Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 126

Chapter 126 Keith Rukin’s battle

“What are you talking about, are you really looking for the Big Demon King Piccolo?” Buma called, why scold Sun Wuben, not because of the unfathomable skill of Sun Wuben in the martial arts family that Buma knew.

If there is anyone who can defeat the Great Demon King Piccolo, only Sun Wuben is the only one who has disappeared from the world since the Great Devil Piccolo was born. Naturally, Boomer is worried and angry.

“Yes, I ask you, is Yamu Tea by your side?” Sun Wuben asked, “I want to know where you are right now. Can you tell me about it.”

“Yamukcha is indeed there, why are you asking?”

“My current location is not far from Guixian Island. Because of the chaos in the world, there are robberies and murders everywhere, so I brought my mother with me and wanted you to take care of it. Then I can find the Demon King Piccolo with peace of mind. “Sun Wu Benlian said.

“It turns out that it was because of the chaos in the world and the robbery caught you that I thought of looking for the Great Demon Bick.” Boomer’s voice became cold again, “Who knows if you said it was true or false to find the Great Demon Bick?”

“Okay, Bouma, if you delay here for one more minute, Big Demon King Piccolo will do evil for one more minute…” Monkey King persuaded him. Boomer still sneered and sneered, and an Oolong cry came next to him: “Bouma, it’s not good, the Great Devil Piccolo was drawn to the 29th area.”

“District 29, isn’t it the Western Capital, so to speak…” Bouma’s face changed. “Aren’t my father and mother at the Western Capital’s house? The Great Devil Piccolo was drawn to the 29th district, which means he will Immediately go to the West Capital to kill the ring?”

“Bouma, time is running out, hurry up…” Sun Wuben’s voice sounded.

“Okay, you come right now…” Boumalian told Sun Wuben of her coordinates, then she hung up the phone, went to the side of an old-fashioned radio-like machine and pressed a button.

“This is Guixianwu, Tianjin Fan, please answer, Tianjin Fan begs you, don’t let Big Devil Bick go to the Western Capital. My father and mother are there.”

A yellow plane was flying fast over a forest close to the city of Kethrukin.

“I will stop him, I must!” Tianjin Fan growled in his heart with firm eyes.

In the Guixian House, Bouma then rang the phone at his home, but no one answered at all. At this moment, the door was knocked open directly.

“Yamukcha, Lanqi, Oolong, Buma, hello everyone, my mother is pleased to you.” Sun Wuben directly put the convalescent cabin full of honey in the center of the Guixianwu room, and then went out. Then disappeared into the sky.

“This Monkey King is really fast enough. We haven’t spoken yet, and the others are gone.” Oolong muttered, Buma put the phone off and rushed out of the house.

“Sun Wuben, you have to stop Big Demon King Piccolo from going to the Western Capital. If something happens to my parents, I will hate you forever.”

But the sky was silent, and it was obvious that Sun Wu had not been many miles away when she spoke.

“Asshole, I hope he is really going to stop the Demon King Piccolo, otherwise I will not let him go.” Bouma said angrily, and then became worried again, “Even if he goes to Tianjin, I don’t know if he can beat him. Big Devil Bick.”

Inside the castle of King Kesrujin.

“Your Excellency, the spaceship to the Western Capital is ready.”


Piano and Piccolo left the palace hall and stepped into the elevator. Someone in the palace hall immediately dialed up the phone: “It’s the gods, right? Big Devil Piccolo has left the king!”

“we know!”

In a hidden room, several people in military uniforms stood in front of a row of screens. Among them was Commander-in-Chief Borg. The pretty tall and hot figure standing next to Commander-in-Chief Borg was Yamei.

Yamei presses the button on the console.

“Luer, Mayvis, the Demon King Piccolo has left the king’s side, please transfer the king immediately, the time limit is 30 seconds!”


In the king’s hall, the window opened and two Raiders broke into.

“King, our **** team, the military department is about to pour artillery here, so you must leave with us.” While talking, Luer had already subdued all the people in the room except the king, and Mayvis was the top three. Thousands of white hair curled up and directly rolled up the king and rushed out the window.

After a while–

“Big sister, we have transferred the king.”

“Very good!” In the control room, Yamei did not speak any more, but looked at Borg.

“According to the elevator display, Big Demon King Piccolo has reached the eleventh floor, so take the thirteenth floor as the center and open fire in full coverage!” Borg spit out this line of words coldly. This command is only five seconds. Afterwards, the white light outside the house lit up. With King Keslukin’s palace as the center, the whole world seemed to light up.

“Boom ”

The sound of the shaking of the earth and the mountains sounded, and only fire dragons lit up in all directions, large missiles spraying flames. Thousands of missiles were fired out in unison, covering all the 100 meters in the azimuth of the Great Demon of Piccolo.

The blazing white light flashed, and the entire Kesrus instantly turned into a blazing white. Layers of huge air waves swept around like a tsunami, and some cars, trees, and buildings parked on the square were directly affected by the air waves. Set off.

Finally everything stopped.

A huge mushroom cloud appeared in the center of the explosion.


“Finally done!”

“The Great Demon King Piccolo is dead!”

Surrounding the king’s palace, the army troops who fired a salvo of shells just now were all excited, whether they were soldiers or officers. In the control room, Borg, Yamei and all the upper floors in this room are also excited.

“Finally finished!”

“We finally won and defended world peace!”

“In this round of volley, the total consumption of light cannonballs is 5 billion. What we worry most is that the Big Devil noticed it in advance and avoided the attack center. Fortunately, everything was normal. The Big Devil was shutting down. Inside the elevator, it’s impossible for him to survive this time.”

The commanders of the dignified and stable military department on weekdays were like a group of children, chatting loudly and venting their excitement. For this operation, for the first time, regardless of the cost, the entire military department mobilized the most elite troops at the fastest speed, as well as all the strongest weapons available. It can be said that this is something the military department has never had in a hundred years. It’s crazy, but it’s worth it.

“It’s a pity that the palace was destroyed. This palace is a palace with a thousand years of history. What a pity.”

“This is no way. Only when the Big Devil Piccolo is in that special elevator, after we fired, it is difficult for him to detect it in time. Otherwise, with his ability, it will be difficult to guarantee that there will be no accidents.”

“Moreover, he spends most of his time with the king, and we are not easy to do it. The longer we delay, the stronger his control of the world will be, and we won’t be able to do anything at all.”

After seeing the army a few times before and the army’s cannons were ineffective against Piccolo, the entire senior management also understood that they would not pay enough attention to destroying Piccolo.

“Everyone.” Borg stretched out his hand and said loudly, “Now we are heroes. We have saved the whole world. This palace can also be said to have saved the world, destroyed gloriously, destroyed great, and we will build here. In a new palace, the world will return to peace. To celebrate the victory of this moment, I feel it is necessary to open the champagne, celebrate it unscrupulously, and report the good news to the king, Ami, you come to open the champagne.”

“Yeah, Commander-in-Chief Borg!” A coquettish red appeared on Yamei’s face, and people like Big Demon King Piccolo attacked. According to their duties, they should be responsible for the **** team, but this time, the above did not approve their **** team to dispatch.

And judging from all the information, Big Demon Bik is terribly powerful, even Ami feels weak, so he has been very aggrieved.

Ami walked out in a few strides and took five bottles of champagne from the refrigerator in the next room.

“Champagne is here, huh?” As soon as Yamei returned to the main control room, she felt that the atmosphere was not right. Everyone in the room was looking at the screen, and Yamei could not help but shrink her pupils.

The mushroom cloud in the center of the explosion is gradually fading, and you can vaguely see a figure in the sky in the middle of the mushroom cloud, and the figure is getting clearer and clearer——

“The Big Devil Piccolo?”

Yamei’s face changed, and the faces of all the heads of the entire control room became extremely ugly. What was floating in the mushroom cloud was a monster with emerald green body and two antennae on its forehead.

“Really Big Demon King Piccolo?”

Borg stepped back and slumped in the chair, feeling terrified.

“This demon is still alive, and he is still floating…floating in the air.”

“How is this possible? He was in the special elevator when the shells were fired and couldn’t escape. The shells were 5 billion shells, and the central area even used three **** Ultimate Destroyer shells.”

“Each **** Ultimate Destroyer shell can cost hundreds of millions of dollars. The central area of ​​a bomb’s explosion is tons of steel, and even gold will be roasted by the high temperature of the bomb in an instant.”

The military leaders in the control room were pale, and even their voices trembled, and a desperate panic surged throughout the room. Ami also felt a deep sense of despair when looking at the Big Devil in the dust. As a member of the gods, she knew very well how hard the explosion center was just now.

Not to mention the other 5 billion shells, it is the ultimate destroyer of xx. This ultra-high-powered high-tech bomb can compress all power in a very small range, and it is absolutely comparable to nuclear bombs in its power range.

Even if a nuclear bomb could not be killed, Ami couldn’t think of anything else in the world that could threaten the Great Demon Bik.

“How could this happen?” In a secret place, Luer, the King, and Mayvis felt cold all over when looking at the looming figure of the Great Demon King Piccolo. The members of the Gods group who were hiding all around trembled in their hearts and felt extremely desperate.

“Commander-in-chief, now…what should I do?”

A trembling sound came from the horn, and the army units surrounding the palace outside also saw Piccolo floating in the air at this time, and then the cheering sound quickly stopped.


“It’s absolutely impossible, it must be an illusion, an illusion!”

A gunner yelled and screamed unbelievingly and pointed the barrel at the Great Demon King Piccolo who was floating in the air, and once again triggered the breaker.

“Shoo ”

The huge missile drags its long tail and shoots into the air, the Big Demon King Piccolo.

All those who saw this scene, Borg, Yamei, and the heads of the military, the army troops outside became nervous, and the members of the Gods group hiding in the secret place stared at this scene unblinkingly.

Will there be a miracle?

Everyone was winged in the middle of their hearts. After all, they had covered the attack before, and everyone only saw the explosion of the shells, and the others could only rely on their thoughts.

The missile arrived in front of Piccolo at once, and then something strange happened.

As soon as this aggressive projectile hits Piccolo, it turns abruptly, drawing an arc close to 90 degrees and shooting towards the endless high altitude.

“What’s the situation?” Everyone stared.

“What’s the matter?” The gunner was stunned, but the gunner next to him also pulled the breaker. This time, it was like pushing down a domino, and every one of the gunners did not believe in evil. The shells were directly aimed at Piccolo in the center, but each one shot in front of Piccolo and turned around and fired at other places.

Thirty seconds later.

The firing of all shells stopped.

“What’s the matter?”

“Is it a monster? Why can’t it be killed?”

“What happened just now? Obviously the Great Devil Bick is there! Quick, quick play and replay!” Some officers began to order the scene that was just recorded to be replayed in slow motion.

In the control room, Yamei also started the slow-motion playback of the scene just now After slowing down time and time again, this scene appeared on the screen. When the shell shot in front of Piccolo, Piccolo didn’t know why Piccolo was momentary. The hand hanging next to him was raised in front of him, and then he pulled out…

That’s right, when the missile was pulled with the hand, the missile turned around and was pulled and shot in other directions.


Ami stepped back three steps, desperately leaning on the chair behind him.

“It’s over!”

“Haha, we are done!”

“The whole world, all mankind is over!!” Commander-in-chief Borg’s pale face was sweating profusely, and today’s scene completely shocked him.

At this moment, Borg, Yamei, all the leaders in the control room, as well as the army officers and soldiers who saw this scene outside, Mayvis, Luer, the king, and other members of the gods all understood one thing.

The previous 5 billion shells, including the three **** Ultimate Destroyer, did hit the Big Demon King Bik, but such a power could not cause substantial damage to the Big Devil.

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