super invincible battleship

Chapter 35 Technology Deduction

Chapter 35 Technology Deduction
Yan Fei finally got rid of Zhang Baocheng and Lord Hou, completely solving his hidden dangers.

When he was relieved, he found that the merit points of the drone had changed.Before he used the drone to attack, his merit points were zero, but after the attack, the drone's merit points actually became 37.He turned on the auxiliary brain, and sure enough, he found the relevant data description on the auxiliary brain.

Pier missile attack, kill 1 person, get 1 point of merit; sea missile attack, kill 16 people, get 16 points of merit; sink an opponent's yacht, get 20 points of merit.A total of 37 points of meritorious service were obtained.

Yan Fei was overjoyed. When he didn't get merit for killing large marine creatures before, he thought that future merit points could only be obtained from people. He didn't expect to get merit for sinking a yacht.That is to say, in the future, not only can you get merit for killing your own enemies, but you can also get merit for killing the enemy's equipment or equipment. In that case, the road to upgrading drones will be smooth.

What made Yan Fei puzzled was that when he killed Yamamoto Juhei on the pier, he also destroyed so many containers. Why didn't those containers count their meritorious deeds?Is it because those containers don't belong to anyone?Or is the container too small to meet the equipment standards for drones?
Still not sure about the criteria for obtaining drone merits, Yan Fei had no choice but to give up.While he was controlling the drone to attack Zhang Baocheng's yacht, the main body was driving the motorcycle towards the city at the same time.With the assistance of the auxiliary intelligence brain, his brain power has been greatly released, allowing him to perform other actions on the body while manipulating the drone to perform complex actions.

After arriving at the bustling road in the suburbs, Yan Fei put away his motorcycle, hailed a taxi on the side of the road, then entered the urban area, got off at a place far away from his home, then hailed a taxi again, and drove on Get off again after a period of time, and then hire a taxi.In this way, Yan Fei changed cars several times before finally returning to his own building.

Back at his home, Yan Fei felt a burst of relief.After killing Zhang Baocheng and Hou Ye, the dangerous situation he faced has been greatly improved.Although the mysterious organization behind Zhang Baocheng is still a threat, the sudden appearance of the Sun family in Cangzhou, and the ninjas from the Yamamoto family in Japan at the Modu Wharf all make Yan Fei feel a great sense of crisis, but he believes that his drone The strength of the clone, with the drone clone, he will not be afraid of any challenges.What's more, he tried his best to be careful in this operation, killing all the insiders without leaving any clues. These people and the organization behind them may not be able to find him.

The drone avatar appeared for the first time tonight, and it showed terrifying combat effectiveness. Even a super expert like Yamamoto Juhei was instantly killed by a missile, which gave Yan Fei enough confidence to deal with possible crises in the future.

Without external threats, Yan Fei had time to calm down and think about his future development direction.Now he especially understands what the ancients said - people have no long-term worries, but they must have near-term worries.He faced the threat of Zhang Baocheng before and faced the test of life and death all the time, so he could only think about the present and had no long-term development goals; but now that Zhang Baocheng disappeared, he no longer had the pressure to survive, so he naturally had to think about his future.

Yan Fei's house will be demolished soon, and he will definitely move out.The newly acquired small-sized houses in the urban area have passed the renovation period and are ready for people to live in, so he will move his family to that new home.The new home is very small, and he only lives there temporarily, and he will still find a way to move to a better place in the future.

Yan Fei's home was demolished, which made him a little uncomfortable, but what he got in exchange was [-] million in cash in his hand.In the past, he didn't have any good plans for his future. What he most wanted to live was to live with the situation and live with it.Holding [-] million cash in his hand, no matter how he lives, he can live comfortably for the rest of his life.

But after getting the clone of the drone and greatly improving his own strength, Yan Fei's concept has changed a lot.

In the face of Zhang Baocheng, Lord Hou and the mysterious organization behind them, although Yan Fei won the final victory, sometimes he feels alone and alone.The enemy is organized, manned, and there are people who give advice. Once there is something to do, he will arrange for his subordinates to do it; while Yan Fei is alone, and everything is done by himself.

It was this feeling of difficulty that made Yan Fei change his mind, that is, to protect his own safety, he must have his own power.With their own influence, not only will some people make suggestions for themselves and obey their errands, but even at critical moments, some people will come out to help themselves as bullets.Even if his subordinates are full of wine bags and rice bags, it is still very scary from the scene when he pulls them out.

Although Zhang Baocheng has been killed by Yan Fei, the mysterious organization behind him still exists.Judging from the performance of Xiao Kong and Xiao Long, that mysterious organization is definitely a super powerful force. Once they find out that Yan Fei killed their people, they will definitely not let it go.If he wants to fight against that mysterious organization, Yan Fei must have his own strength and rely on himself to fight alone. No matter how powerful the drone is, Yan Fei will die prematurely from exhaustion sooner or later.

The last point is that this upgrade of the drone consumed at least [-] tons of various raw materials.Yan Fei doesn't know what conditions are needed for the next upgrade of the drone, but from this upgrade, it can be seen that the raw materials needed for the next upgrade of the drone must be much more than this time.This time, the [-] tons of materials came from the garbage dump, and he did not contribute much, so where will he go to get the raw materials for the next upgrade?Are you still going to the dump?What if the raw materials required for the upgrade reach [-] tons or more?What should he do?
So just to meet the huge amount of raw materials needed for drone upgrades, Yan Fei had to find a way to make money and then build his own power.Only by using his own power can he collect enough raw materials for upgrading.Otherwise, even if the merit points meet the requirements, the upgrade of the drone will fail.

It was with these few insights that Yan Fei decided to give up his previous life attitude of eating and waiting to die. He wanted to make money, and he established his own power.

If it was before, Yan Fei could do nothing if he wanted to make money and establish his own power.However, when the drone was upgraded to level three, an auxiliary intelligence brain appeared, and this auxiliary intelligence brain appeared a branch function technology deduction. After the technology deduction ability can deduce a new technology from known technologies, it immediately gave Yan Fei a Possibility to earn money and create your own faction.

The ability to assist intelligent brain technology deduction is very powerful, and it is very possible to analyze advanced black technology. Once Yan Fei successfully uses this advanced black technology for commercial applications, it will be able to create a powerful technology enterprise.Then he will use this technology company as the core to expand his business, and he will be able to gather a large number of people and establish his own power.

As long as this technology company continues to grow and make great contributions to the country, so big that the country cannot lose this company, Yan Fei will be completely safe.And with his own power, he will no longer be afraid of that mysterious organization.It's the Sun family in Cangzhou, the Yamamoto family in Japan, as long as they dare to come to the door, Yan Fei is confident enough to kill them.

This plan is very beautiful, but the core of this plan is to assist the brain's technological deduction ability to analyze sufficiently important new technologies. Otherwise, Yan Fei's plan is like a moon in the mirror and cannot be realized at all.

In the past few days, apart from exploring the vast ocean world, the drone avatar is doing its best to analyze the scientific documents downloaded and collected from the Internet, and analyze various technologies from those documents.

It's just that the drone's current technology tree does not have any technology foundation other than the world's language skills, so the speed of assisting the brain to analyze technology is very slow.Moreover, the assisted brain cannot invade the encrypted database, and all the materials it can download are made public on the Internet.

The knowledge disclosed on the Internet is extremely popular knowledge, and there is no sophisticated technology.Even in these materials, there are a large number of key knowledge points that are deliberately concealed, making the knowledge it obtains incomplete, and there are a large number of technological gaps in the middle.

If the auxiliary intellectual brain wants to repair these technological gaps, it needs to spend a lot of computing power to deduce and perfect these key knowledge points.Only in this way, the progress of technological deduction becomes very slow, and no useful high technology can be obtained in a short period of time.

In the past few days, all the technologies analyzed by the assistant intelligence brain are basic science.These basic sciences have long been disclosed in the whole human society, and there is no technological gap, so the auxiliary intelligence brain can analyze them.Although the basic sciences that appear on the technology tree are similar to the basic sciences of human society, they are more diverse. Many low-level technologies that are ignored by human scientists appear in the technology tree that assists the brain.

If human scientists are allowed to discover those low-level technologies that are added to the auxiliary brain technology tree, they will gain more inspiration and create more weird products.From this point of view, although the technology that assists the brain is low-level, it has a more comprehensive foundation. If it is done steadily, as long as there is enough time, the technology that appears on the technology tree will far exceed that of human society.

The function of the auxiliary brain is very powerful, but its computing power has been insufficient after the technological deduction.After these few days of deduction, the technology that appeared on the technology tree has just reached the level of human society in 1900.After all, the development of human science and technology is closely linked, and one is indispensable. The ability to deduce science and technology must be fully considered, and it cannot be skipped.

If you want to get the latest technology, you must deduce and analyze these basic technologies, and proceed slowly according to the development law of the technology tree.But according to this deduction speed, it will take at least 10 years for the auxiliary brain to analyze the high-tech that can be directly used beyond the current technology.


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(End of this chapter)

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