Super God of War

Chapter 1619 - Andromeda

Luo Yang was sitting in danger, turbulent in time and space, and produced a huge counterattack, such as the angry dragon turned into the sky, like the demon swallowing the sky, and locked the human kingdom in the shortest time.

This is robbery!

Disruption of time and space is caused by the resurrection of countless powerful people in history. They should not exist. Both in the four-dimensional universe and the five-dimensional universe are tumors! Their bodies are not integrated into the present time and space. If Haotian Realm does all this under the heavens, will the undead still use condensed life beads to survive? The resurrection is truly undead, and undead tribes can hardly count on them.

All living beings look up and pray that their **** will survive the difficulty!

Throughout the ages, countless heroes, demon gods, heroes, heroes, and Tianjiao resurrected. Seeing this splendid and splendid kingdom, they did not want to be detained by time and space forces to die again. Even if they were to die, they had to see. To die again, never to be revived.

The hourglass on Luoyang’s forehead ladder quickly turned, pressing his breath again and again, not like a god, returning to the original, more ordinary than the ordinary people in the four-dimensional universe, and making everyone think that there is a problem with their perception.

There are huge waves in time and space, and you must find a vent. Otherwise, this energy will change dramatically and become a terrible singularity that subverts the universe.

Luo Yang just wanted to see, after suppressing his breath to the lowest, after returning to the original, where would the waves of time and space flock.

According to the induction, there are more than 100 battle nests, but the other party’s Hao Tianjing has extraordinary means, and I don’t know if there is a killer skill. Another Luoyang was bred in the time and space of the battle nest, and careful training will also reach the peak, so it is necessary to use the time and space to test. To know that the feeling of being used by others can be bad, so everyone in the world except him can draw a rest symbol!

“Boom, boom, boom, boom …”

The power of space and time is fermenting. Although the human kingdom is locked, the founder cannot be found, just like a blind beast that roared.

At this time, a weak breath appeared in several other directions.

“Bang, bang, bang …” There was a crack in the **** realm, and the power of the four-dimensional universe and space-time combined with the power of the five-dimensional universe to launch an attack on the battle nest hidden deep in the void.

Luo Yang raised his eyebrows, as expected, the enemy had reservations, and there were other Luo Yang’s existence, but they were hidden very cleverly, specifically shielding Xing Li. However, no matter how cleverly hidden, it is impossible to get out of the category of space-time power, and it is inevitable to be aware of the power of space-time.

This time it can be hilarious, turbulent in the depths of the void, and at least eighteen battle nests are exposed. The terrifying time and space turned back to find the flood discharge area, and poured into it frantically.

For space-time forces, the battle nest is a low-lying area. As a tributary of historical long rivers, it is suitable to use it to vent power, so once it is locked and destroyed together with the battle nest,

The fluctuations continued, and the gods of the **** realm watched from a distance. In addition to sucking in a cold air, Luo Yang was deeply worried in his heart and felt that the world had changed! Fear and fear.

Those **** masters who didn’t care much before had been dumbfounded and immediately understood that the strength of the human race is different from the strength of all races in ancient times. It has become the royal family of the Milky Way, and Luoyang alone can establish this status! And Amisia, the Green Devil and the Emperor are just royal families, and the unpleasant words are the foils.

Although the human race is strong and will inevitably become the master of God’s domain, the three races of Amisia are not dissatisfied. After all, Luo Yang has to bear the huge pressure from the fighting soul race. How can it not cultivate talents?

Without saying anything, just looking at the scene in front of me, Hao Tianjing is much stronger than Divine Lord! Sit and watch the wind and the clouds crash, and time and space collapse. Obviously he caused the backlash, but how to deal with the crucifixion of the battle nest, what extraordinary means? This is the God, omnipotent. The gods of the Divine Realm can only be said to be a reserve, and even the Lord of God belongs to the fetus.

Luo Yang looked around, his eyes penetrated one battle nest after another. As the so-called Big Waves began to see gold, they saw the strength of these battle nests as the space-time counterattack carried out a large-scale bombing.

The rest of the battle nests quickly collapsed and dissipated. Only the three battle nests released a lot of darkness.

These three huge battle nests are simply a collection of darkness and great achievements, turning the gods in the tributaries of history into ghosts. The dead domains lie on the gods like vampires to **** blood. How miserable.

The undead tribe transformed Luo Yang into the Nether Lord, and his mind was already distorted. To Luoyang’s surprise, one of the three people is still known for star power, but it is not normal star power, but is majoring in dark stars.

If the main time and space Luoyang is the master, it means Fenghua Zhengmao, and the master is brilliant. Then Luoyang in this battle nest spacetime also cultivates star power, and the Lord is all dark, representing the withering and the dark, the Lord is dark and secret.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

The space-time anti-bite is further strengthened, as if three arms are protruding, suppressing towards the last three battle nests, and the space-time appears diffuse and broken.

“Stop it for me!” The three dark Luoyang gathered the strength of the battle nest and joined forces to fight against the bombardment. The body produced infinite darkness, and the annihilation of darkness and power was like boiling water.

This trick did work. The boiling water suddenly encountered cold water and calmed down slowly. However, the robbery caused by Luo Yang is too strong. The greater the impact of the rebirth of today ’s people on the future, the stronger the backlash will be.

All of a sudden, the two battle nests disappeared, leaving only a dark star.

If this person is in the time and space of the Lord, he is expected to step into Haotian Realm. Luo Yang only glanced at it, and knew that this dark Luo Yang was the key cultivation target of the enemy, and gave him a lot of power. The main control of an important battle nest seemed to be carrying out a certain ceremony, and today the twelve battle nests came to siege the human kingdom. related.

“Luoyang, the Lord of Time and Space, you can’t understand my plan. Is there really such a fateful thing as destiny, and the universe is loved by the universe?” Dark Luoyang spoke, but the tone was high, not Luoyang himself, but occupied by external forces. Physically, Li Daitao wants to do something stupid.

“Oh? I’m so pitiful ~ ~ was played around by you, how do you call it?” Luo Yang’s eyebrows rose, and the undead Hao Tianjing had already planned to come running for the dark stars, I am afraid that the Kuan sword saints are counted, and it is unmeasurable under all kinds of plans!

“Hahaha, this emperor is the ruler of the fairy constellation, and he is in the sky.” Dark Luoyang looked around and sneered. “The Milky Way is like a piece of sand, but it occupies a great place. Unfortunately, this emperor has not been able to control the enlistment, otherwise it will have been unified. Form a unified dynasty. “

“Fairy galaxy?” Luo Yang was a little surprised, but this is adjacent to the Milky Way galaxy, never knowing that a unified dynasty has been formed, it seems that those inter-galaxy dealers have agreements with the fairy galaxy.

The time and space counterattack was further strengthened, and it was not easy to get naive. Eighteen black crystal pillars were raised between waved hands, instantly freezing the massive time and space fluctuations, and making the battle nest stabilized.

Fortunately, Luo Yang finally dug out this big enemy, the other party is also cocooning and self-restraining, greedy to take the stars and perform the sneaky thing. Today, with the power of five gods and nine scepters, the ancient masters are resurrected, it seems that they have come to death, but they are actually alive The whole game is really amazing!

“Andromeda Emperor, even if it is my mirror body, should not be possessed! No matter where you are, you will be hit hard today.” Luo Yang raged, raising his hand and pointing a finger.

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