicked it, and Death Powder, previously limp like a rope, suddenly stiffened into a straight line, turning into something akin to a large javelin with the tail acting as the spearhead.

Lin Shen was startled at first, but then quickly realized this must be Death Powder’s Super-Base Hundred Refinements talent.

He swung it a couple of times and found it quite convenient, albeit slightly heavy—just a bit lighter than a trident.

“It’s not bad for practicing spear technique in normal times.” Lin Shen flicked the spear, and the tip of the spear turned into a blur, unbelievably fast.

“Super-Base Instantaneous Speed has improved a lot compared to the enhanced instantaneous speed from before!” Lin Shen was delighted. This wasn’t a slight improvement; with the speed of alloy and the use of Super-Base Instantaneous Speed, it could almost match the speed of a Crystal Base.

He couldn’t test Super-Base Devouring or Super-Base Evolution yet, and he couldn’t discern the effect of Super-Base Solidification either. Lin Shen guessed that Super-Base Solidification might be related to that ability of the Mutated Poison Thorn Turtle that can make a person’s body solidify.

If that were the case, then Death Powder really had become formidable. Anybody wounded by it would essentially be done for.

“If I use Death Powder’s Super-Base Solidification to pierce myself, could it trigger a strengthening mutation according to Evolution Theory?” Lin Shen pondered quietly.

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