super invincible battleship

Chapter 18 Taekwondo Kicking Hall

Chapter 18 Taekwondo Kicking Hall

After killing the strong man, Yan Fei finally felt relieved.And this slack, immediately felt that the internal organs began to ache.Under the violent attack of the strong man, he suffered serious enough injuries.Fortunately, his physical fitness has been greatly improved, otherwise he would have been lying down long ago.

It's just that it's not time to rest yet. The strong man said that he has already passed on the situation here, so Yan Fei must leave here immediately.The drone has already detected the surrounding environment. This is a valley and there is no other way out, so Yan Fei still has to climb up that vine.

Enduring the discomfort in his body, Yan Fei dragged the vines to climb up the cliff. Fortunately, no one from Zhang Baocheng was found on it.At this time, he didn't have much combat effectiveness, and even the drone's steel ball bullets were less than 20 rounds left.Once you meet Zhang Baocheng's men, the consequences will be disastrous.

Yan Fei returned along the original road. When he returned to the road outside, he found that Zhang Baocheng's villa was on fire in the distance. Everyone was busy fighting the fire, and no one came out to look for the strong man.He was a little puzzled, could it be that the strong man was lying to him by sending a message?

But after thinking of the terrain where the valley is located, Yan Fei suddenly realized.How could there be a telecommunication signal in such a remote place, so the strong man's signal must have failed to send out, which is why Zhang Baocheng didn't send people out to look for it.

Wanting to understand the key point, and knowing that there is no possibility of exposure, Yan Fei was determined.Attacking again tonight, he successfully destroyed the evidence against him, and killed a terrible enemy. Although he was not feeling well, he had successfully completed his purpose of attacking this time.

Yan Fei began to clean the wounds on his body, took out a set of clothes from the general space and changed into it, then took out the motorcycle from the general space again, and returned along the original road.The drone clone also followed Yan Fei in the sky, until Yan Fei reached a safe place, the drone returned to the room of Yan Fei's home, and he himself returned to the bathing center.

When he returned to the rest room of the bathing center along the window, Yan Fei was exhausted.After he carefully checked the code left on the doorknob of the room, and found that no one had come in, and changed his previous clothes, his vision suddenly went dark, and he fell on the bed, unconscious.

The next morning, Yan Fei yelled and woke up suddenly. He sat up, sweating all over his body, with a puzzled expression on his face.Because he had just had a strange dream, which was very strange.

In the dream, Yan Fei found himself lying on a hospital bed and met a beautiful nurse. Then he fell in love with the beautiful nurse at first sight and wanted to know the beautiful nurse.But the pretty nurse turned and left, he called the other party but the other party ignored him, so he yelled anxiously, and finally woke up.

This dream is exactly the same as the dream Yan Fei had before, even the details of dialogue and mood activities are exactly the same.After having that beautiful dream before, with the passage of time, Yan Fei has gradually forgotten the appearance of the beautiful nurse in the dream. Who knows that after having the same dream, the appearance of the beautiful nurse became clear again.

As the saying goes, "Think about it every day, dream at night", so at least you have to think about this kind of thing yourself or have this kind of thought in your subconscious before you dream at night, right?Yan Fei didn't know if he had thought about such a thing subconsciously, but he could be sure that he never thought about such a scene when he was awake.

Moreover, Yan Fei is now young and strong, and rarely gets sick, let alone hospitalized, and basically has no chance to contact the nurses in the hospital.This is a bit strange, how did the dream come about?Besides, he didn't know the beautiful nurse in the dream at all, and no one he knew looked like that nurse. What happened to all of this?What's even more strange is that after the two dreams, Yan Fei himself was really tempted by the beautiful nurse in the dream...

Same as before, Yan Fei had this dream after killing people, is there any omen?Why not have nightmares?Or is he a little abnormal?

Just as Yan Fei was thinking wildly, there was a knock on the door outside the room.The waiter reminded Yan Fei outside the door that he could have breakfast, and Yan Fei stopped thinking about it and put everything behind him.It's just a dream, even if it's a little weirder, there's nothing wrong with it, after all, he can even accept the fact that he has a drone clone.

After he stopped thinking about it, Yan Fei realized that more than half of his injuries had healed, at least all the traumas on his body had disappeared.It seems that when the drone refreshed the data at zero o'clock, the mysterious force acted on him through the air, and repaired his body accordingly.

While eating breakfast in the restaurant, Yan Fei paid special attention to the local news reports, but found no reports about the fire in Zhang Baocheng's villa, nor did they report that the body of the burnt strong man was found.

I don't know if Zhang Baocheng didn't call the police at all, or after the police blocked the information for investigation reasons, or for some other reason, anyway, what Yan Fei did last night seemed to be ignored, except for the person involved. , no one knows.

But that's fine too, Yan Fei doesn't like trouble, it's better if no one finds it.

It was already ten o'clock in the morning when Yan Fei returned home.He has been paying attention to the news reports, but there is no news about last night at all, and sometimes he even wonders if what happened last night is a dream.However, the injuries on his body made him sure that what he experienced last night was absolutely true and definitely not in his imagination.

At night, Yan Fei left the magic city far away, and drove a van to a remote mountain in Lin Province. He found a place with few people and smoked, took out Xiao Kong's body from the common space, and searched for him.

As a result, Yan Fei only found a ball on Xiao Kong's body. This ball was black in color and about the size of a longan, and it was impossible to tell what material it was made of.Although its weight is very light, it is very hard, and Yan Fei can't destroy it at all.

Other than that, nothing was found on Xiao Kong's body.

Yan Fei held the black ball in front of his eyes and observed, but found nothing unusual.He wondered in his heart, is it the black ball that the strong man cares about?

After looking at it for a while, he found nothing abnormal, so Yan Fei put the black globe back into the general space, and left it for later research when he had time.

The universal space has the ability to stop time, so although Xiao Kong's body was put in it for a long time, when it was taken out, it was exactly the same as when it was just put in, without any change.

Looking at Xiao Kong's tattered corpse on the ground, Yan Fei thought about it, and dug a deep hole to bury him.After all, this is a corpse, or a deadly corpse. When he thinks that there is a corpse in his portable space, and he runs around with this corpse all day long, he feels a little intrusive.

After Yan Fei disposed of Xiao Kong's body, he returned to Shanghai that night.In the next few days, while carefully watching the news to see if there was any news related to him, he went to the Chaoyue Fitness Center on time every day to learn kung fu from Wang Yong.

After fighting with the violent and strong man that night, Yan Fei realized that his strength was still weak. He thought he had made great progress, but in front of real masters, it was not worth mentioning, and he didn't even have the strength to fight back.And his drone steel ball bullet, which is his biggest trump card, is still too powerful. When facing a master like a strong man, it can only play a role of restraint.

Therefore, when Yan Fei had no other better way, he could only choose to improve his own strength.And the kung fu routine taught by Wang Yong is the best way to improve one's own strength.

Wang Yong still taught some basic kung fu routines, and occasionally explained some precautions for routine battles.Combining his own experience, Yan Fei actually gained a lot, and he felt more and more that Chinese Kungfu is profound and profound.As for his classmates who were studying kung fu, they didn't have any confidence in Wang Yong at all. They spent three days fishing and two days drying nets, and they gained nothing.

On this day, Yan Fei was concentrating on practicing Kung Fu routines in the center, when he heard a noise coming from outside the door, and then a large group of people walked in from outside, the leader was a young woman, this woman was tall, beautiful, and stylishly dressed. You can't take your eyes off the first sight.

When the taekwondo coach in the training center saw the group of people, he immediately stopped training, went up to the group of people, and started to communicate, pointing at Yan Fei while communicating.Then this group of people walked towards Wang Yong's kung fu venue with taekwondo coaches and students.

Seeing this, Yan Fei and his classmates stopped practicing immediately, not knowing what happened.

A taekwondo coach from a fitness center stood up, pointed to a handsome man behind the young beauty, and said to Wang Yong: "Coach Wang, let me introduce you, this is Han Junxi, the vice chairman of our Korean Taekwondo World Promotion Federation. I want to visit you."

The taekwondo coach introduced Han Junxi behind the young beauty, but did not introduce the identity of the young beauty. The young beauty looked at Wang Yong's training ground very curiously.

Before Wang Yong could speak, the handsome man named Han Junxi stood up and said in broken Mandarin: "Coach Wang, you are the coach who teaches Chinese Kung Fu and represents Chinese Kung Fu. We, the Korean Taekwondo World Promotion Federation, are preparing to introduce to the world Promote Taekwondo, so I want to compete with your Huaxia Kungfu to see who is better in Taekwondo or Kungfu."

Only then did Yan Fei and the others understand that this group of Koreans came to kick the gym.If Korean Taekwondo wants to be promoted worldwide, it must prove that it is the most powerful fighting technique in the world. Only in this way can it establish its own brand and more people choose to learn Taekwondo.

In order to achieve this goal, they must defeat Huaxia Kung Fu, so they chose Wang Yonghe to learn Kung Fu students under him.


Thanks for the reward from Wanli Wuyun book friend from QQ reading Android version!
(End of this chapter)

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