Super God of War

Chapter 90 - evildoer

Luo Yang stood in a pool with a bone sword in his hand.

The water in the pool has all evaporated, because his sword is rubbing too fast.

“The sword pressures the heroes, the sword pressures the world, the sword pressures everything, this pool of water is proof. My sword is too fast, so the sword pressure can be formed, or the sword can be formed by the sword, just ignore him!” The pool leaped out, and the water vapor formed by the pool water drifted outside the hall, because with a fighting spirit, the air pressure in the city became lower.

Why is the war heart, war intention and war body rare? Because they are like the drivers of all tests, they can help transferees to break through and promote in the shortest time. Luo Yang apparently hasn’t realized this yet. He is now rushing forward with one heart and one thing, and has forgotten everything.

Bone sword is still light and thin, which does not meet the definition of sword in Luo Yang’s mind. However, he gradually got the feeling that he just used this light and thin bone sword as a rough and heavy sword, but on the other hand, he reached a higher level to the point of light weight.

First of all, the hand holding the sword is very stable, and every time the sword comes out, the sword body trembles to form a terrible sword pressure. Sharpness, lightness and thinness are all external attributes. When the white bone sword is a epee, then it will become heavier and heavier.

“It’s so good, take the sharp edge of the bone-bone sword as a dividing line. What the sharp edge can deal with cannot be called an enemy. It is worthwhile to wait for the thing that the sharp edge can’t deal with. It should be grandly opposed with the Epee.” , Thinking of looking at the thousands of heads across the front.

The heads were stacked together and looked straight ahead.

“They are ancient Nelsons, their heads will harden after death, and they will generate considerable magnetism, attract each other, and finally gather together to form a Jinguan. You must suppress the magnetic force and go over without damaging the head. “The temple made a comment, but as soon as the words fell, Luo Yang saw a sword.

Half a meter of long sword light is generated, with a unique buzzing sound, passing through the view of Beijing.

With a slight explosion, thousands of heads separated to the sides, forming a passage for one person to pass through. However, Luo Yang pondered slightly and shook his head.

“My goal is not the sword pressure master, but the secret seal sword master. My sword can also be the sword of the seal.” With the voice, Luo Yang split the sword light continuously.

These sword lights are very slender, suddenly inserted into the magnetic field formed by the head, and rotate delicately at key positions. In an instant, the magnetic field completely disappeared, and the stacked heads spread apart, and no longer could form a half-block.

There were not many people who were originally promoted to sword masters in this temple, and a demon like Luo Yang appeared. Since he beat him into the temple, the bells outside the temple have not stopped.

Fortunately, this kind of bell is not noise, it has the effect of calming the mind, and can even form a blessing to those who are waiting for promotion. Everyone is still very useful.

“Let’s use your sword to suppress the gold wire floating in the air.” The temple no longer needs to explain, just point out the key points.

Floating in front of a lot of gold wire, it looks like a soft hairline, some gold wire converged together, some gold wire is very loose.

It is even harder to know that it is the most difficult to suppress flexible things with a sword, and it is also necessary to perform range-based suppression. Luo Yang ’s brain turns quickly. He must deal with the problem differently than other sword masters, because he is still a sealer. He must think from the perspective of the seal. Only the perfect combination of the sword and the seal is the promotion result he wants to see. .

“The seal needs medium, space, humidity, water vapor, including the gravity of the planet, which can be used by me to suppress it,” Luo Yang said, shaking the bone sword in his hand, and waiting for the sword to hack down, the floating gold wire wanted to escape, but Suddenly suppressed to the ground.

This sword only transmitted a shock wave, but controlled the air and gravity, and even vaguely controlled the space. Forcibly opened up the field in the transmission range of the shock wave. The temple shouted in secret: “Mom, let me grow up! There is a bit more wickedness, just take the secret master’s record. “

“Boom” sounded, Luo Yang took out the Tianxing jade stored in the Star Book.

Jade can be more than one person tall, honest, and looks like a hill. The surface is bumpy, but it reflects moisture in many places, and the stone body is bluish in color.

“It’s my secret master’s turn, my piece of astral jade is a bit big, and I asked the temple to divide it for me, and carved it into a mini sword with 729 handles that can be combined into a big sword.”

“Wait, is the 729 swords a little bit more? The secret master uses celestial jade to train chess and cards to absorb energy and give energy meaning and form, which is at most twenty or thirty pieces. The Secret Code of Escorts. When making so many chess cards, what year and month will it be merged? So please think twice. “

“Not many, seven hundred and twenty-nine handles, they only need to absorb the star power. Their existence is strategic-level bombing, and their shape is sword-shaped, and they won’t engage in so many bells and whistles.” Luo Yang looked at him with expectation. Beside the boulder.

“Okay, if that’s the case, it’s much simpler.” The temple gave out suction to take away the sky star jade, and began to concentrate energy and resources to meet the needs of the other party.

Luo Yang didn’t stop. He wanted to become a first-class secret master. He also had to pass three levels. The first level is to identify energy. It is not difficult for some experienced sealers to pass easily. The second level is to learn the mysterious lines. After a few glances, I shook my head, because these mysterious lines were born out of Amysia runes. Using fifty-six advanced basic runes can easily interpret them and do better. .

The first two levels passed quickly, and even the temple felt that the transferee was unfathomable. Perhaps the integration of the three occupations is really not difficult for this kind of demon.

At the last level, a grand light curtain was raised to talk about the operation mode of chess and card escort. Luo Yang stood silently.

“The bell stopped.”

Eight bells before and after gave Hua Xiaying a feeling of rushing to the clouds. The bells constantly hit her nerves and senses, making her unprecedentedly excited, just like the love of men and women. When the bell stopped, she suddenly felt lost and felt that the most precious thing in her life was going away. She wanted to grasp this feeling firmly.

The little priests turned upside down, and they got the great benefits. Today, I have to work hard for three years a day, but I do n’t have any energy at all. Bells can purge ordinary people’s minds. For them, this purge can magnify tens of times and enhance their senses.

Previously, these trainee priests felt that they were not as good as the other priests in the other temples. However, from now on, if you meet other priests in other temples, you can raise your head and walk with vigour, because the eight bells of the temple have raised their morals for them.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

Whoever thought, after a short pause, the ninth wave of bells struck.

“Ah! Happiness is dead.” The trainee priests burst into tears, and the opportunity that had not been encountered for thousands of years came to their heads. Their hearts were invested in great joy. The nine bells formed a resonance in the body, and began to clean up the old diseases Their qualities are climbing upwards.

Everyone can get so many benefits, Luo Yang, who is the initiator, naturally gets more benefits. He has sat down, and a streamer falls from his head.

These lights are like essence, washing every cell up and down the body, and giving the body all kinds of super resistance, pushing the physique directly to the level that can be achieved by the fourth-level forging superpower.

Of course, there is more than this benefit. The temple has already asked, knowing that Luoyang needs shadow wall stone, star stone or white rhinoceros as a medium to enhance superpower, so the temple has all the related resources stored out.

There is no shadow wall stone, but there is a better Xingyue crystal. Both Xinghuang stone and white rhinoceros are directly crushed and crushed, releasing layers of star power outwards, and impacting Luoyang along with the streamer waterfall.

Star spin has been upgraded to level 4, but it is not stable enough. After the vast star power blessing, the fourth-level star spiral quickly stabilized and slowly increased upward.

Fortunately, Luo Yang’s physical fitness is super strong, otherwise the temple would not dare to put energy into his body like this. Why the gap between the same order is so large, there is often a huge difference from the temple. Because everyone’s situation is different, it doesn’t matter if they want to be treated differently.

Of course, those who are not strong enough will definitely stop, and those who have enough strength will continue to be promoted, getting along at the same level is only temporary, and the age level is also different.

Luo Yang concentrated his mind on the rune, and the opportunity was very rare. The four-level star is matched with the four-level symbol, so that there is a confidence in the hegemony competition of famous schools in 100 provinces. After all, one-sixth or even one-fifth of the genius of the same age in human territory will be concentrated at this event It ’s not easy to dominate ~ ~ is it more than easy? How many families and groups have focused their attention on this hegemony? They will use this hegemony to reshuffle the cards to achieve a new balance of interests. Under the suppression of so many forces, I want to kill a **** road and lead the high school all the way up. There is no hardest, only harder.

So no matter how powerful you are, you can’t be complacent. This world is born with miracles every day. Do you have good chances, are others worse than you? Maybe they have a more unfamiliar growth process, reaching an unprecedented level. After all, the human population base is too large. With the background of those big groups, you can choose randomly among tens of millions of people.

Luo Yang sat for two hours. As the blessing of the temple was about to die, the jade seal deep in his head began to rise. At the same time, the temple began to condense three professions.

Whether it is a basic professional or a transfer professional, a small mark will be carved on the forehead.

Do not underestimate this mark, in addition to identification, it is also a place to cultivate professional aura. If the professional aura is powerful to a certain degree, you can upgrade the level yourself. At the same time, Aura also has the effect of making dramatic increases in emergency situations, often relying on Aura to save lives.

The three kinds of stamps extract the insignificant parts and advance in the common direction.

With a very dense buzzing sound, the mark on the center of Luoyang’s forehead changed, and on the basis of nine superposed equilateral triangles, a small arc was quickly superimposed one after another.

When the imprint was finally formed, the temple specially formed a water mirror to show the results.

After watching it, Luo Yang couldn’t be angry on the spot: “I’m fucking, what the hell? Scribble Lao Tzu’s head, are you afraid that others don’t know that I’m a secret seal swordsman, right?”

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