Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 943

Chapter 942 Fireworks falling from the sky

At this time, the whole earth was in chaos, and countless people were panicked and fled around, trying to escape this hellish world, but there was nowhere to escape. The best way is to hide, but hiding is not a solution.

Satan City, at this time, also ushered in a raid by the Hell Legion.

Many people found that the more they flee, the faster they died, and they hid, or lie under the car, or under the overpass, or in the house, or even in the center of the sewer, calling for Satan.

But it’s useless.

Even if they hide, those demons will carry out sweeping bombardment with glowing qigong bombs, and all the areas bombarded by qigong bombs are turned into ruins.

In Satan’s mansion, the panicked people nearby all hid in this mansion. Although Mr. Satan is not there, hiding here is still the safest place they think.

“Mr. Satan will definitely save us!”

“Don’t be afraid, no matter what, Mr. Satan will not let the demons destroy his mansion!” Many people comforted themselves, but watching the demons in the sky destroying areas, it will soon be their turn. They were here and couldn’t help shivering.

At this moment, stars lit up in the sky, and then these stars drew beautiful rays of light.

“Is it fireworks?”

“What a beautiful firework?”

Many people panicked and watched the beautiful fireworks shot from the distant sky. These fireworks fell from the sky. For every one dropped, a demon was hit and killed. In an instant, all the fireworks fell, and all the demons around were unexpectedly. It was swept away.

Although the fireworks were still surging, there was no longer a living demon in this area.

In Satan’s mansion, the shivering people watched this scene, and soon became excited and happy.

“Mr. Satan saved us!”

“That was Mr. Satan’s hand!” Cheers rang, and then

“Satan!” “Satan!” “Satan!” “Satan!” “Satan!” “Satan!”

Cheers resounded throughout the world.

A large city to the west of Satan City was also attacked by the Hell Legion at this time, but there were three figures here constantly shuttled through the Hell Legion, attacking each Hell Warrior.

One of the three had handsome light blue short hair. It was the young Trunks. Trunks made a quick shot, but the other one could kill the Hell Legion far faster than him.

It was a young man with brown skin and a black punk head. This was Uub, the disciple of Monkey King and the reincarnation of evil Buu in Dragon Ball.

And at this time Uub had already merged with Fat Buu, so his combat power was extremely powerful.

The last one is a handsome boy in a white shirt, looks very similar to Monkey King, but at this time he is holding a beautiful brown-haired girl, who is the grown-up Monkey King.

Sun Wutian, Trunks, and Uub killed the Hell Legion like autumn leaves, but there were too many people from Hell, and they were scattered in various complex environments throughout the city. Although the three of them killed quickly , But some are invincible.

Suddenly the three of them raised their heads if they felt something.

Countless qigong bombs were shot from the distant sky, and they fell to the city like an overwhelming sky.

“What’s the matter?”

“Why are there so many qigong shells?” The three of them were a little embarrassed and puzzled. Each of these qigong shells seemed very weak, but they were definitely enough to kill ordinary people on Earth. What really embarrassed them was that there were too many qigong shells. , They can stop at most two or three at the same time, the rest can’t stop at all.

And the three of them were also a little puzzled. So many qigong shells appeared at the same time, obviously they were fired by many people at the same time, but from the breath, it seemed that all the qigong shells were made by the same person.

In an instant, the qigong bullet was shot at each of the **** fighters, and every qigong bomb looked very weak, but actually every **** fighter hit by the qigong bomb, no matter the aura intensity was one thousand, or several thousand, or even Tens of thousands died directly.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them would never see the **** warriors alive again.

The three of them froze for a moment.

The people all around cheered.

“Satan!” “Long live Satan!” “Long live Satan!”…

Cheers resounded throughout the city, and the brown-haired girl in Sun Wutian’s arms also exclaimed excitedly: “It was Mr. Satan who did it, Wutian, it was Mr. Satan who did it!”

Monkey King, Trunks, and Uub looked at each other and were shocked. Of course, they didn’t think it was Satan who made the shot, but what happened just now?

Qigong bombs that seem to be very weak are actually so powerful.

Moreover, each qigong shell is like a tracker installed. Not only can it change its trajectory according to the movement of the **** warrior, but it can even go into the building to kill the **** warrior inside.

This situation is like the emergence of thousands of powerful people coming to the earth to help them.

Sun Wuben’s qigong bombs swept the entire earth, and people everywhere, even Sun Wufan, Tianjin Fan, and Yamu Chagui Xianren all saw the inexplicable qigong bombs descending from the sky and annihilated the **** fighters.

The surviving ordinary people on the earth cheered on Satan’s name with tears in their tears, and were grateful to Satan.

On the other side of the earth, two figures were fighting frantically. Wherever they fought, the entire ground was opened, and one of them was Monkey King.


Sun Wufan was very angry. His opponent was a man whose whole body was made of metal. This was Dr. Miao’s powerful Lierd, a robot. Lierd was so powerful that he had even driven Sun Wukong to a dead end.

And now Liard ran out of hell, resurrected in the world, and Monkey King was also playing very hard, and… Monkey King looked at his left hand, this left hand has become a metal hand, this is because before and When Lierd fought, he was hit by Lierd’s superpowers and it became like this.


Monkey King and Lierd faced a wave, and suddenly both of them felt something, and they both looked up and saw countless blue rays of light falling in the sky.

One of them shot towards Liird, who was flying at high speed.


Lierd sneered. This blue Qigong bomb was not powerful at all, let alone killing him, even those vegetable men with a combat power of no more than 1,000 could not be killed.

But suddenly.

Liird’s heart trembled, as if feeling something was wrong.

After all, he is a mid-to-earlier one. Since it feels wrong, although he still feels that the qigong bomb is nothing, he is also fully guarded, even like a battle against Monkey King, with a strong breath, one hand blasted out directly, and only this one The wrist was broken, and the fist flew out.

The fist that flew away from Lierd’s arm hit the weak blue qigong bullet not far away, and saw that hand disappeared directly, and then the blue qigong bullet continued to shoot towards Lierd.


Lierde was so scared that he turned his body upside down, kicking his feet against the qigong shells.

A huge explosion lit up and saw a phantom crash into the ground.

At the same time, all the **** fighters around were hit by blue qigong shells, and then disappeared.

Monkey King stared at this scene. He looked around. There were no **** warriors raging around. If there is anyone alive, it is Lied.


A figure rushed out from the ground, Liard.

It’s just that Lierd’s lower body has completely disappeared at this time, and he saw metal growing in his body, and he quickly returned to normal, but Lierd’s eyes were full of horror.

“Liard was hurt so badly?” Sun Gohan opened his mouth slightly in surprise. Sun Gohan didn’t think that the blue Qigong bomb that had just dropped from the sky was so powerful.

“Who is it? Who attacked Lao Tzu?” Liard yelled. If he hadn’t seen the chance earlier, he would have almost died.

No one answered, Liard looked at Monkey King: “Monkey King, do you know who attacked me?”

“I don’t know.” Monkey King said coldly.

Suddenly a figure appeared in the air beside him.

“Gohan, Liard, how are you.” Monkey Ben smiled and nodded at Monkey King, and then looked at Lild coldly. For Lild, besides seeing him on Dragon Ball TV, Monkey Ben also See you for the first time.

“you are?”

Monkey King looked at Monkey King in surprise.

His short black hair was slowly rising and falling in the wind, and his eyes were bright as stars. It was so attractive, and his smile was indescribable.

At this moment, Monkey King even lost his senses.

Afterwards, Sun Wufan noticed Sun Wuben’s temperament and breath, and he was stunned. At this time, Sun Wuben looked like a mortal, his breath was very weak, but no one thought he was an ordinary person because he was suspended in the air. It’s like being one with the whole world and disappearing at any time.

“Who are you? I don’t seem to have seen you before.” Sun Wufan shouted My name is Sun Wuben, my identity, I will tell you later. “Sun Wuben said, pointing at Lild, “Let this guy give it to me.” ”

“What, you are going to fight Liard?” Sun Gohan was startled. “That’s not good. That guy is very powerful. Why don’t you go kill other **** fighters?”

“Kill other **** warriors? Gohan, use your breath.” Sun Wuben said. Just a moment later, Sun Wuben killed almost all the **** warriors who were ravaging the earth, even if they slipped through the net, they would not be many.

Although Sun Wufan didn’t understand Sun Wuben’s meaning, he still sensed it with his aura, and his eyes widened immediately.

“They’re all dead, all dead?” Sun Gohan opened his mouth in surprise, but he remembered that there were so many **** warriors who came to the earth, and they were invincible, and he and Liard didn’t fight for long.

“What’s the matter?” Monkey King was a little confused.

“Is that you?” Liard looked at Sun Wuben coldly and shouted, “Did you attack me earlier?”

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