Super God of War

Chapter 59 - Hard

Lei Aoxue and Lei Fangduo opened their posture and walked around Luo Yang step by step.

Luo Yang held a dagger in his hand, which was thick and heavy enough, but it did not have the exaggerated length of Lei Aoxue’s pseudo-demon spirit sword.

“Come on! What are you waiting for?” Luo Yang smiled coldly.

“Shoot.” Lei Aoxue screamed, his head twitched with blue hair, and the exaggerated long sword behind him turned into lightning in his hand, forming a destructive and violent light outward to Luoyang.

At the same time, Lei Fangduo shot, the armor on his arm stretched out Jin Cancan’s big sword, his hands were split forward with two knives, and a powerful force field was suddenly formed within a few hundred meters. Waving the double knives was a force field, ordinary people don’t say resist , Half a second will be pressed into a patty by the knife.

The Thunder High School class leader is the strongest among the strong men of the same age. They don’t easily take shots, but once they take shots, they will kill people.

Luo Yang raised his arm suddenly, the dappled big sword touched outward, and an extremely unpleasant noise rang in his ears. Immediately after a loud noise, the ground trembles noticeably, and Lei Aoxue and Lei Fangduo look forward in disbelief.

Three figures of three people, Luo Yang did not move like a mountain, but Lei Aoxue and Lei Fangduo went back five or six steps. Can this situation not shock the two proud hosts?

“How is it possible? Infinitely close to the fourth-level forging body, and the impact can be removed through the star power.” Lei Aoxue’s eyes immediately stood up.

Lei Fangduo also paid attention to it, and said with utter preoccupation: “And he has a treasure. After star power washing, his attributes are transforming into the astral magnetic field, so he can block my double-knife force field.”

“Yes, just a tentative attack to find out my way.” Luo Yang’s eyes are becoming more and more fierce, and his voice said in a low voice: “I hope you don’t blink.”

Waiting for Lei Aoxue and Lei Fangduo to react, Luo Yang had already moved to the duo with overclocking movement, and the mottled sword hung at the top of their heads with a whistling sound.

“Hum.” The two classmates sneered. They do not focus on forging body superpowers. Their skills have not yet been exhibited. Does Luo Yang think that they can shock them? It’s a slippery world.

“Star burst, ecstasy kills.” Luo Yang came up with tricks, and two superimposed tricks.

Although the two Thunder high school classmates are arrogant, they are worse than the enemy experience on the spot. It is the strongest thing to start first, and then suffers. Subconsciously, they still despised Luo Yang. They should try their best at the first shot, but they kept the same trial and error, so they ca n’t blame others, only themselves.

“Boom” trembles, the mottled sword blasted out the indescribable golden light.

The heavy sword body Taishan pressed the top, the pressure was so great that Lei Aoxue and Lei Fangduo had to resist together.

Just when the mottled big sword collided with the demon sword and the force field double knife, it suddenly burst apart, forming 729 pieces of sword body fragments, rotating through a mysterious mysterious trajectory, bright and dazzling. Spread out.

Luo Yang had already withdrew and retreated. He used this mottled sword just to do it all at once. Battle life and death on the battlefield, in the shortest possible time to fight off the enemy and fight back and forth? That’s not terrible, it’s called brain damage.

The master move is a full blow. Even this kind of thing is not comprehended, and it deserves to die.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

In the brilliant light burst, Lei Aoxue and Lei Fangduo did not sit still, the two joined forces to shake out all life-saving means, and clenched their teeth to contend with immense power.

“Four levels?”

“No, this kind of lethality can’t be described by superpower level, the combat skills have been polished very mellow.”

With the voice, two people fell from the air to the ground. On the left is a white girl, on the right is a man covered in dark waves. The two people intentionally or unintentionally clamped Luo Yang.

“Thunder High School Senior Class 3 and 4 class leader Bai Ling, like to strangle the enemy around the neck. Senior High School Class 9 class leader Li Tianzhao, always hidden behind the darkness, never show people in their true colors.” Luo Yang looked to the two enemies.

Thunder High School is so famous, it doesn’t work if you want to be low-key. Tina easily found information from the Internet and established relevant files for the enemy. As the so-called confidant knows each other and wins a battle, just now the strategy against Lei Aoxue and Lei Fangduo is more successful, but it is not so simple to meet the two black and white guys in front of us, or it can be said to be dangerous.

“Luo Yang, you lie in such a small place and really buried the talents.” Bai Ling had already shot while talking, and Li Tianzhu also pointed with his finger.

Just one word, fast.

White light belts and black chains shuttle back and forth, Luo Yang shouted as he fled to avoid: “Think of it? Great artist, we don’t raise idlers in the sea.”

“Ding Ding” made several crisp sounds, three bayonet swords appeared, and cut through the white light stripe released by Bai Aya. The three ordinary looking teenagers came out of the dark place and laughed blankly: “Ha ha ha, how ridiculous The Zhang family is a dog in front of the Thunder Group, and it is still a pug that pleases the owner. So what did I abandon my conscience and fight for? In the end, only the garbage that was previously identified is pitying me. Today I finally understand that I am also Rubbish. Hahaha, hahaha, so funny, so pitiful. “

At this moment, Zhang Chengxiu appeared, but his mental state was a little abnormal.

He was abandoned by his family, abandoned by school, and had nowhere to go. What else could he do except violently abandon himself? But Luo Yang slapped him on the shoulder and said, “Stay, Zhang Nanami still cares about you, because you saved his life when you were a kid, the only act of kindness that gives you the chance to be a new person. Where is it not to be mixed? Say which artist does not When you are down? Silently licking the wound, fight with us! Let’s live like a man. “

Luo Yang knew that there was Bai Ling in the team of Thunder High School, so he thought that Zhang Chengxiu’s sword could just stop the erratic attack of the opponent. Anyway, Zhang Nami has to sell his favors, and by the way, pull the “artist” over, and still be able to crucify an enemy. Why not do the best of all?

However, Zhang Chengxiu was very sad about his level, so he chose to drive himself crazy.

Is extremely tired of the world, full of desire to destroy the world. On the other hand, feeling timid and helpless, he tried to establish a guard to lock himself up. Under such circumstances, he gained enormous power and began a sublimation unprecedented.

The trembling of “buzz” made Luo Yang feel shocked in his heart, and the spirit travel was splitting with schizophrenia.

Zhang Chengxiu splits from three figures into nine, and the letterman uses Luo Yang’s shattered mottled sword fragments to quickly condense the thorn sword, and suddenly attacks Bai Bai, the blade tip with a sharp sword.

“Damn, how could this be? The spiritual body roams with respect for nine, and no one can do it, unless that person loses his mind and buryes all irrelevant thoughts into a real idiot. No, it is martial idiot.” Bai Ling moved, throwing his hands and throwing out the sky with white light, but feeling the sharp and rapid movement of the nine roads. Her thundering high school senior three and four class masters were restrained by the abandoned children randomly thrown away by the Zhang family, and their hearts were angry.

Came a roar next to it, the 729 pieces of sword body fragments inspired by the starburst and ecstasy had just ended the bombing, Lei Aoxue flew out on the spot, hanging unconscious on the branch of a big tree. Lei Fangduo is even more miserable, his legs are completely crumpled from below his knees, which is still his armor, and he has a treasure protector, otherwise he will break the body on the spot.

Luo Yang and Li Tianzhu stared at each other.

“Awesome, you have a very rare spirit of martial arts. I thought that the high school in the sea will be mainly under the dark hands, but you just stood up to fight at this time and have the courage.” Li Tianzhu shot.

Faced with this enemy wrapped in a dark wave, Luo Yang attached great importance to it. He even took out the Star Book, expanded the pages of the book into the Star Map, and whispered at an overclocking speed in his mouth: “Take blood as a guide, my territory, burn the stars Tier 3, flamboyant. “

“Zila” sounded, a huge darkness turned into a faucet, and collided with the violent silver-white flame to form a shock wave.

Within 500 meters, most of the trees collapsed.

Two figures lifted into the sky, and the dark dragon fist punched the burning star’s silver flame legs, and each time a small shock wave was set off. For the first time, Li Tianzhao met an opponent who could compete with him to the same level, and this battle was completely desperate. Luo Yang also encountered such a difficult opponent for the first time, each time the strength penetrated along his legs, so that the strength of Xingli’s tempering and the improvement of drug use could not be overcome.

With the sound of “Bang”, the two figures separated and slid onto the canopy of two giant trees with a height of 100 meters.

“Thunder’s purpose, never compromise.”

“The will of the sea, the aggressor kills.”

The two clashed together again. Since they are equal, the following is the endurance. Whoever can’t stand first will lose. Both of them feel that they have an advantage over their opponents, and the defeat must be the other.

The darkness is immense, the silver flames are vast, you attack my defense, UU reading I attack you defense, it is called a lively fight, like there is a thunder in the air, every blow must blow one.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed, and many places on the ground died down, and did not know how to win or lose. Luo Yang and Li Tianzhang were ridiculously expensive, and the two crashed into one while falling.

Lin Tianbao hurried over and saw Luo Yang was all right, secretly relieved and said: “Brother Yang, the situation is not good, Hualuo said that the desert dragon is on the way, and those left behind Thunder high school students have come. We have lost here It ’s not small, it is no longer able to fight anymore. “

“Withdraw, I will be here tonight.” Luo Yang was very decisive and called out to retreat.

Both sides have tried their best, so Thunder High School did not chase after the reinforcements.

It was Zhang Chengxiu to the end, because he was crazy, and he used the spirit to roam. In his eyes, only Bai Ling was the enemy. Although only the last spirit was left, but the enemy was not dead, he would not go back.

Bai Ling has not even scolded her mind. Once she always loved cleanliness, she was forced to such a point? The black hair was cut in half by the sword, the left shoulder was covered with blood, and the index finger of the right hand had been cut off. The residual finger did not know where to fly, and all this was done by Zhang’s abandoned son.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

A row of mountain and sea attacks came down from the sky, swallowing Zhang Chengxiu’s last spirit body, and the desert flying dragon of Thunder High School arrived.

Bai Ling looked back, and saw Lei Fangduo walked on the ground with his long legs in his hands, with his broken legs, and said palely: “Lei Aoxue was arrested, and 19 others became captives, and we only The corpses of the sea high school, they can fight together, we tonight … “

Although they didn’t want to admit it, they lost from strategy to tactics tonight.

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