Super God of War

Chapter 96 - Ask for directions

As Luo Yang and Korbona marched into the nether ship, Prophet Yun suddenly opened his eyes and clenched his fists secretly: “I went in. It shouldn’t be like this. It’s different from the direction I imagined. Damn.”

At the same time, Lao Lin roared: “Who is it? Who destroyed my precious robot, and broke the boundaries that we have not broken through for many years.”

“Lao Lin hurried away, let’s go down now.” The other old men could no longer calm down and started to rush towards the most important room in the yard, and only a few moments left.

No, the cloud prophet is still there.

His eyes were dim, and he said in a harsh tone: “For many years of hard work, the fool has sealed up the dust. If I can run out today, it will certainly attract the attention of my old friend, but now it’s a thousand miles away. However, I will not easily admit defeat, no. “

The courtyard fell silent immediately, and there was no more noise.

At the moment, Luo Yang is very high, and it is cool to lead Corbonne. This guy was born out of the Roulette family anyway, and broke into the deep cabin like a bamboo, and hundreds of discs came out of his hand.

“Hey, this is just the beginning. It is said that this ghost ship has 7,632 cabins. I have now obtained the control compass for the 530 cabins on the first floor. However, it is mine to reach the third floor. Limit, are you sure someone can come in and help us explore the fourth floor? “Corbonne’s speech was very fast, and maybe someone else would not understand what he was saying.

After all, he is an “old man”. Luo Yang did not feel uncomfortable speaking fast, he even replied at the same speed: “They will definitely come down, and wait for the fruit to ripen, but the fruit is picked by others. It’s you, will you be willing to give up? “

“You guy who loves to pick up cheap, I almost came down in real life. What a special, but I have to admit that it is super cool to pick fruits that others have been waiting hard for.”

“Anyway, these old men don’t seem to have done any good things. I don’t know how many dissidents have been wiped out over the years, so that they can use it for us to explore the truth and the truth in the ship.” The cabin compass then moved on to the third floor, and the number of compasses suddenly increased.

The third floor of the Nether Ship is the most magnificent layer. As Corbonne swept the body quickly, more than 2,200 control compasses were in hand, gathered together with the compasses of the upper two cabins, almost occupying the Netherworld Half of the ship is stored, and it is not known how many cabins there can still contribute.

Hear the roar from afar, and the twelve old people shot out with all their strength, approaching the nether ship with the help of Luo Yang’s breakthrough trajectory.

“Go fast, I can feel the enemy’s breakthrough speed is very fast.” Lao Lao jumped to speed up, the next few figures loomed him, and he didn’t dare to relax.

Has reached this point, these old people are still guarding each other, suppressing each other, showing how prominent their contradictions are.

Luo Yang has been hidden in the dark with Corbone, and the compasses are placed side by side in front of him. Starting from the first floor of the first cabin, the items stored in the cabin are quickly read.

“Ah! It’s a pity that the first hundred cabins transported agarwood, most of which have been rotted into dust, and only three tons of incense can be found to be used.” With the words of Corbona, the first hundred in front of the first floor The cabin rumbling opened, three tons of incense disappeared.

“Huh, there is a very old weapon named Moon Halberd in the hundredth compartment below. It is just a batch of old antiques with backward technology. It can only recycle a dozen kilograms of high-grade metal named Biluwujin.” Korbo Na controlled the compass again to process it, and after about two minutes successfully obtained some thin metal sheets the size of fingernails.

Cabins are opened one after another, sometimes hundreds of them are opened at the same time.

Luoyang and Corbona have more and more things around them, but it is regrettable that there has never been a heavyweight discovery.

“All these things are for you, help me collect the resources I badly need.”

“Stinky boy, you treat Lao Tzu as a trash can again. But looking at the part you gave me the whole ghost ship, you can immediately cash in two kilograms of Tianchang water, which happens to be in stock in my hand.”

“Really? That’s great, I will love you for a while.”

“I’m going, you are a dead glass. Lao Tzu is the most male in the world. I only like beautiful and plump females. All male guys stand sideways. Shaote is disgusting.”

“Get out of here, and quickly bring Tianchang water out.” Luo Yang stood on Korbona’s head and kicked a few feet. If it was not pleasant to get along before rebirth, he also happened to be in need of help, otherwise encountered Such things as the ghost ship must be swallowed alone, where is this second thing?

“Hush, mute, someone is coming.” Corbena hurriedly escaped his body, the objects near his body disappeared, and Luo Yang had a glass bottle with a luminous liquid in his hand, which said “Tianchangshui” Three words.

Said that it was too late and quickly, and twelve old men were killed.

Their movements are fast, but they are not as fast as the doors of the cabin are opened one by one. When I entered the cabin to watch, I was surprised to find that it was all garbage, and there were no half useful items, which was a huge contrast to their long-term expectations.

“It can’t be like this. The ghost ship is a treasure ship, why is it all garbage, **** it!” Lin Lao almost vomited blood and accelerated his pace to fly to the bottom cabin.

The nether ship looks like a ship from the outside, but its internal structure is like a skyscraper.

In the secret of Corbonne, there is no oil or water in the three layers above. The elders quickly descended to the fourth floor. As a result, as Luo Yang wanted to see, the twelve old guys became stones throwing stones for directions.

“No, there is a cold breath here.” Lin Lao stepped back, but his reaction was finally slowed by half a beat. The claws glowed with black light swept over, accompanied by the supreme impulse attack to dare to enter the fourth floor. Thing.

Korbona exclaimed: “My God, it is the Borning death creatures, and the ghost ship actually got this kind of horror. They are ferocious sharks in the endless darkness of the universe, and they like to eat life. Lao Tzu was cautious in his work and found that the breath of the fourth floor was strange and did not venture into it. “

“Oh, listening to the name has a sense, it’s actually called the death creature.” Luo Yang held his shoulders and felt the cold outbreak, and his heart was not as calm as it seemed on the surface, because the power being spread on the fourth floor was not yet possible with his current strength. confrontation.

The elders fought against the creatures of death, each of them had a stunt, and had many years of cards to prepare. Under the danger of death, there was a tendency to suppress the enemy.

“Retreat.” It was supposed to prevail, but Lin Lao stepped back regardless of it.

At the next moment, a total of ten cold breaths intervened, and two old men were hit hard. The two were also decisive enough to make a roar of dazzling light to explode, and the hot wave even rushed to the third floor to illuminate Corbona’s invisible place.

“Hahaha, stinky boy, you can do it. These masters are pitted by you. I can feel that two candles of life are extinguishing, and at least five candles are under great threat.”

“Don’t talk about me, I can’t handle these old guys without your cooperation.” Luo Yang withdrew the secret jade sword and whispered to Xiao Yinglong. Generally speaking, it means one thing. The key moment is to escape. .

“Boom, boom …”

The sound of the explosion formed an earthquake, making the ghost ship turbulent.

In the past five minutes or so, Korbona said with great joy: “Okay, Borning’s death creatures have suffered damage. Judging by their habits, they will not let go of the enemy. In addition, you humans have a saying called mantis catching cicadas. After the Cardinals, the power of the Prophet penetrated in and wanted to pit us. “

“Yes! It’s a pity that he doesn’t understand how powerful you are as a nymphoid surrogate, and he can be described as the unparalleled sensation of breath. He is the most prosperous and avoids evil. The world chased me down, but I was really willing to invest. “

“Well, who told you to show off Yinglong in front of me! The benefits are also arrogant, it really makes me more uncomfortable than eating flies, so can I blame Laozi for being spicy? However, I can think of my brother when you encounter good things. Later brothers. “

“Brothers? Brothers who pit each other?” Luo Yang smiled.

“Look.” Corbona pressed a ray of light on the chest of the stag beetle, and vaguely saw several names.

“Huh? You actually … Korbona, who had no interest in the early days, actually listed a human as an iron brother.” Luo Yang’s expression became serious ~ ~ said a little deeply, “Well, Very good. I have seen sincerity and will do a big business with you in the near future. You are so big that a roulette guy ca n’t swallow it. It ’s up to you to see these iron brothers. ”

“Oh?” Korbona thought about it. He just wanted to put the other party in the ranks of the brothers. If you know this is a top secret circle, you can gather together whether in the network or in the deployment of resources. Produce huge energy, but never thought that the other party would give him a big business.

Couldn’t help but guess, what kind of big business would make him unable to swallow, and all the brothers must be brought in to participate, is it possible to reap the ghost ship far below his feet?

At this moment, the eight figures were put on from the fourth floor, followed by the cold and cold figure that made people tremble. Corbona suddenly converged his breath to the extreme, and looked like a wall from the outside.

Lin Lin’s blood was churning, his heart was full of hate. He waited here for half his life, but he didn’t even see the treasures transported by the ghost ship, and was defeated by a group of fierce and terrifying creatures.

Repent! Hate! But first he had to escape from the boat.

When the eight old men led away the death creatures, Corbona rushed out of the darkness, walked four long legs and walked to the fourth floor of the ghost ship. Control the compass.

Thanks to these death creatures, most of the blocking shields and traps on the ship no longer exist, so the collection work is very smooth.

Through the fifth and sixth floors, until the seventh floor Corbonne did not stop, breathlessly said: “Take a break, the seventh floor is the most important place for the ghost ship, and it is the top priority. Cracking requires effort, first Let ’s take a look at the gains from the 4th to 6th floors. “

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