Super God of War

Chapter 152 - Opening dark horse

The next day, early morning

The western city of Gan’an, the capital of the capital, has become particularly lively

At dawn, those small vendors and peddlers came to the street and saw guests in strange costumes or more modern dresses, hoping to tie people to the stalls.

Why are you so active? Because there are many local tyrants today.

The four cities in the southeast, northwest, and northwest have only two days of rotation to open the market each month. Normally, they also have to operate. Centralized auction.

Anyway, on this day, the transaction volume of big merchants will definitely burst.

People who live in Gan’an have long been accustomed to it, but there are many people who can’t stand the distance.

To what extent? The flow of people is woven, and the traffic of horses and horses is not enough to describe this kind of scene. Anyway, except for a straight royal privileged stone road, other roads will be occupied by people.

Come in early and go in. If you come late and no acquaintances lead the way, just wait for the hard work. Maybe you may not see the store you want to go to at night.

The three auction houses are extraordinary, Mochizuki Pavilion, Tianyin Pavilion, and Lingyan Pavilion began to receive visitors from the Quartet one day in advance …

No matter how well-developed the modern Internet is, maybe you can bid on the keyboard, but what the auction house wants is popularity

You can’t see me, I can’t see you, what’s the point of fooling around with numbers? The auction needs an atmosphere. Without the arrogant arrogance that you are fighting for, will those local tyrants and rich people raise their prices like blood? Moreover, many valuable treasures have to be presented in person.

“That Luo Yang didn’t come?” Lingyan Pavilion asked middle-aged man in a low voice.

“Don’t come, please take care of the master, we are always monitoring.” Several low-browed men responded quickly.

“Huh, let me rest assured, if it was not for you few to be useless, I would have lost someone on my site, would I not be at ease?”

The chief of the Lingyan Pavilion was stern, because he was afraid that there would be a problem today, and as long as the problem was a big problem, and after Luo Yang had such trouble, the three auction houses had to use their cards.

In addition to the hole cards? All other first hands are exposed, I am afraid that there will be changes in the scene, because this Luo Yang is a unstable factor

“Sir, report, something is wrong.” Suddenly someone came to return.

“What’s wrong? Is Luo Yang coming?” The middle-aged man stood up suddenly, and a murderous eruption appeared in his eyes …

“No, it’s not” the timid return of his men: “Luo Yang did not show up. The flow of people in Tianyin Pavilion is obviously more than that of our side and Mochizuki Pavilion, at least 30% more.”

“You bastard, get out of me, what’s wrong with the flow of people? Tianyin Pavilion has just opened, and naturally it’s going to grow stronger, and find all the people who can find it. This is called care, you know?” Good temper, he is particularly angry today

“Yes, small roll, this rolls …”

The man was so scared that his **** rolled into his urine, and he said, “Is it easy to mix bowls of rice? Grandma, make me rush, and go to Tianyin Pavilion in the afternoon”

The big manager of Lingyan Pavilion didn’t care, but the big manager of Tianyin Pavilion was surprised.

Today, the Tianyin Pavilion did invite people to support it, and even arranged some “supports”, but the speed of the master was too fast, it was a bit weird, and it was a bit inexplicable.

“Uncle Zero.” Lai Qian’er walked in.

“What’s going on outside?” The big manager frowned slightly, afraid he would hear bad news.

“It’s strange to say that there are obviously more people coming to our Tianyin Pavilion than the other two. The niece carefully checked and found that the auction items they focused on were all sent by Luo Yang …”

“Oh, there will be such a thing?” The big manager apparently stunned, pacing in the hall with his hands on his back, and shook his head: “I have already checked this Luo Yang, and it shines in the high school hegemony competition in a hundred provinces There are some problems with the Lu family. With his background, why is there a token? And knowing the usage of the token, I ca n’t even understand this matter until now ”

The big manager sighed: “If it is said that he is a detailed work sent by two other people, this is even more unclear. He is obviously in Kenglingyange and Wangyuege. Are they going to stage a bitter plan?”

“Sophisticated work?” Lai Qian’er thought of the token, which was newer, but she personally verified it. It was no different from the token issued by the family. Even several special secret verification methods were hidden in it and could be cheated. Others can’t lie to her appraiser …

Where is the absolute thing in the world? Luo Yang flickered without even blinking his eyes, and flicked out the black horses of Ling Yan Pavilion and Mochizuki Pavilion, so that Tianyin Pavilion could grow stronger.

That is really growing

Even if the reaction of Lingyan Pavilion and Mochizuki Pavilion is sluggish, it will also react when the auction really starts.

The guests of Tianyin Pavilion are indeed beyond imagination, and the composition is complex, there are many lineage characters present, they are definitely not “trust”

Just kidding, how many figures are too busy to trust an auction house? Even if there is, it will not be so much, so there must be reasons why the two of them do not know …

“Welcome everyone, the auction will start now”

“The first auction item, the Odyssey genetic evolution fluid, can be transformed into a mad giant with the help of Odyssey’s heavenly strength. It is a big killer on the battlefield. It has a base price of 500 dry diamonds …”

Voices were spreading on the auction platform of Tianyin Pavilion, and the big manager was still afraid of the accident, so the clever move changed the auction order. This is a controllable link. He plans to try the water first to see what the **** is Luo Yang doing?

The crowd discussed: “This batch of evolutionary fluid is not bad, but it is too unpopular to get the imperial capital to sell. We do not reach the place where the borders of the hundred provinces of Ganan and the outside world are reached. There will be no battle for hundreds of years. Buy this stuff? “

The voice of discussion was still in my ears, and I heard a voice roar: “Two thousand colored diamonds, four times the auction reserve price, Laozi Moyuezong wants it”

The sound is like a thunder, and many people are dizzy …

“Hehehe, what is Moyuezong? I am here, Yuhaizong, and I will play with dirty things. Moyuezhe stands side by side ~ ~ Ten dozen maid stars hold the moon, and the guard is in one body. Beside the gorgeous woman in a navy blue dress, she is noble and extraordinary.

“Why? Everyone has received the news, do you want this batch of Odyssey genetic evolution fluid?” The temperature began to drop, making people’s voices cry: “Then follow the rules of the auction, the highest bidder, I This Jianqi Sect is willing to produce 4,000 colored diamonds. “

“Four thousand? Lao Tzu to eight thousand …”

Seeing this kind of scene, Tianyin Pavilion swallowed the saliva very much without talking about it. This was a big upset. He regretted arranging the big dark horse to the opening.

“twelve thousand……”

“Fifteen thousand……”

The number of auctions soared up, and the Tianyinge auction immediately became the focus of all aspects of the Imperial Capital Qian’an. ()

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