Super God: Twilight Celestial Spirit, rubs nuclear bomb in hand at the beginning

Chapter 51

Even though the years have passed and thousands of years have passed, the memory of Holy Kesha remains as fresh as ever.

Whenever night falls and the stars twinkle, she will quietly close her eyes and let the memories buried deep in her heart come flooding back.

Those days seemed like just yesterday, and Holy Kesha could still clearly feel every detail.

That memory seemed to be imprinted deep in her soul.

Even though it has been washed away by time, it remains as fresh as ever

“Master wormhole technology…energy control technology…healing technology……”

Sitting on the majestic angel throne, Holy Kesha whispered softly.

Her voice was low and magnetic, echoing in the empty hall.



Super seminary.

Reina was standing alone in front of the window, lowering her head in thought, with deep worry in her eyes.

Her thoughts drifted back to the scene that had just happened, and the regret in her heart was as uncontrollable as the tide.

She brought Mubai here in the first place because she wanted to show off her majesty as the main god of the Lieyang Star.

However, what she never expected was that Mubai’s behavior exceeded her expectations.

He actually took advantage of the fact that she, Angel Yan, and the other two angels were not paying attention, and plucked three ‘feathers’ from the wings of Angel Yan, the left wing guard of Holy Kesha.

No matter what Mubai’s purpose was in making such a move.

This behavior is undoubtedly a blatant provocation to the angels.

Lena deeply felt the seriousness of this matter.

Angel civilization holds a pivotal position in the known universe, and any disrespectful behavior towards them may have unpredictable consequences.

Even Reina wanted to help Mubai avoid conflict with the angel civilization.

However, as the main god of the Lieyang Star, her actions have always been subject to multiple constraints.

As the main god, you cannot deal with problems based on personal emotions alone, but you need to stand in the perspective of the entire civilization, weigh the pros and cons, and make decisions that are most beneficial to civilization.

Therefore, she must make a choice between the interests of civilization and her personal emotions.

In this dilemma, Rena’s mood became increasingly heavy.

It was as if a huge boulder was pressing on her chest, making her unable to breathe.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Mubai actually opened a space jump gate at the critical moment and disappeared directly.

This kind of behavior really does not take into account the angelic civilization that dominates almost all mainstream civilizations in 03 based on their beliefs.

Mubai’s free will made Reina feel depressed.

But just as she was deep in thought, the roar of a propeller broke the tranquility around her.

Bringing her thoughts back to reality.

Lena turned her head inadvertently.

I saw that the plane carrying the Xiongbing Company and others was landing steadily on the nearby tarmac.

Watching people wearing black armor get off the plane.

This scene caused a ripple in Reina’s heart.

From this point of view, Du Qiangwei and others should have successfully completed the first mission assigned to them by the military.

Although I know that the nature of this mission is different from the normal mission.

But from Reina’s point of view, this does not affect her as the captain, who is a little relieved that Du Qiangwei and others can successfully complete the task.

The successful completion of this mission is of great significance to the entire Xiongbing Company.

However, just as Lena was about to walk to the tarmac.

He seemed to have suddenly thought of something and stopped.

Reina was stunned for a moment, then shook her head, throwing away the distracting thoughts in her mind.

“Oh, forget it, since Mubai dares to do this, he should be confident, I still don’t worry about it blindly”

“Let’s go see if they have completed their mission first.”Rena said softly.

Although she was still a little hesitant.

However, considering Mubai’s mysterious and powerful background, Reina finally shook her head and decided not to worry about this matter anymore, and instead turned her attention to what she had just landed.

The plane was on the apron.

So she immediately walked towards the apron and saw Sun Wukong walking away from the plane as expected.

However , when Reina stepped forward to say hello, Sun Wukong seemed to have not noticed her and walked straight past him.

, Reina did not feel unhappy about it.

Instead, she shook her head lightly, turned around and walked towards the crowd, deciding to meet with Du Qiangwei and others first to learn the details of the mission.

However, what was completely unexpected was– When she walked to the crowd, she heard news that shocked her.

After seeing Reina approaching, Rui Mengmeng ran over with excitement and said excitedly:”Sister Na, you I really didn’t see it!

“Sister Qiangwei is so awesome now!”

“When she was playing with two swords, she had a close fight with Sun Wukong!”

Leina was a little stunned, as if she couldn’t believe what her ears heard.


Du Qiangwei can fight Sun Wukong to a close?

What nonsense!

Du Qiangwei is only a second-generation super warrior.

No matter how awesome the time and space gene is, it is impossible for a second-generation super warrior to be inseparable from a being like Sun Wukong!

Therefore, listening to Rui Mengmeng’s description, Reina subconsciously chose to doubt.

She really couldn’t imagine that Du Qiangwei could be so inseparable from Sun Wukong.

However, considering that Rui Mengmeng was not the kind of person who liked to lie in this regard, it was even more impossible for her to do so in this matter.

She actually lied to herself.

Therefore, Reina did not immediately suspect that Rui Mengmeng was lying.

Instead, she looked carefully at the innocent expression on Mengmeng’s face.

, searching for a hint of joking.

However, there was nothing but excitement in Rui Mengmeng’s eyes, which made Reina even more confused, and she couldn’t help but start to doubt.

Is there something wrong with your own judgment?

“you sure?”Leina raised her eyebrows slightly and asked again.

Rui Mengmeng nodded firmly and continued to describe the details of the battle excitedly.

“Yes, I really didn’t lie to you, Sister Na!”

“Not only did Sister Qiangwei make a great contribution to this mission,”

“Sister Lin’s marksmanship also played a vital role!”

“She fired three times in that battle, hitting the target all three times, and even the last shot successfully knocked the golden hoop out of Sun Wukong’s hand!”

“Knocked off?”

Leina was stunned after hearing this, and there was an unspeakable shock in her heart.

As the captain, she naturally knew that Qilin’s marksmanship was very superb.

However, if you want to hit all three hits without special weapons, And destroying Sun Wukong’s golden cudgel…

Isn’t this too outrageous? This kind of achievement is very rare even in the entire universe.

It is even more optimized in terms of combat genes and has stronger execution ability.

It is enough to kill tens of thousands of soldiers carrying super genes with one person. However

, Rui Mengmeng’s expression is so sincere that Reina cannot doubt her words.

Thinking about it carefully, it all still sounded too weird, so Reina wanted to hear Du Qiangwei and Qilin’s confirmation with her own ears, so she turned to look at them.

“is this real? Did you really defeat Sun Wukong?”

Seeing the surprised look on Lena’s face, Du Qiangwei and Qilin couldn’t help but smile at each other.

A hint of cunning flashed in their eyes, as if they had expected Lena’s reaction before asking this question.

But , Reina’s question has not yet been fully uttered.

Ge Xiaolun and others on the side are eager to try, eager to prove for Du Qiangwei and Qilin.

“Sister Na, listen to me!”Ge Xiaolun couldn’t wait to speak, as if he was afraid of being overtaken by others,”I, Liu Chuang, Zhao Xin, Cheng Yaowen, and Rui Mengmeng were all present at the time. We saw with our own eyes the duel between Qiangwei and Sun Wukong.”

“That scene was so cool!”Ge Xiaolun’s eyes were shining with excitement.

Before Ge Xiaolun finished speaking, Zhao Xin could not wait to take over the words:”That’s right!”

“The situation was very critical at that time, but Du Qiangwei responded calmly and her tactics were perfectly arranged!”

“Qilin’s marksmanship is even more accurate.”

“Every shot is crucial, especially the last shot, which directly knocked off Sun Wukong’s golden cudgel. It was simply amazing!”

“I was dumbfounded at the time.”

At this moment, Liu Chuang couldn’t help but said:”Hey, if you ask me, the biggest contributor to the successful completion of this mission must be Master Mu.”

“If Master Mu hadn’t strengthened our bodies in advance, how could we have such a strong fighting power?”


At this moment.

As Liu Chuang’s words fell,

Reina’s doubts sounded.

A look of doubt appeared on her face, and she was obviously very concerned about what Liu Chuang said.

“Didn’t he go on the mission with you?”

“Why did he even get credit for this mission?”Leina continued to ask.

She was confused, and there was a bit of curiosity and confusion in her voice.

As soon as she said this, she looked at the look of confusion on Lena’s face.

Du Qiangwei, Qilin , Rui Mengmeng, Ge Xiaolun and others looked at each other and smiled, as if they had anticipated her reaction.

Except for Reina, everyone in the Xiongbing Company knew that Mubai was definitely the reason why this mission could be completed so smoothly. Kudos to her.

Therefore, several people quickly explained the whole story to Reina.

The expression on Reina’s face gradually changed from confusion to shock.

She remembered that everyone was playing with Mu Bai during her absence. A game of ‘whack-a-mole’ was played.

She knew about this, but she knew nothing about what happened after that.

For example, Mu Bai casually waved a group of soft and flickering lights. The radiant butterfly suddenly strengthened everyone’s body.……

“Could it be……”

At this moment, Reina suddenly remembered something, and a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes.

As if driven by some intuition.

Reina made a quick decision and took everyone to find Lianfeng for body data analysis.

However, just as they were preparing to leave.

Qilin suddenly noticed a problem.

I saw her looking around, her brows slightly furrowed, as if she was looking for something.

“Has Mubai left again? Qilin asked doubtfully, with a hint of confusion and loss in her voice.

After hearing these words, everyone came back to their senses.

Indeed, they had not seen Mubai again from the beginning.

“Hey, has Master Mu left again? I wanted to thank him again.” Ge Xiaolun scratched his head and said with some embarrassment.

And just when everyone was feeling regretful about this, it seemed that he was thinking of Mubai plucking the three feathers from the wings of Angel Yan, the left wing guard of Holy Kesha.

A wry smile appeared on Na’s delicate and pretty face.

At this moment, she also had good news, but there was also bad news that she had not had time to tell everyone.

Everyone looked at Lei with curiosity. Na.

Compared to Qilin, Rui Mengmeng, Ge Xiaolun and others,

Du Qiangwei knew that the reason why Lei Na did not participate in the Xiongbing Company’s first mission was that she was sent with someone from another civilization. Negotiations.

Therefore, after seeing the wry smile on Reina’s face,

Qiangwei couldn’t help but wonder if there was something wrong with her negotiations with other civilizations.

Thinking of this, Qiangwei couldn’t help but ask Reina about this. Thing:”How’s it going? Did the negotiation go well?”


Reina was slightly startled, obviously not expecting Qiangwei to ask so directly.

She glanced at the people around her and found that their eyes were also focused on her, waiting for her answer.

“Let’s talk while walking.”

Rena said helplessly.

Everyone nodded.

Then on the way to the destination.

Reina spoke first,

“It’s settled now”

“The angel civilization has understood the thoughts of the earth, and they have stated that they will not interfere in the affairs of the earth.”

“But…when I was negotiating with the angel civilization, Mubai did something……”

Hearing Reina 930’s words, everyone’s hearts skipped a beat.

It seemed that he could already imagine what Mubai would do.

Several people couldn’t help but break into a cold sweat.

Reina continued:

“He plucked out the three feathers from the wings of the angel Yan, the left wing guard of the Holy Kesha.”

“Angel Yan comes from the Angel Civilization, which is an advanced civilization that almost dominates all mainstream civilizations based on their beliefs.”

“The ruler of that civilization is Holy Kesha, the strongest person in the known civilized universe.”

“Mubai did this without permission, which is likely to be regarded as a provocation by the angel civilization.”

“Then… where is Mubai now? Will he be okay? Qilin asked with a worried look on her face.

Rena shook her head,”It’s not clear where he is now.””

“Within a few minutes, he opened a space jump door and disappeared.”

With Reina’s words, they were like a bomb, exploding in everyone’s hearts.

“Will the angel civilization… really become hostile to the earth because of this?”. Ge Xiaolun’s voice was trembling, and he was obviously extremely worried about what Reina said.

Reina took a deep breath

“The angel civilization prides itself on justice, and their code of conduct is usually to maintain peace and order in the universe.”

“But Mubai’s actions are undoubtedly a serious provocation to them, which may trigger a strong reaction from them”

“Nothing will happen to Mubai, right?”Qilin said with some worry.

Faced with Qilin’s doubts, Reina did not answer immediately.

She was silent for a while, as if weighing the weight of every word.

Finally, Reina took a deep breath and her expression became serious He stood up, glanced at everyone present, and then slowly spoke

“It is still unclear what attitude the angel civilization will take on this”

“And Mubai’s whereabouts are a mystery”

“We don’t know what his plans are”

“So we can’t act rashly”

“But no matter what, we must be prepared for any situation that may arise.”

Leina’s words made everyone fall into deep thought.

It was like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.

At this moment, everyone frowned.

There was deep worry in everyone’s eyes.

They knew that Reina His words were not aimless, but based on his deep understanding and judgment of the current situation.

Angel Civilization’s attitude and Mubai’s whereabouts were all like a mystery shrouded in fog, making people unpredictable.



While everyone was feeling uneasy, somewhere in the Chiwu star system, another scene was unfolding in Devil No. 1.

Morgana was constantly complaining about her experiences and was preparing to blackmail Karl, the God of Death.

However, as she kept complaining.

Her eyes suddenly locked behind the god of death, Karl, who was in the Styx galaxy in the picture.

“Holy shit, Xiao Bichi?!!”Morgana suddenly exclaimed.

When she saw the figure clearly, Morgana’s face was filled with shock and disbelief.

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