Super God of War

Chapter 1662 - Go to the ultimate battlefield

“We succeeded!”

“The devil is here!” Luo Xin sighed.

“Giggle, Hao Tianjing! It’s not difficult! I’ve fully analyzed it, and it can be achieved with only a few people.” Niu Yanfang’s smirk spread to his ear, Luo Yang wanted to say that it was not difficult to blame!

However, Niu Yanfang ’s contribution to the promotion of Hao Tianjing is much greater than that of Shi Gu. She went through a route and painstakingly designed the theory of two-sublimation with Luo Xin. By analogy, it can also perform three talents, four elephants, five elements, etc. Wait, you need to join forces to achieve Haotian, split the difficulty into many parts.

In the promotion theory of Niu Yanfang and Luo Xin, Luo Yang and Shi Gu are both superpowers, belonging to the infinitely close to the main road, but there are millions of roads, and the human race depends on the number and evolution. Why should we grow up and avoid weaknesses? If several people join forces to get promoted, why not go so smooth? Even if it can’t be compared with Xingzi after promotion, it can only reach the bottom of this order of magnitude.

“Okay, tell God Realm to let those **** masters get promoted as soon as possible! The undead tribe’s war seems to be huge, just because those ancient stars can’t get away from it for a while, but the soul of the Douhou tribe is too horrible, and major changes will soon occur. “Luo Yang is very worried. It is not a blessing to be able to see through the puzzles. Sometimes it will be very distressing. If you don’t have enough weight to pry the overall situation, then you are an insignificant piece.

Just look at how crazy the undead are and how terrible the fear of the end! The higher the degree of evolution of life, the more you want to preserve life and existence trajectory, don’t want to disappear, and everyone wants to board the Ark of the Fighting Soul Race.

In Luo Yang’s eyes, the storm is coming, and the birds and beasts want to board the big ship, but let alone the space on the ship is limited, the people who made this big ship have no compassion, and they hope to bring some people. In the end, maybe even many people will give up.

Luo Xin finally said: “Brother, you must be careful, the origin of the first **** is mysterious. He seems to have calculated the things to be done by the ancient Soul Fighter Clan Xingzi very early, and transformed his tripod to make a terrorist weapon. Yan and I Fang suffered a big loss when he was chasing him, otherwise he would not risk a breakthrough. “

“The origin is mysterious?” Luo Yang took it seriously. He had become omniscient, and there was no information in the world to hide him.

Looking around for a while, Luo Yang was a little surprised, his face changed a little and muttered to himself: “He is the first divine master? No wonder the cover-up, the old captain Wei Feng who had fought with me before rebirth , He tried to influence me in the time and space of the battle nest. But after all, he did n’t dare to alarm Yutian and Kuian Jiansheng. Fortunately, it was not Wei Fengchen from the mainstream time and space. As for the original identity, it was the first undead in the Milky Way! “

Who would have thought that the first person in God Realm turned out to be an undead.

The destruction of the Quean people is related to him, and the fall of the Devil Dragon family is related to him. The reason why it is hidden deeply is because he discovered the existence of the old Kuan Sword Master and is afraid of retaliation against him.

Luo Yang sighed slightly, who could have imagined that such an old-fashioned hot-hearted character turned out to be a peerless fiend, and this guy escaped after his sister Luo Xin and Niu Yanfang chased. Even the undead tribe first arrived near the ancient city of Lingxu.

As the Douhun tribe accelerates its sublimation, those undead who have a long history have begun to show the ultimate cards, but this time there are not many troops that can reach the ancient city of Lingxu.

Days of attack were suppressed. After becoming an opportunity for promotion in Kuching, the master Zhan’s original life was alive and well. It seems that low-key is king.

Thanks to the fighting soul clan, after walking on the main star road, it moves extremely fast. Of course, you have to afford Xingli, and without Xingli everything can’t be played.

“Ang …” Ruixue raised his head and slowed down.

I saw Ruicai rolling in front, and Guangyun rolling. Many huge colorful parrots spread their wings and fly, and any feather is the size of a yacht.

These Sir Parrot apparently came from the Star Feather Army. Look at the equipment very familiar! The first giant parrot looks like a battleship mothership, and the parrots beside her become small fish and shrimps.

“Rixue. I heard you mixed with my son Simba?”

The majestic voice reached my mind directly. If it were not for Luoyang’s extraordinary accomplishments, if his strength stayed before the battle with the Golden Boy, I am afraid it would be wiped out directly by this voice.

This is a Haotian realm big parrot whose strength is comparable to that of a golden boy. According to Simba, it should be called Emperor Gaidai. It is the realm that Simba and Ruixue dreamed of pursuing.

“Auntie Lan, Simba wants to protect us from the battlefield!” Ruixue was alert, although she took advantage of her to promote herself, and her strength expanded rapidly, which was far from the emperor who ruled the star feather army!

“Oh? Are you dead?” The giant parrot stared at Luo Yang for a moment, and fluttered his wings vigorously across the road, without stopping. He said: “Simba is a good boy, he did what he should do. The fate of our family is to fight for the ancient city of Hengtian, but now they are driven out by a paper order and rushed to a non-phase town to suppress the death. I thought we were in the dark. Go to the Spirit Market and do what you want! I wait Out of the nest, Ruixue, you should know how to travel through the ancient city of Hengtian. “

“Yes!” Ruixue was touched. She knew how difficult it was to maintain the ethnic group. Simba was only one of the thousands of tens of thousands of children of the emperor. Even if the talents were clever, it would be a failure to stand out. Absolutely, this time no longer needs minions, can hear the helplessness and bleakness of Aunt Lan’s voice!

“Let’s go!” Luo Yang nodded, focusing on the ancient city of Lingxu instead of the ancient city of Hengtian. The undead tribes of Haotian Realm blocked in the battle armor will work together to break through the **** and must rush to the final battlefield before they can’t suppress them.

Feng Ming, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com spread its wings, gliding through a billion star fields, and suddenly turned into a tiny star road.

This star road is like a tunnel. The starry sky on both sides keeps pulling backwards. When you cross the past and see the endless and bright buildings, there are sporadic undeads attacking here, but they can’t shake the ancient city.

“It’s really indescribable. It shines for hundreds of millions of days, connects infinite infinity, gathers the universe to be pampered in one body, and the rainbow arches go deep layer by layer. These buildings can even attract star power, making the star power flow like a trickle on the roof. Fall along the cornice bucket arch. “

Luo Yuan looked at this city obsessedly. The space layout of this city is vast and immense. Compared with it, the God Territory is like a projectile. It is difficult to imagine that there is such a field in the world. The luxury of the Douhou Clan exceeds the cognitive limit.

Viewing from a distance and viewing from a distance are completely different feelings. Fortunately in Luo Yang’s heart, if there is no star feather army command, how much power would it take to break into this giant city? It is far better to concentrate the power and insert it directly into the enemy’s heart!

“Bang Bang …” Ruixue’s wings fluttered and her tail was burning. Any force other than Star Force would be rejected when approaching Hengtian Ancient City, but she stubbornly moved forward and then forward. Even at the cost of life, Luo Yang must be sent to the battlefield of the Spirit Market. (To be continued.)

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