Super God of War

Chapter 1552 - Soul Fighter Prophet

Soon, Luo Yang knew he wanted more!

Even if you can send a message to the star track to shake the worm, but due to factors such as distance and time and space, it is like a moth inciting wings to an elephant.

Will those big guys respond to a microbe far away? the answer is negative.

To say a response, only the worm that is just in front of you may be able to make some statements. However, it is better not to contact them, devouring the star power of other people. This seems to be a very bad thing to shake the worms. You still go to people’s brains to talk about it, is this not looking for smoking?

Luo Yang is very thoughtful, and feels that he is free to walk in the Star Force network built by the worm, and he can go where he wants, without being limited by time and space. This feeling is very good. Especially after improving the receiving function according to the intercepted information, he grasps and interprets the information more precisely. He reads the materials of interest like a sponge absorbs water.

The entire Star Orbiter network is like a huge library, Luo Yang began to “download” materials. All the information related to the Soul Clan is quickly passed through the brain to form a primary memory, which will be processed separately by the five Divine Light Beasts after awake.

Due to the tight control of the outflow of information by the Douhouzu, even if they deeply penetrate the worm network, there is still little relevant information.

In this way, the important information is easier to highlight, and Luo Yang is stunned: “It ’s not good, it ’s very bad. It turns out that the star track shocking worm is closely related to the promotion of the five-dimensional universe to the six-dimensional. , Kill it at will, and then slowly realize the benefits. It has been a long time since the orbit of the celestial worm has been allowed to grow, causing the life span of the four-dimensional universe to be greatly reduced, and the five-dimensional universe to sublimate to a higher dimension! “

This message shocked Luo Yang.

In fact, the five-dimensional universe is in a critical state, and it is necessary to break through and sublimate at any time, so the undead have been unable to hold back, ready to set off the biggest storm ever, and the fuse is in the dead domain and the **** domain.

Even if the star orbits shake the worms more ignorantly, but they like to gather star power, and Luo Yang can read information through the star power, which is the greatest creation.

Star Tracks do not know how to think, and will only act instinctively! Even if they know how to think, because of the different focus, they will not worry about the human race.

Luo Yang is the first four-dimensional life to break into the celestial worm network. At least according to this information, the big picture can be seen, and the inference and analysis can not be inferred by the eyes.

There are still many benefits. The network set up by the Star Orbital Worm is more coverage than the information channel of the Douhouzu, and there is more information left in the network. Luo Yang not only got a glimpse of the distribution of a lot of “surpluses” like Qingqiu Mountain, but also accidentally got a glimpse of the true origin of the undead.

“It turns out so, it turns out so !!!”

“The undead tribe is not a product of the four-dimensional universe, but was initiated by the races that the soul-fighting tribes exterminated. They were unwilling to go deep into the four-dimensional universe and set off a scourge of death. “

“It’s really a good plan. If you don’t realize that the five-dimensional universe will be sublimated, it will accumulate for a longer time with the characteristics of the undead.” Luo Yang sent out his emotions and devalued these radical “remnants” in his heart. What is the difference between building a counterattack on the scourge of other races and annihilating the clan of the Douhouzu? If the undead tribe will stand on the position of the Douhou tribe in the future, I am afraid that what they do is more spicy than the Douhou tribe!

“The battle between the Undead and the Douhou Clan set the God Territory as the fuse, and it really took the galactic gods seriously.”

Luo Yang’s war intentions boiled: “Okay, is there a place more suitable for the God of War than the battlefield? Before the coma, Simba seemed to help me conquer the enemy’s Sir Parrot. As a God of War’s favorite thing to do is to be a robber Resources to nourish yourself. Do n’t rush back to look at other places, there may be new discoveries! “

He did not hurry to go back, but it hurt the white fox! The Qingqiu Fox is not a Soul Clan, unable to adapt to the high concentration of star power, struggling to survive in this environment, and its mental state plummeted.

“Don’t wake up yet? I’m almost done!”

Simba encouraged: “For another moment, Qingqiu Fox can’t be so weak. It is said that before the Soul Clan wiped out Qingqiu Mountain, you Tianhu once resisted to the end!”

“Really? There is such a legend. The Tianhu of that era is very powerful? But in this era, we are just mourning dogs!”

“That’s nature. Under the siege of the Douhou tribe, Qingqiu Tianhu can still bring out the tribe, and use the star track to shake the celestial worms to cover the proliferation. You don’t know what this means.” Simba sighed: “The Soul Clan is glorious forever, and it is unpredictable. If it wasn’t for the Qingqiu Sky Fox to a certain degree, it would have been wiped out, and it would be impossible to run here and grow again!”

“Growing again? Are you kidding? Look at today’s Qingqiu Mountain. We resist the Sky Fox that brought us to this side of the earth. We are afraid of the Soul Clan and would rather hide and fall!” White Fox opened his eyes halfway, his mental strength fell At the bottom of the valley, he could no longer help Luo Yang move forward, and suddenly fell down.

Simba said meaningfully: “So Qingqiu Mountain needs vitality and a trusted leader, even if it is a foreigner!”

“woo woo woo woo……”

Frantically masterpiece, actually blowing a gust of wind in the heart of the star track shaking the worm! Said that Star Force Storm is more appropriate, the white fox wants to get up, but is helpless.

Suddenly, the white fox found that he was pulled forward by a great force, and before fainting, he fainted and didn’t know what happened later.

Luo Yang’s forehead showed nine beams, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, white, and black. As they swept back and forth, the surrounding star forces responded to the beam with a linear pulsation, all entwined.

Surprisingly, Star Orbiter did not express resistance to this, but sent a lot of Star Force to cooperate actively!

Seeing this scene, Simba couldn’t touch her head except for her dumbfounded eyes. She didn’t know what this Highness of the Stars was doing! Luo Yang was still unconscious, as if attracting linear fluctuations came entirely out of instinct.

His consciousness does not know how far to go out ~ ~ Maybe he has reached the end of the universe, even if he is backed by an invincible war intention, he is almost exhausted after the journey!

“The end of the five-dimensional universe? It’s so bright here, without any sense of desolation!”

“Who are you?” A thought came from afar.

“Can you feel my existence?” Luo Yang was very surprised. Looking at Xing Li, he was even more surprised. I saw a figure sitting in the middle of the brilliant light, just like the human race! But there can be no human race in this place, is it the fighting soul race?

“Don’t read it anymore. I am the Prophet of the Soul Fighter Clan. I have been waiting for you here for a long time! I was so long away that I almost forgot why I was here!”

“Fighting Soul Prophet?” Luo Yang became nervous, knowing that he had just killed a fighting soul clan.

The old voice said, “There is still a catastrophe in our glorious world! Other prophets said that this catastrophe should be on the undead, but I said that this catastrophe should be on you. As long as Huairou, as long as you are friendly, you can resolve the numbers, it seems You ca n’t live up to your destiny, you ’re still here! “

Before Luo Yang responded, the dazzling golden light swept in.

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