Super God of War

Chapter 109 - Aggressive

It has been fifteen minutes since the Canghai war group entered the crack of the light curtain. No team appeared behind. Obviously someone deliberately arranged to make the Canghai High School fall into isolation and had to fight with Thunder Tiger.

Although can turn around and quit, it means failure.

It was a very difficult fifteen minutes. Thunder Tiger rushed forward crazy, and the electro-optical interweave into an electric field, forming a field of lightning.

“Iron horn thorns.” Zhang Xiaoman sprinkled a lot of gray-black seeds, they burrowed into the soil to grow wildly, and quickly formed a clump of low trees covered with hard iron thorns, which can lead to a part of lightning.

“The electric pulse is forbidden.” In the dark night, the black sword was inserted into the ground, and the power of the Thunder Sword Ringer was used to resist the lightning wave. It looks good, and the power of the thunder and lightning cancel each other out, quickly forming a small safe area.

Lin Tianbao held a rifle and a tower shield to resist the thunder tiger’s bite. Ji Haotian held the shield in both hands. While he was mad at himself, he touched Thunder Tiger hard with the shield to prevent them from approaching.

Dou Xianyue is more direct, and her arms are shields. Because of the integration of the Yuanxi plow stone collected by Yuzong, its defense is stronger than Lin Tianbao and Ji Haotian. However, it is still impossible to kill Thunder Tiger.

Thick tiger skin is thick and thick, and some parts of the body still have a hard shell. Only Luo Yang and Zhu Niansheng can effectively kill them.

Luoyang’s sword sharpness cuts along the hard shell of Thunder Tiger’s body. After a few swords, there must be a hard shell falling, and then the bone armor will eat quickly.

The venomous birth of Zhu Nian, the Thunder Tiger killed by her poison did not even eat the bone armor, the toxins spread out to form a group kill, which is even higher than Luo Yang ’s killing efficiency.

“Hurry up, you can’t kill these big guys, you can hurt them, and buy me time.” Lin Tianbao gritted his teeth, if not their three honoured shield armor stood at the front to withstand Thunder Tiger impact, the team was early It was completely broken up.

“Okay, Leopard.” Shi Gu spewed out a large volume of highly concentrated alcoholic gas, making a thundering bang when rolling forward to deflect Thunder Tiger.

Lightning surged again, the snake girl shook her body, and the head of the snake hair sprayed a layer of sharp white light to lead the lightning to the sky. Blood Fang released a cloud of blood mist to wrap himself in, and Lightning suddenly lost his head.

The Snake Girl and Blood Fang are elite combat powers, but they can still protect themselves under the Thunder Tiger attack. Other people are not easy to say. The three Lin Tianbao tried their best to resist the impact. There must be something they ca n’t take care of. Among the ranks.


Thunder Tiger raised his scorpion tail and made it difficult.

“Baby, don’t panic, I will give you the coordinates of the light curtain rift, you will try your best to send Thunder Tiger to Longquanxing to save.” Luo Yang saw the team damaged and released Yinglong in a hurry.


Ying Long was frightened when she came out, but she did not participate in such a big battle. However, fortunately, it is a quadrant monster close to the fifth-level superpower species. The reaction speed is very fast. The tail is entangled with the thunder tiger’s scorpion tail, and it is thrown toward the crack of the light curtain.

“Bao” sounded, Thunder Tiger disappeared.

“Hum, it’s hard to fail me.” Ying Longyao Wu Yangwei.

It is much easier for everyone to deal with the other Thunder Tiger rushing into the team than to deal with the two Thunder Tigers at the same time. As the dragon flapped its wings forward, it shot forward. There was a thick layer of red light on the ground spreading forward quickly. Any thunder tiger that touched the red light disappeared instantly, and the team on the other side of the light curtain was annoyed this time.

Only forty or more seconds passed, the red light sent away nearly four hundred thunder tigers.

The four hundred thunder tigers are not a small number. Their total number is only seven hundred. Under the joint extermination of Luo Yang and Zhu Niansheng, they have already confessed sixty heads. Looking around, Thunder Tiger is less than half,

Ying Long came back, she was really exhausted, although the transmission distance was not too far, but it involved crossing the light curtain, and the size of those Thunder Tigers was not small, this consumption made her accumulated power bottomed out at once. I am afraid that the hundred cuttlefish eyeballs will not come back.

“Good job.” Luo Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Yinglong is not Bai Yang. It is really useful at the critical moment. Fortunately, the organizer of the hegemony tournament announced the specific parameter coordinates of the light curtain gap. Otherwise, so many Thunder Tigers besieged.

“Go, let me break through.” Luo Yang stood forward, his figure flashed quickly, and the hard shell on Thunder Tiger’s body was cut off, causing them to roar in pain.

“Very good.” Lin Tianbao drummed up his strength to resist the two Thunder Tigers and rushed to follow Luo Yang’s footsteps.

Zhu Niansheng spewed a circle of poisonous fog and quickly withdrew from the team, because someone was injured in the team, and the hands and feet were all small. The most terrible injury came from electric shock.

“Quick rush, the Thunder Tiger behind came up.”

“Dust floods.”

“The wind is glaring.”

The students who were responsible for the use of their ability to resist a little, suddenly a thick electric light appeared, bombarding a small boy into ashes, this situation can not be rescued at all.

With the thrilling roar, a huge black tiger with black body leaped, like a king among thunder tigers, even the white gas from the nostrils was carrying an electric arc, and the black bright scorpion tail was erected behind him, and the scorpion tail was up. The hook pointed directly at Luo Yang, and a cluster of dazzling electro-rays appeared among the electro-optical flint.


Spread a hundred miles, and saw the black lightning ball run away.

When the black tiger appeared, Luo Yang felt a life-threatening crisis. He didn’t even want to release 729 stars and jade swords, swimming around the body like a school of fish.

The black lightning ball came quickly and quickly. The three nearby Thunder Tigers were ordered to cooperate with the Black Tiger operation, which blocked Luo Yang’s retreat.





Luo Yang’s hands tremble quickly, and each tremor forms a specific handprint, so that the basic rune of Amysia can be generated.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of Amysia runes have been formed, and they are connected together and printed on the mysterious Tianxing sword, making all the flying swords shine, and attracting star power from all directions.

The huge beam of light came instantly, and the star power was so rich that it became virtual.

The seven hundred and twenty-nine swords are changing rapidly, just like an efficient meat grinder that separates the black lightning ball. Luo Yang’s feet are suspended in the air to control the black lightning.


The black tiger sent out a roar, and watched as his own vitality disappeared. This situation makes it feel weird and a little overwhelmed.

Luo Yang closed the book of stars to complete the ban, from the third page to the ninth page has been fully loaded.

Just measured from the perspective of energy, this group of black lightning **** is ridiculously strong. Fortunately, it is just a mass of energy without any special changes. Otherwise, no matter how strong the mysterious Star Sword is, and how magical the Amycian rune is, it is not enough to ban such a huge amount of energy.

Next, the Canghai Group quickly penetrated and successfully rushed out of the siege of Thunder Tiger.

“We are in the light, the enemy is in darkness. The ancient times, create light and shadow effects to help us turn from light to darkness.” Luo Yang flew forward, Lin Tianbao and Zhang Xiaoman followed, everyone raised their vigilance and moved quickly.

Shigu took a deep breath, exhausting alcohol in all directions with all his strength.

Sounded with a “huh”, and the alcoholic gas in the diffuse state was burning up, forming a large dazzling light.

Only three seconds passed, and the light suddenly disappeared.

Entering the darkness from extreme dazzle is too abrupt, making the spies lurking in the dark extremely unsuitable. When they want to find the trace of the sea group again, no matter whether it is infrared detection or odor molecule tracking, they can’t find it.

Luo Yang led the team into a low jungle.

Lin Tianbao’s fist exchange report: “We lost three people and injured twelve others.”

“Damn.” Hualuo disappeared, so many teams entered the crack of the light curtain and did not encounter the siege of Thunder Tiger, but they came to the sea to receive this kind of treatment. There is no ghost!

Nami and Meng Weiyang knew that Hualuo’s departure was Luo Yang’s meaning, and they both disappeared into the night. Lian Yunfeng’s brother and sister listened to Luo Yang’s instructions, nodded and turned away.

Next is waiting, everyone sighed with anger. On the way to Longquan province, there was no loss of personnel in Feifengshan last night, but just lost the three students after entering the crack of the light curtain. If it is found that it is artificial, then do n’t give up this hatred.

When the east exposed fish belly white, the vast night began to fade, and a figure came from afar.

Meng Weiyang was bloodied. When he returned to the team, he immediately fell down, and said in a hoarse voice: “I found out that it was the ghost of Chen Xinghan from Heiyan. He is a second-level beast trainer of the Lu family. The game has been stuck in Black Rock High School for two years, and it has rejected the invitation of Donglan University twice. It is a difficult character. I have not seen his people, and I have suffered a lot just by confronting his men. “

At this time, Lian Yunfeng was carrying her sister Lian Xiaomin, Zhang Nanami helped Hualuo to return, the four people were scarred, and Zhu Niansheng hurried to the past to heal.

“There was a fight, the opponent was very strong. Fortunately, Yun Feng and Xiao Min responded at the back, otherwise we would not come back.” Zhang Namami sat down with Fu Hua and the man fell to the ground, causing a panic.

“Boo”, Zhang Chengxiu got up and walked in the direction of dawn with the aftertaste of the night ~ ~ You rest here, Cheng Xiu and I went to find Chen Xinghan. “Luo Yang is not a person who can’t afford to lose. It’s just that the Lu family has repeatedly provoked his bottom line. Now that he has lost his patience, he has to use a quick knife to temporarily mess up.

“Brother Yang, take me.” Lin Tianbao got up.

“Boss, I will go too.” Du Dali and Tang Xuan clenched their fists.

“No, you stay. The territory of the Orai tribe is full of chaos. They live deep underground and may attack at any time. In addition, the place we agreed with Lingyun High School is near here. The name is Yin. The girl of Yue may come in with the team. She is a big help. I will come back as soon as possible. “Luo Yang said, walking forward without looking back.

“Let him go! Tianbao.” Zhang Xiaoman looked at Luo Yang’s back.

“Just Brother Yang and Brother Xiu, it would be a bit reluctant to run to the whole team of the enemy?” Lin Tianbao was very worried.

“I understand A Yang. He is afraid that we will see what he was like when he was cruel. The sacrifice of three classmates made him feel bad. He is such a person who takes his companion’s life more important than his own life. Lu The family is aggressive, and if he retaliates in private, he will be happy to accept it. But the Lu family chose to expand the hatred and force Ayang to solve the problem in the most extreme way. “

“Yang brother, be careful.” Lin Tianbao clenched the shield, only to feel that the figure in the distance stood upright.

Zhang Xiaoman knows Luo Yang very well, at this moment he really has to use the most extreme way to solve the problem. Guided by the marks left by Meng Weiyang and Zhang Nano, they found the opponent within ten minutes.

This is a very tightly-arranged camp. Luo Yang took out a demented blue rice and pressed it on his chest. “Bone armor, it’s up to you to record my magical side. Demon Heart is proud, bones are crazy, heaven and earth are trapped, and the blood is open. “

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