super invincible battleship

Chapter 44 Mutual calculation

Chapter 44 Mutual calculation
The drone data has not been refreshed, Yan Fei is a little worried, but can only continue to wait.In order to alleviate the anxiety caused by waiting, he surfed the Internet through the computer in the room, started to log in to the domestic website, and watched the previous news video showing the opening of the Kenya Museum.

But something strange happened to Yan Fei. In the video review that day, he did not see any news about the opening of the Kenyan Museum, let alone the display of cultural relics.Instead, there was news of unrest in another African country.

After Yan Fei obtained the clone of the drone, his memory has been greatly improved. Basically, he will not forget the things he saw, not to mention that this is the first time that the auxiliary intelligence brain has actively sent a message to him, and even the auxiliary intelligence brain Pictures of the rusted gears remain.All this made him more convinced of his memory. The news about the Kenya Museum did appear in the news that day, but it was replaced by others for unknown reasons.

Yan Fei began to search the Internet, but apart from himself, no Chinese person cared about the opening of a museum in an African country.He didn't find any clues on the Internet, and no one discovered the fact that the content of the video was changed.

Yan Fei kept searching on the Internet, unknowingly downplaying his anxiety, but it was replaced by a more serious sense of doubt.But Yan Fei couldn't help it, he didn't know what was going on, so he didn't think much about it.He made up his mind that he must get that rusty gear tonight.No matter how the outside world changes, as long as this part is in his hands, he will remain invincible.

It wasn't until nine o'clock in the evening that the sky in Nairobi was finally dark, and the streets were lit up with colorful neon lights. Although it was not very prosperous, it was also exotic.

Yan Fei made some arrangements in the hotel room, and then asked the room service not to disturb her or enter her room during this time.Under the power of RMB, the room service staff assured Yan Fei with a smile on his face that if he hadn't been summoned by Yan Fei, he would never have entered Yan Fei's room.

After making arrangements, Yan Fei quietly changed into the local clothes of Naibiro.His body was transformed to eight times its original size by the mysterious power, and after practicing some kung fu skills taught by Wang Yong, he was able to control the movements of some muscles.

Facing the mirror, Yan Fei first practiced a few times, and then began to control the facial muscles. He made the facial muscles slightly raised, then turned his jaw muscles forward, and finally painted his face black. Another person.

Yan Fei changed his facial muscles and changed his appearance. With the local clothes and blackened skin on his body, he looked like an ordinary local black man.Yan Fei looked in the mirror and found no flaws, so he left through the back door of the hotel in peace.

As soon as he left the hotel, Yan Fei took out the second-hand motorcycle from the general space and headed towards the museum.By the time he arrived at the museum, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Yan Fei put away the motorcycle and began to observe the surrounding situation, and sure enough, he found the middle-aged white man in a hidden place.It’s just that the middle-aged white man changed a lot at this time. He was wearing a Naibiro local characteristic clothes similar to Yan Fei’s, and the skin on his face was also smeared.His make-up skills are not as good as Yan Fei's control of muscles to change his appearance, but he is also very clever. If he hadn't cared and observed carefully, he would never have discovered that this person was actually a white man.

It turned out that this white man actually wanted to steal the rusty gear out tonight, just as Yan Fei thought, but he didn't expect that his whereabouts would be discovered by Yan Fei.This is also the reason why Yan Fei's vision has been strengthened, so that he can spot the white man from a distance, but the white man ignored Yan Fei in the distance because he was too concerned about the direction of the museum.

Yan Fei felt a little anxious when he saw that the white man had the same idea as him.Now the drone is still in the waters near the Maldives, [-] kilometers away, and its data has not been refreshed, so the hundreds of energy points simply cannot support it across such a long distance.

Even if the UAV data is refreshed after 12:[-] a.m. Nairobi time, the UAV may not be able to arrive in Nairobi in time.If this white man is going to do something now, Yan Fei can only rely on himself.

However, Yan Fei is no longer Wuxia Amon. After the series of fights to kill Zhang Baocheng, he has cultivated a strong self-confidence. He can complete the task tonight if he takes action himself.After thinking about it, Yan Fei calmed down and began to monitor the actions of the white man, but he was not going to take action himself, but was going to wait for the white man to steal the things before he would blackmail him.

At 11:30 in the evening, all the lights in the museum were turned off, and all the security personnel left, leaving only a few staff on duty.

Yan Fei and the white man had been waiting nearby. The white man was experienced and patient, and he didn't see any changes after waiting for such a long time.Seeing the security personnel leaving, the white man still did not move. After waiting for more than ten minutes, he approached the museum, quickly avoided the camera at the door, and then jumped into the museum building.

Yan Fei observed from behind, and saw the white man carefully climbed up the wall to the second floor of the museum, pushed open the window of the museum, and jumped in.And the place where he jumped in was the booth where the rusty gear was.This also made Yan Fei more sure that the white man's purpose was the same as his own.

Yan Fei waited outside calmly, but after 2 minutes, the white man climbed out of the window with a small backpack on his back.Carefully avoiding the camera, the white man rolled over from the wall.Then he got into a car parked nearby and drove away.Yan Fei quickly got on the motorcycle and chased after the car.

The streets of Nairobi at night are very empty, and the white man's car is driving very fast, and he has been driving towards the outside of the city.Yan Fei's control over his body has been greatly strengthened now, which makes his motorcycle driving skills perfect, and the motorcycle is closely chasing behind the car without falling behind.

The two drove out of the city together, and after more than ten minutes, they left the city and came to the suburbs outside.Nairobi's economy is underdeveloped, there is not enough power supply, and there are no street lights on both sides of the road.But tonight the moonlight was so bright that Yan Fei could clearly see the car in front of him.

The two turned a corner, and no other vehicles could be seen on the road.Yan Fei suddenly speeded up, the motorcycle began to overtake, and slowly caught up with the car in front.Just when Yan Fei's motorcycle was running parallel to the car in front, the window of the car in front suddenly rolled down, and a pistol stuck out from inside, aiming at Yan Fei.

Startled, Yan Fei braked quickly and saw the pistol shoot.It was only because Yan Fei reacted quickly that he missed Yan Fei, and the bullet hit the big tree in front of him, causing the bark of the tree to splatter.Yan Fei braked quickly in desperation, and the motorcycle almost overturned due to the sudden braking, but under his absolute control, he still held the motorcycle firmly.

Seeing that he missed Yan Fei, the white man stretched out his hand out of the window and fired repeatedly at Yan Fei behind him.Yan Fei was on one side, the side of the motorcycle fell to the ground, and began to slide on the ground.He himself hid behind the motorcycle to avoid the bullets shot at him.

The white man fired several shots, and all the bullets were blocked by the motorcycle. Seeing that he couldn't hit Yan Fei, he immediately retracted his body and concentrated on driving.The car suddenly accelerated and left here quickly.

Yan Fei just stood up from the motorcycle on the ground, his face livid.He thought he was being cautious, but he didn't expect that his tracks would have been discovered long ago, and he would resort to tricks, almost capsizing himself in the gutter.He always thought that his actions were very subtle, but he didn't expect that he was still inexperienced, and he had already fallen into the schemes of others.

However, Yan Fei was not discouraged, because at this moment, he felt that the data of the drone had been refreshed, and the energy points of the drone had returned to full value.He looked at the time, it was 12 o'clock in the middle of the night in Nairobi time, and the refresh of the drone data was calculated according to the time where the main body was located.

So Yan Fei started the drone, the drone rose vertically, left the water, and then moved quickly at low altitude in the direction guided by Yan Fei, and began to fly to Nairobi.The straight-line distance between the Maldives Islands and Nairobi is only [-] kilometers, and it is surrounded by the sea. The drone does not need to avoid radar, so it can fly at full speed and arrive in Nairobi in three hours.As long as the drone arrives, Yan Fei has the confidence to control everything.

Under the control of the auxiliary brain, the drone flew towards Nebiro, without Yan Fei being distracted to operate it, and his body could handle the problems he faced at the same time.

Yan Fei went to the side of the road to look, and found that there was a winding and winding mountain road below. The car was driving down, it turned around at the corner in front, started to drive back, and returned to where Yan Fei was. But it was the next lane where Yan Fei was.

Yan Fei calculated the distance between him and the road below, put the motorcycle into the common space, then stepped back, stood still, and ran forward quickly. fall.

The speed of the car on the road below was very fast, and they didn't notice Yan Fei who jumped down from above.Yan Fei had already calculated the angle, and the direction of his fall was right in front of the front of the car.I saw Yan Fei landed in front of the car, his hands folded into a hammer shape, raised high, and then smashed hard on the hood of the car.

A loud "boom" was heard, and the front of the car was hit by Yan Fei, and the front of the car sank immediately and stopped moving forward. The huge force even caused the two front tires of the car to burst.Because of the strong inertia, the rear of the car quickly turned up, and then flipped over Yan Fei's head in a somersault, and smashed hard on the road ahead.The wheels of the car slid on the ground quickly, the body of the car rubbed against the ground, sparking a long stream of sparks, and finally hit the rock on the mountain wall without moving, while the body of the car emitted white smoke...

Yan Fei stepped forward, and saw the white man lying upside down in the driver's cab motionless, with blood dripping from his head, and he looked seriously injured.

Yan Fei punched out, and was about to hit the Caucasian man's head, when he saw the Caucasian man suddenly opened his eyes, and with a flick of his hand, Yan Fei's fist was pushed aside, while his other hand quickly unfastened the seat belt. , jumped out from the other end of the front of the car.

Yan Fei sneered, he had used the trick of pretending to be dead before, but fortunately Xiao Kong taught himself a lesson, so when he saw the white man not moving, he didn't approach him for inspection, but gave him another fatal blow.If I hadn't done this myself, I might have been successfully attacked by a white man under my carelessness, causing the gutter to capsize.

Yan Fei did not chase the white man, but bent down and turned the car over with force, and the white man was immediately stuck between the car and the rocks on the mountain wall.At this moment, a gunshot rang out, and the pistol in the white man's hand fired. The bullet shattered the windshield of the car and flew towards Yan Fei.

Yan Fei's eyes were sharp, and he had long been on guard against the pistol attack of the white man, so when he saw his movement, Yan Fei dodged the bullet with a dodge.Then one turned over and hid in the back cover of the car.

The white man came out of the hole in the windshield, pointed a gun at the rear of the car, and said, "Who are you? Why are you following me?"

The white man spoke English, and Yan Fei has become proficient in English after being empowered by the brain-assisted knowledge. He said: "I am from the Kenyan National Security Agency. You stole the cultural relics from the Kenyan museum. I am here to arrest you." .”


Thanks to the book friends: old bookworm looking for a reward for a good book!
I deleted a friend's post yesterday, and found out that it was the book friend I was thanking. I am really embarrassed, and I apologize to him here.I absolutely believe that old bookworms looking for good books really like this book, otherwise they would not reward this book, but can you tone down a little when commenting?In this way, the author also has a better mood to code words, so that he can contribute higher quality works to his brothers and sisters.Later, I communicated with this friend and found that he is a very interesting friend. This time it is considered a stranger!

Thanks again for everyone's support!
(End of this chapter)

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