Super God: Twilight Celestial Spirit, rubs nuclear bomb in hand at the beginning

Chapter 32

Fortunately for Leina, the Mao Shen sent by Pan Zhen to protect her secretly had been sent away by her long ago.

The existence of this Mao God is a hidden danger to her.

If he knew about this, he would definitely report it to Pan Zhen.

Then no matter how much she wanted to hide it, it would be impossible.

However, simply relying on concealment is obviously not a long-term solution.

Lena knows.

You must make your own choices.

Either accept this fact.

Or trying to convince Mubai to join Lieyang Star.

In this way, Pan Zhen was wary of him. but.

Although Rena didn’t want to admit it in her heart.

But she understood that it was an impossible task to convince Mubai to join Lieyang Star.

The Lieyang Star is no longer what it used to be. Now it is just a broken planet that was split in half.

For a god of advanced civilization like Mubai.

The value offered by joining the Solaris is minimal.

In comparison, the value of the gem containing stellar energy that Mubai took out was far beyond what she and Lieyang Star could provide.

Moreover, even if he really convinced Mubai to join, Pan Zhen still couldn’t relax his vigilance against Mubai knowing that he had such powerful skills.

This made Reina feel helpless.

She knew she had to find another way to protect Mubai while safeguarding the interests of Lieyang Star.

But what exactly is this method.

She really had no clue.

Faced with such a difficult problem, Reina suddenly felt an unprecedented pressure surge into her heart.

She didn’t want the two people closest to her to become enemies over this.

However. now.

At the other end of the universe, a gorgeous rainbow bridge-like space jump door stands quietly.

Light spilled out from the door, reflecting the endless void.

Mubai stepped out of the space and jumped through the door as if he were walking on flat ground.

He had just experienced a journey through time and space.

What’s exciting is that the short time journey he attempted was successful.

This means that he can travel through time without waiting for other protoss templates to be unlocked.

However, the only thing that made him feel regretful was that this time journey did not go smoothly.

This may be because he is the only ‘celestial creature’ that exists in this world.

The selection of space-time coordinates was completely random, making it impossible for him to reach his destination accurately.

Mubai felt a little regretful.

However, Mubai thought about it carefully and realized that this might be due to the fact that the ‘Twilight Celestial Spirit’ template had not been fully unlocked. therefore.

Mubai was not frustrated and had to return to his own timeline temporarily.

Looking forward to just waiting until the ‘Twilight Protoss’ template is fully unlocked.

I can transcend the trickle of time in a single thought.

After returning to the current timeline.

What comes into view are the dazzling and dazzling stars created by his own hands.

Mubai was extremely excited.

As his figure moved.

His figure quickly shuttled between the stars as vast as the ocean.

Like meteors piercing the night sky, the speed is almost impossible to catch, and each jump spans a distance of hundreds or even thousands of light years. but.

Mubai didn’t last long.

But when he stepped into a certain area, he suddenly stopped.

“Hey, it seems like someone has been here?”

It seems that he noticed some kind of traces left among the stars in this area.

Mubai felt suspicious in his heart.

His eyes quickly scanned every star in this star field.

Although those traces were so subtle that they were almost imperceptible. It’s like ripples caused by a breeze.

But for”Star Spirit”, no changes in the stars can escape his perception.

“Has life ever come to this place?”

So, it didn’t take long for Mubai to know everything.

However, the traces among the stars were too weak and it was difficult to trace their source.


Mubai no longer thought about finding the source of those traces.

Instead, he would search for this guest. The thought was thrown away in his mind. Instead of looking for the other person aimlessly among the stars, Mu Bai decided to calm down and wait for the other person to appear. To rest. However, just when Mubai was about to close his eyes and rest for a while. After a while, he opened his eyes again and looked around at the endless stars. An indescribable feeling of boredom suddenly surged into his heart.

“Oh my gosh, it seems I’m really not fit to stay here quietly.”Mubai sighed, sat on a boulder, and muttered to himself.

As he spoke, he seemed to be thinking about where he should go to have some fun.

His eyes wandered among the stars for a while.

Suddenly. The space became brighter and brighter.

Apparently, he had thought of something.

A sly smile suddenly appeared on Mubai’s face.


, he waved his hands.

The space began to distort, and a dazzling light erupted from the void. , at an undetectable speed, it instantly condensed into a door-shaped outline.

However, this door is different from any space jump door Mubai has opened in the past.

Its light is softer and its outline is more stable. In front of this door, Mubai took a deep breath, and then stepped in, his figure flashing in the light.

The moment Mubai stepped into this door, time seemed to have been accelerated.

Turn. In an instant, the earth had rotated several times.

When a space-time jump door opened, it appeared in an alley.

This alley is located in a small village near Juxia City, surrounded by the tranquility and peace unique to the countryside.

Sunshine The air is filled with the fresh scent of earth and flowers, which is in sharp contrast to the hustle and bustle of the city.

“Huangcun, here we come.”

Mubai’s voice came from the time-space warp gate and echoed in the empty alley.

However, at the moment when Mubai flew out of the time-space warp gate with great expectation, a depressing fact came into view. ——He came a little early.

Mubai looked around and saw the sun shining on the bluestones of the alley, and there was no one in the alley. The villagers are working hard, and their figures appear diligent and orderly in the sun. This is a peaceful and harmonious rural scenery, which is completely different from the tense atmosphere in Huangcun. It seemed that Morgana had not arrived on Earth yet. Thinking of this, Mubai couldn’t help but secretly feel glad that he was not too late.

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