Super God of War

Chapter 1546 - Bathing stars shake the world

Luo Yang opened the Star Force heart to absorb the Star Force. The Star Orbiter was the most sensitive to the changes in the body. It was shocked to find that the Star Force could not be prevented from running out. The anger made a trick of their family.

The size of the star track shakes the worms, there is no shortage of energy in the body, and it is easy to breed a unique ecological environment. Over time, there is a chance to give birth to some powerful individuals, which is no worse than that of the Divine Lord. Coupled with fighting in a familiar environment, the strength that can be exerted is even more terrifying.

The Douhun tribe is chasing and killing Xu Du, and one of them is shocked by the change, reminding: “Attention, that Luo Yang caused the anger of the star track to shake the worm.”

“Sir, are we here to ambush ahead of time, is this to kill a few undead reptiles? This is a big deal, it might be better for me to kill Luo Yang to prevent him from becoming a star.”

“Golden Boy, are you greedy for his star luck? To be honest, I also want to wipe out this child, because he grows too fast, it is impossible to bring more people into the star family, these humble lives have no other advantages. It ’s just that the speed of reproduction is a headache. But the above purpose is not to allow us to move him, but to help him eliminate the crisis. “

“Isn’t it wrong? Is it necessary to support the stars in such a ghost place? What’s the benefit? Since our team is here, we won’t let accidents happen. I don’t care, I’m going to destroy him!” Jin Cancan stared away , Projected into the distance.

“No!” Xu Du was almost desperate. The huge six-headed monster drifted over and extended his red-brown tentacles to imprison time and space. The Soul Clan was still chasing behind him. Isn’t it his life?

Undead also have a life! Life Pearl is their life. If it falls into the hands of the Douhou tribe, it will disappear completely, and all backup methods will be invalid.

“Oh, uh …”

Many figures appeared on the sea and surrounded the Douhou Clan, and they heard someone roar: “Golden Boy. You don’t listen to the order, **** it!”

Jin Cancan starlight stayed away from the war zone before the monster formed a siege, haha ​​laughed and said: “I will go and go back. This Luoyang ran into the heart of the bug’s ventricle without knowing the sky. It is normal to die. Shangfeng supported a star and gave me the position! There are also a few tentacles. You can deal with it naturally, let alone worry about the undead tribe, he can insist on five virtual moments. “

In this way, the fighting spirit clan and the monsters sent by the star track shook the worms, the fighting spirit clan named Jintong went into the depths of the plasma ocean, looking for Luo Yang’s figure.

It must be said that the Soul Fighter Clan is strong. Luo Yang used the Taichung Sword to break out of the channel. The Golden Soul Fighter Clan infiltrated smoothly by his own strength. Slammed into the star’s orbital heart.

The two are not far away. Luo Yang is absorbing the star power with all his strength, pushing the star force heart to the sixth order and close to the seventh order, washing and transforming the body of the god, making this body more suitable for storing star power.

“Huh? It turns out that you are here, and you haven’t entered the nucleus of the bug.” Tong Can’s voice came from Jin Cancan’s starlight.

Luo Yang’s eyesight is not bad, filtering starlight to see a boy, can’t help but ask Simba in his heart: “Is this the fighting soul race?”

“Yes, this is the Fighting Soul Race. Any race seeing it will think that the other is from the same race. This is not the case. That’s just that they are naturally fooled by the illusion of the star of the foreign race. Mature is not far away! “

“What is the definition of no maturity?” Luo Yang raised his heart to his throat, and just looked at the other party for a moment, and felt that he was pulled by a huge air machine, and he felt that he could not compete with it.

Regardless of whether this feeling is true or false, in short, it is very bad, big bad.

Simba replied: “The definition of no maturity means that it has not grown into Haotian Realm. This is the only criterion for dividing the maturity of the Douhou tribe.”

Luo Yang took a deep breath, and Star Force gathered to him at a faster rate. Although I do n’t know why the Douhou tribe did n’t do it before, it is now coming suddenly. But one thing is very clear, that is, the other party is not good. The good will not come, and the fighting will be fierce. There must be a battle.

“Hahaha, little fellow, you are much younger than me. It’s good to be able to reach this level.” The boy exudes a golden light from his body, and said with his arms in an old-fashioned manner: “But our fighting souls never Know how to love and care for the young, and other life in my eyes is meaningless. “

“Call, call, call …”

In the heart chamber of the star track shaking the worm, a storm suddenly blew, and hundreds of millions of stars flew.

Jin Tong took a half step back and suddenly stood angered: “I dare to play tricks in front of me? Find death.”

“Ding, Ding, Ding …”

The iron claws were caught in the sky, and the sound of tinkling kept coming. The golden boy was surprised. His weapon was actually beaten back, and it was covered with sword marks on it.

“Why not?”

Jintong grabbed the iron claws and flew down.

Luo Yang just relied on the Taichung sword to forcibly get rid of the entanglement. At this moment, a bright light mirror was hanging behind his head to illuminate an area, and he hurriedly fell his hands together and fell down.

Star track shakes the celestial worm’s ventricle without distinction, no distinction, no past, no future, like two-dimensional space, only plane. The vast star power exists in a strangely compressed state, as if putting stars one after another flat, but the moment Luo Yang enters changes.

“Didi, Didi, Didi …”

Quantifying the start of Xingtian brings up, down, left, and right to this space, bringing the present future, and Xingli suddenly becomes alive and well.

Luo Yang looked up and never knew that Star Power could be so playful and so smart, and there were many feelings in his heart, a mysterious figure appeared on his forehead, the God of Light and Rui Beast screamed cheerfully, the light in his mind appeared suddenly, and countless inspirations came in his heart. When the opportunity for knowledge arrives, we can refer to the body structure of the star track to shake the celestial worm, to strengthen the control and use of the star power.

At this time, quantifying Xingtian is no longer full of stars, but draws circles one by one in Zhou Tian. The star power is like a wonderful coil of hundreds of millions of channels.

“Understood ~ ~ This is the quantitative star sky!”

“None, the beginning of heaven and earth! Yes, the mother of all things! There is nothing in it, there is time and space, intermittent, cyclical, repeated, and star power is the coil of the universe, the alternating current generator of the universe, and the energy comes and goes, all within the rules! “

“Come, come, come, five-dimensional universe star power rules, listen to my orders, and help me grow.” The star power of Luo Yang’s body was stronger than a wave.


Seeing this kind of scene, Jin Tong stepped back three steps and said in a strange voice: “How did this guy do it? Why did the absorbed star power suddenly expand by more than a hundred times? It is impossible to quantify starry sky out of nothing? Is it to quantify the connotation of Xingtian? Let Xingli expand explosively in a relative time, then his combat power … “

Luo Yang was bathed in the star power, surrounded by colorful, and produced numerous crescent-shaped fluctuations, condensed into a star halo behind his head, the forehead occupation mark highlighted.

“Huh, this is interesting, and qualified to fight me.” Jin Tonggang just stepped forward, never thinking about the time and space shock, quantifying the transformation of Xingtian has just begun. (To be continued.)

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