super invincible battleship

Chapter 40 The Immune System

Chapter 40 The Immune System
The immune system is an important system for organisms to perform immune responses and immune functions.It consists of immune organs, immune cells and immune molecules.

The immune system has the functions of identifying and eliminating antigenic foreign bodies, coordinating with other systems of the body, and jointly maintaining the stability and physiological balance of the body's internal environment.The immune system is the most effective weapon to defend against the invasion of pathogens. It can find and remove foreign objects, foreign pathogenic microorganisms and other factors that cause fluctuations in the internal environment.

If the human body is regarded as a country, then the immune system is the army to maintain national security.Once a foreign enemy invades or an internal rebellion, the army will quickly find the enemy or rebels and dispatch troops to destroy them.

Without enemy invasion or internal rebellion, the security of the country is naturally guaranteed.But if the country cannot detect the invading enemy or rebels, then the enemy will wreak havoc within the country, causing great harm to the country, and the external manifestation is that the country is sick.

Therefore, the immune system is the most important safety barrier in the human body. As long as the immune function is normal, the human body seldom gets sick.Once there is a problem with the immune function, the chance of the human body getting sick will be greatly increased.Most of the diseases that occur in the human body are related to the immune system.

Although humans have studied the immune system of the human body for decades and have drawn some systematic conclusions, they have not yet fully understood the mechanism of immune function.More is to publish some conjectures about the operation of the immune system. These conjectures are all kinds of strange and some seem ridiculous.

Human scientific research institutions will conduct experiments to verify the immune system based on these conjectures, but people's scientific research funds are limited, and they will only verify some conjectures that they find useful.And other conjectures were shelved by them as jokes.

When analyzing the relevant data, the assistant intelligence brain did not distinguish the credibility of these immune system conjectures, but analyzed and deduced all the conjectures in the system, and let it find clues in these unconstrained conjectures. It opened a breakthrough and solved the ultimate mystery of the operation of the immune system in the human body at once.Since this technology can be marked on the technology tree, it means that this technology is affirmed by the technology tree and is the correct technology.

Although Yan Fei has not studied professional medical knowledge, he also has a certain understanding of the immune system. He clearly understands the importance of the immune system to the human body, so after learning that the ultimate mystery of the human immune system has been cracked, he was immediately ecstatic .

As long as the working principle of the immune system is known, corresponding immunotherapy can be carried out for human diseases, and some incurable diseases of human beings are expected to be cured.Medical scientific research institutions in the world are basically studying human genes, trying to find the mystery of human life from genes.By that time, all human diseases will be cured from the genetic level.But with the current level of human technology, they can't even completely crack the human immune system, so how can they truly understand the mysteries of human genes?
Assist the intelligence brain to come up with black technology to crack the immune system. Although this black technology is not as shocking as completely deciphering human genes, as long as the body's immune system is used well, it is enough to treat most diseases at this stage.

Yan Fei learned about the operating principle of the immune system by assisting the brain. The immune system is very amazing.It can not only ensure that the human body is not infected by foreign bodies, but also has the function of maintaining the stability of the internal environment and physiological balance of the body.

For example, if the immune system is functioning properly, the body will be able to maintain a perfect balance of the body, which is reflected in the maintenance of body shape in appearance.

In the identification of the immune system, the human body must maintain a perfect body shape. At this time, an obesity antibody will appear in the human body. This obesity antibody can automatically decompose excess fat in the body and maintain a perfect body shape.

But in practice, the fat antibodies in the immune system slowly fade with age.Once the obesity antibody is lost, the immune system will turn a blind eye to the extra fat in the body and will not actively break it down.Over time, the human body will become obese.

If the obesity antibody in the immune system is not lost, then once the body fat content exceeds the critical standard identified by the immune system, the killer T cells of the immune system will be dispatched quickly to destroy those newly emerged fat cells and maintain the perfect body shape.

In fact, it is not only the body shape of the human body, but also the skin of the human body, and there are corresponding skin antibodies in the immune system.Once parasites or other foreign substances that may damage the skin appear on the surface of the skin, the immune system will also send out phagocytes or killer cells to swallow these foreign substances and restore the perfect health of the skin.

It is a pity that in the human body's immune system, substances similar to obesity antibodies and skin antibodies will suddenly disappear after the end of puberty.The result is that the human body will become obese and deformed unconsciously, and the skin will become extremely bad.

And after Yan Fei knew the working principle of the immune system, he had an idea in his mind, which was to find a way to restore these antibodies in the immune system to maintain the internal balance of the human body.

Once the obesity antibodies are restored, even if humans eat and drink a lot, as long as they do not exceed a certain limit, their body shape will remain normal.Skin antibodies can keep human skin healthy, and various moles, acne, parasites, and plaques will no longer appear on human skin.

In the past, no company in the world could make perfect weight loss products and beauty products.Even Yan Fei himself never thought that one day he would manufacture this kind of product.But after assisting Zhinao to crack the ultimate mystery of the immune system, the manufacture of this product will become very easy.

When Yan Fei understood the value of this black technology analyzed by the assistant brain, he understood that his chance to rise had finally arrived, and his company's main product was about to be launched, and it was no longer just an empty shell.

After having a research goal, under the guidance of Yan Fei, the assistant intelligence brain began to collect more human body data on the Internet.At the same time, the components of various medicines, and even plant data have also been collected in large quantities.It needs to find ways to restore various antibodies in human immune cells through the analysis of these big data.

In view of the limited computing power of the assisted brain, Yan Fei did not fully blossom, but chose the research of obesity antibodies.After all, people's living standards have been greatly improved now. Human beings have gone from malnutrition to overnutrition, and the number of obese people has greatly increased.The market for weight loss is large enough to support the rapid development of his company in the early stages.

Yan Fei's product has hope, so he has the confidence to face Lu Pingping.After all, Lu Pingping resigned to help her. If she couldn't even produce the product, then she would be too sorry for her.

Yan Fei found Lu Pingping, discussed with her, and told her her plan.

Lu Pingping first listened carefully to Yan Fei's introduction, and then asked: "You mean, our products will be released soon, but you are struggling with how to sell our products, is that so?"

Yan Fei said: "Yes, our first batch of products should be related to weight loss. As for the effect, you don't have to doubt it at all. It is definitely the most powerful weight loss drug in the world. It has no toxic side effects, and the weight loss is very fast. Now The crux of the problem is whether we will sell this product as a medicine, or as a food or health product?"

Lu Pingping asked, "Does this product contain medicinal ingredients?"

Yan Fei shook his head and said, "It's not clear yet, but it's very likely that it doesn't contain medicinal ingredients. It should be a substance extracted from plants, which is naturally non-toxic and has no side effects."

In the research of assisting the brain, Yan Fei does not want to use chemical drugs or genetic drugs to achieve the purpose of marking obesity genes, but hopes to use pure natural plant extracts.He doesn't think genetic medicine is more powerful than the immune system.After all, human beings have been exposed to too little knowledge related to genes, and the genetic medicines produced by people have not been studied for a long time.Once this genetic modification takes hundreds of years to show side effects, it will be too late for human beings to regret.

That's why Yan Fei insists on using the ability of the immune system to achieve the purpose of treating diseases from the body's own immune function.After all, the ability of the immune system is inherent in the human body, and various functions have always been there, but gradually weakened or disappeared due to the passage of time. Now he is only restoring this inherent ability of the human body, and it will not affect the human body. It can be said that it is pure natural and has no toxic side effects.

It's just that Yan Fei didn't know whether his idea would be realized before the auxiliary intelligence brain analyzed the complete technology, so he could only speak vaguely.

Although Lu Pingping didn't know the trick, she also began to analyze: "If the product contains pharmaceutical ingredients, it must be sold as medicine. If there is no pharmaceutical ingredient, we can completely sell it as food or health food. If it is sold in the form of pharmaceuticals, it needs to go through a lot of processes, and it has to go through the country's multi-phase clinical trials. Even if everything goes well, it will take at least two years to market. However, if it is sold in the form of health food or pure food, Basically, it doesn’t take much time, as long as it passes the national safety inspection, it can be sold directly on the market.”

Yan Fei thought for a while and said: "We can first design two plans according to the two sales methods of medicine and health food (food), and make preparations for various production and sales in advance. Once the product category is determined, we will immediately start the relevant plan, it saves a lot of time.”

Lu Pingping was a little depressed. She had never seen such a company. It had been established for so long and she didn't know what products she wanted to sell. She had to make corresponding plans for several possibilities.If Yan Fei hadn't invited her here, she would have turned around and left when she saw such a boss.But since Yan Fei invited her here, she could only find a way to deal with the matter Yan Fei explained.


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(End of this chapter)

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