super invincible battleship

Chapter 59 Dahe Finance

Chapter 59 Dahe Finance
After Yan Fei and Lu Pingping met, the two discussed the company's next action plan. Lu Pingping was responsible for settling agents and rumors, and Yan Fei was responsible for strengthening security.

Not to mention how Lu Pingping launched a commercial counterattack and refute rumors, but just talking about Yan Fei, he began to contact the newly established Ministry of Veterans Affairs in Shanghai.

This department is a newly established department in Huaxia to manage matters related to retired soldiers. The reason why Yan Fei found them was precisely because they managed a large number of retired soldiers.And Yan Fei wants to strengthen the defense force, the first way he thinks of is these retired soldiers.In the past few years, the image of the Huaxia Army has been improving day by day. Coupled with their hard training and strong obedience, they have become a new choice for many companies to recruit.

Yan Fei's dream food has become a new company in the magic city. This company is a real business with a large number of recruits and a large taxpayer. In just over two months, the tax payment has exceeded [-] million. Only when they are on the city government's concern list will they show concern for them when Fantasy Food is under attack.

So when Yan Fei found the Ministry of Veterans Affairs, the officials inside gave him a warm welcome. When Yan Fei proposed to recruit some agile veterans from among the veterans to strengthen security, they were overjoyed.They have been paying attention to this dream company. Because Yan Fei does not eat alone, he is very generous to the employees in the company. As long as he obeys the management and can complete the tasks assigned by the company with quality and quantity, he can get a higher income. After doing all this, their income can even reach the level of the staff of the foreign capital department in Shanghai.

Therefore, the benefits of Dream Company have always been discussed by the relevant departments of Shanghai. If the state has not tightened the management of cadres, maybe someone will arrange their relatives to come to the company.And just when the officials of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs wanted to contact Yan Fei to see if they could accept a batch of retired soldiers, Yan Fei took the initiative to come to the door, and they were overjoyed.Then promise to recommend the most elite personnel to Yan Fei.

Yan Fei also stated his request, that is, what his company needs are the most elite personnel, these personnel must be proficient in security work, and at the same time, these personnel cannot be in the same unit when they serve, so as to avoid forming cliques.People from the Ministry of Veterans Affairs expressed their understanding and promised to meet Yan Fei's conditions.

On the third day, more than 30 veterans reported to Dream Food Company, including two female soldiers.These people are elite soldiers who have just retired, and their words and deeds still retain the style of the army, and they look tough, and they are not good at first glance.

The accompanying officials introduced: "Mr. Yan, these are our elite soldiers. Before retiring, they were all masters of their troops, and they all have a certain degree of research on security."

Yan Fei looked at these soldiers with their heads held high, and first of all, they felt very sturdy in terms of mental outlook, and they were not in the same army with each other, and formed cliques without trouble, so they were very satisfied.Ask the Minister of Personnel to review them on the spot, and if there are no problems, all of them will stay. This will not only solve their own security problems, but also provide a good treatment for these soldiers who have contributed to the country.Yan Fei still trusts the people arranged by the state. Although there is no guarantee that there are no spies sent by the state, there will be no people from foreign forces mixed in.

Soon, all the procedures were completed, and all the 35 soldiers were recruited, 32 of them set up a new security department, and two female soldiers were assigned to Lu Pingping to personally protect her safety.But another young man named Wang Dazhuang was assigned to Yan Fei as his driver while protecting his safety.

Of course, Yan Fei's current strength no longer needed Wang Dazhuang's protection, but on the surface he still wanted this bodyguard.Doing this not only makes me more drivers, but also deliberately makes people look down on me, so that I make mistakes when dealing with myself.

A new security department was established, and all the staff of the company's previous security department were merged into the new security department. Huang Desheng, the former head of the security department, knew that he was not strong enough, so he voluntarily abdicated.With the addition of these newly retired soldiers, the safety of Dream Food Company is reliably guaranteed.

Because Yan Fei and the others are the key units of the Magic City, and they have recruited so many retired soldiers, and at the same time, they have encountered a vicious incident of production technology being stolen, so the relevant departments specially applied for five for Yan Fei's security department. Taking pictures with guns, they were equipped with five pistols.With these five pistols, it also adds some deterrence to the fantasy food company.

Yan Fei met the old man Gu who could predict the future in Africa, and was deeply impressed by his predictive ability, so as soon as he returned to China, he asked Lu Pingping to investigate the flow of funds on his supreme VIP card.He swiped 100 million on Old Man Gu's POS machine at that time, and then Old Man Gu disappeared. In order to find Old Man Gu's information, Yan Fei thought of finding Old Man Gu by investigating the flow of funds. Know old man Gu's real name.

But to Yan Fei's disappointment, the 100 million allocated from his Supreme VIP went directly to a foundation account in China that specializes in helping widows and orphans to provide for them at the end of their lives.He called and asked, only to find out that the foundation did not know who transferred the money to them.So Yan Fei's attempt to find Old Man Gu and use Old Man Gu's ability to predict the future to guide him failed.

But Yan Fei immediately felt relieved, that old man Gu might really have the ability to predict the future, he predicted Yan Fei's actions, cut off Yan Fei's clues to find him in advance, and prevented Yan Fei from finding him.But Yan Fei couldn't see the future, so naturally he couldn't find the old man Gu.

Yan Fei cannot get future guidance and can only rely on himself.And just when he and Lu Pingping were planning to fight back against the rumors on the Internet, a company named Wonder Foods jumped out and started a big publicity that it was about to launch its own nutritional biscuits, the main function of which was to lose weight.Judging from their promotional pictures, the products of this wonder food are exactly the same as the diet biscuits of fantasy food.And in the promotion, they also vaguely mentioned their relationship with Dream Food, implying that their products are the same product.

After Yan Fei found out about the promotion of Wonder Foods, he was immediately refreshed, because the behind-the-scenes organization finally began to surface.If they had been hiding underground, he could do nothing, because he didn't know who his opponent was.But once they surfaced and identified their opponents, Yan Fei had plenty of ways to deal with them.

In line with the large-scale publicity of Wonder Foods, the agents who previously terminated the agency partnership of Dream Foods also began to follow up the publicity, saying that they will launch this epoch-making weight-loss biscuit together with Wonder Foods.At the same time, in order to give back to consumers, the price of Wonder Foods will be more friendly to the people. The price of each box of products is only 500 yuan, and the credit guarantee that this weight loss biscuit has the same weight loss effect with the credit that he once sold Dream Food.

Yan Fei stood on the sidelines, knowing that Wonder Foods and the agent he had colluded with were about to start working hard.But because they had less time to get the diet biscuit production process, no product samples were produced.But in their thinking, as long as they get a complete set of production processes from competitors, they can definitely produce products.The reason why they build momentum in advance is to buy time, and when their products are produced, they can seize the fantasy food market.

Yan Fei activates the clone of the drone, connects to the network with quantum radar, and lets the assistant intelligence brain search for information on Wonder Foods on the network.Then he discovered that this Wonder Company had only been established for two years, and its headquarters was in Hangcheng, the capital city of a neighboring province.It's just that they have only engaged in some resale trade in the past two years.They import products from abroad and find distributors in the country to sell them.Business has been tepid, nothing has grown, nothing has declined, no one has noticed them at all.

But Yan Fei felt that this company was not simple, or that the forces behind them were not simple.Judging by their publicity, they should have acquired the production process of Fantasy Food diet biscuits.Because he didn't want to expose more problems, Yan Fei did not apply for a patent for this production process, so Wonder Foods dared to unscrupulously come up with the technology of Fantastic Foods without worrying about lawsuits.

So Yan Fei asked the assistant Zhinao to strengthen the collection of information on the Internet, and then discovered that there was actually a foreign garbage recycling company under the name of Wonder Foods.This foreign waste recycling company specializes in recycling waste waste from Europe, America and Japan, and then transports it back to China for sorting and processing.This foreign garbage recycling industry has huge profits, but it is very damaging to the environment, and it will also bring some sources of infection and bacteria, which will damage the workers of the garbage sorting plant and the surrounding people.Therefore, the country banned the import of foreign garbage from abroad last year, unless the foreign garbage can meet the national standard. In this way, those foreign garbage import companies will lose their business completely.

But a month ago, the state had just seized a group of companies that illegally imported foreign waste, including this foreign waste recycling company under Wonder Foods.From the foreign garbage they imported, a large amount of toxic substances and bacteria were found, which was extremely harmful to the sorting personnel and the surrounding environment. Therefore, they have just been severely punished by the relevant state departments to revoke their business licenses.

But from the outside, it is completely impossible to see that Wonder Foods has any relationship with this garbage sorting plant, and neither of them mentioned the other's name on any occasion.However, the ability to assist Intellectual Brain to collect data is quite strong, and I found clues in a shareholding structure issued by an organization in Xiangjiang. On that shareholding structure, it shows that Wonder Foods is the largest shareholder of the garbage sorting factory. accounted for 85% of the shares.

And this shareholding structure table was deleted after it was published, and only another zombie website with almost no reading volume quoted this structure chart.That's why the assisted brain found clues on this website, which is why no one noticed that the Wonder Food Factory had any relationship with the garbage sorting factory.

After discovering the hidden relationship between Wonder Foods and the garbage sorting factory, Yan Fei became even more suspicious. Even if the food factory has a subordinate garbage sorting factory, it doesn't matter much, but why do they deliberately conceal the relationship between each other? What about the relationship?So let the assistant intelligence brain collect information on the foreign network again.

One day later, Brain Assistant finally found the name of Wonder Foods from the investment report form of a Japanese company called Dahe Financial. This investment form shows that Dahe Financial invested 1000 million US dollars in Wonder Foods, accounting for 95% of the shares. Belongs to full holding.It’s just that in this table, Wonder Foods uses pinyin instead of Chinese, but even so, the assistant intelligence brain still found that the expression for Wonder Company in it is exactly the same, thus confirming that Wonder Foods has accepted Dahe Financial’s investment, Dahe Finance is the controlling shareholder of Wonder Foods.Dahe Finance is a financial giant in Japan with huge influence and power in Japan.

Yan Fei just wanted to find out the details of Wonder Foods, but he didn't expect to find out the fact that Wonder Foods is a Japanese company, which made him a little unbelievable.After all, in public, Wonder Foods has been promoting patriotism, and it can't be seen that it is a Japanese-funded enterprise.But now that this Japanese-funded enterprise has jumped out, can it be confirmed that the leak of the company's craftsmanship is related to the Japanese?


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(End of this chapter)

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