Super God of War

Chapter 1669 - Age of myth

The Spirit Market is magnificent and the clouds steam Xia Wei. 1 Novel ≤≤ <﹤ ≤ <﹤﹤

The nine floors above and below will have different feelings when viewed from different angles. Sometimes it feels like a pyramid, sometimes it feels like a spindle, a little closer and it feels like a thick bronze pot.

Luo Yang wore a star offering to the abyss and used it as a warframe. The previously unsealed seal caused a lot of damage to the Spirit Market, but Flame Rainbow is their nemesis, and a lot of weird creatures running out of the seal have been extinct.

Of course, a lot does not mean everything. When I came to the fifth floor of the Spirit Market and looked around, I saw a large number of crystal clusters standing between the world and the red and green crystal clusters. The large shadows swirled around those relatively low crystal clusters, and millions of cold monsters killed huge crystals. cluster.

The Soul of the Fighting Souls lives here in a unique state. They become crystal clear all over the body, and countless light veins circulate in the translucent torso.

In the battle between the two sides, the lower body of the Dou Hun clan Xing Zi is like a python, wrapped around those huge crystal clusters, drawing colorful star power at all times. Their arm holes are powerful, but they are carved from crystal, and a tremor occurs every second, making their arms make a harsh noise.

“Buzz, buzz, buzz …”

Luo Yang knew that it was not noise, but that Star Force shuddered at high frequencies! In high school, he knew how to make himself move quickly by vibrating star power. The Soul Clan used the same way to make star power oscillate, but the high frequency can destroy most of the matter in the universe!

It’s not just matter. Under this kind of high-frequency shock, energy will collapse into shimmer. The dark clouds that shrouded the crystal clusters are falling apart, not enough to cause any damage to the stars, and the monsters running out of the seals ca n’t resist the tearing of Kong Wu ’s powerful arms, melee combat is their nightmare, and long-range attacks are not The crystal cluster will collapse when it hits!

In this great shock caused by star power, if the life beads of the undead do not appear cracks, their attainments can definitely rank in the forefront of the universe.

It must be miserable for someone to break into the fifth floor, and Luo Yang would be delighted. Speaking of which, he is a great expert who uses star power to shake, and he is best at absorbing power to split power.

“Come, come, come, have strength to make me.” Luo Yang was a little excited, Xingzi and the power grasped by the Douhou clan were in the same line, you have me, I have you, as long as the means are clever, it is easy for each other to change. It is not surprising that such a complete restraint occurs.

“Buzz …”

Those stars who guarded the crystal clusters shot to Luo Yang, and any enemies would shake up a lot of material particles when they reached their ground. If they were not destroyed, it was because they did not work hard enough.

The noise circled around Luo Yang and Ruixue, and what made the Douhun clan star dumbfounded was that no matter how much power they put in, they could not take the other party.

“Suppression!” Luo Yang suddenly punched his chest, and the whole world suddenly became quiet, as if entering the world of silence.

This silence makes people tremble.

Luo Yang’s complexion turned rosy, and the True Spirit Umbrella rushed to the top. It was bright and colorful. Every moment, it could digest a lot of energy, and purify the star power to eliminate toxins.

The bright mirror has also expanded, and countless projections have been disillusioned in the shock, and the integration and architectural time and space have been accelerated by a hundred times.

For others, the fifth floor of the Spirit Ruins is a desperate place, but for Luoyang, this place is a first-class and a blessed place.

Luo Yang sighed in his heart: “There are ten million roads, but in the end they will all end in the same way. The Douhou tribe uses the shock to kill the enemy, but I can’t think of me good at struggling to gather these shocks, which can be cleared every time I cycle through the body A toxin can also help a true parasol to deal with energy that has been accumulated for many years. “

As a ray of breeze spreads, the clear air rises and the turbid air falls, and various sounds are emitted from the true spirit umbrella.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

“Woo, woo, woo …”

“Qiang, Qiang, Qiang …”

Bells, flutes, impacts, wind and rain, the true spirit umbrella shattered.

The purple gold umbrella cover was broken too thoroughly. When all the sounds were quiet, an umbrella-shaped cloud disk appeared on the top of Luo Yang’s head. It looked like ordinary white clouds, and only the center part was like pink and red. In fact, it would hide the extraordinary in the heavy cloud screen. .

“Okay, okay, okay!” Luo Yang said three times in a row, the bright light mirror also shattered, countless scenes rotated endlessly, and the breath inside became long and quiet.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……”

Bai Yun and Jing Guang laughed at the same time. The two gathered on the top and the back of Luo Yang ’s head, spreading hundreds of millions of dazzling light rays. They were extremely at ease, extremely incisive, and Ruixue was embossed in the light, as if carved in history. Mural on the promenade.

All kinds of visions alarmed all the Soul Clan stars in this world, and they protruded the arm gap.

The immense vibrations swept to Luoyang in a pattern that most ancient stars could not understand. This is a horrific storm. The ancient existence on the top of the Spirit Market does not think that an alien star can offset this giant earthquake.

“Fight down Luoyang!”

The killing intention is boundless, but Luo Yang still moves forward, turning into a black bottomless hole, absorbing as much shock force as possible.

Jin Tong sits on the seventh floor of the Spirit Market and scolds: “Damn! This kid is using the natal star to conduct vibrations. His old nest called God Territory disperses the flame rainbow and flame arch by the vibration, and the lower galaxy is also sheltered.”

Indeed, this generous gift Luo Yang ca n’t swallow, but there is no problem with the vast territory of the God Territory and the Milky Way. Just transmitting it in the past consumes 20% of the seismic force, and then it is used to line up the flame rainbow and flame arch to ensure The three generations before and after were safe and sound.

The human race is flourishing.

In the course of the destruction of the entire universe ~ ~ the Milky Way has become a pure land of peace.

Because everyone knows that extinction is coming, it becomes extremely friendly while enjoying the precious resources of the entire universe. Barriers between races almost cease to exist. People treat each other frankly, freely, and love each other. Regardless of race, regardless of each other, human races can burst out in this environment with brilliant colors, from the Milky Way to Zhongtian, from Zhongtian to Qingqiu, and then from Qingqiu to God Realm, everywhere are the radiance of continuous creation of miracles.

Lulu followed Luo Yang to become a legend, and many Qingqiu foxes have come to the lower world to find a combination of heroes! But this is not an anecdote. The emperor and human races are more closely combined. Emperor father-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Taiwu tribe often appear. Under this chaotic blood, not only has the capacity not weakened, but it has been greatly strengthened.

Unconsciously, the galactic beings have pushed their power to an unprecedented level, and with the true spirit umbrella and bright light mirror further reconciled among them, there are more and more peerless characters who have been teleported to the galaxy remotely, making every inch of the galaxy space. When it is used, the brightest vitality merges quickly.

“Boom …” Luo Yang felt the fierce volatility. Shigu Chuanxun said: “It’s started! We have finally overcome the biggest problem, and then a large number of stars will emerge. Hahaha, we have become the creators of the age of mythology.”

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