super invincible battleship

Chapter 6 Hot Events

Chapter 6 Hot Events
The drone has been upgraded to the second level, and its combat effectiveness has undergone a qualitative leap. At the same time, the energy points and steel ball bullets have also recovered to 100%.It's just that Yan Fei doesn't plan to go out to fight for justice at night, because the second-level drone is a bit bulky. Although it is also black, it is much more conspicuous than before, and it is easy to be spotted.

The next morning, Yan Fei's appetite increased again. Fortunately, he brought a large amount of steamed buns home to eat, so that he didn't scare others.There is no way, the body has just been transformed by the mysterious force, and needs a lot of nutrition to make up for the shortfall, so I have to eat more.But I believe that his appetite will return to normal in a few days.

After breakfast, Yan Fei came to the exercise room again for physical training. With his previous experience, he became familiar with physical strength very quickly this time. Although he did not fully grasp this strength, at least he would not accidentally exert too much force situation.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, there was a sudden commotion downstairs in Yan Fei, and a woman's sharp cries rang out, and the woman shouted while crying: "I am wronged! I am wronged...the Yan family are all big liars. Taking away my family's land made us lose our source of livelihood, how can my grandson and I live? We want land, we need food."

Yan Fei probed out, and saw a middle-aged woman in her 50s sitting on the ground at the gate of the courtyard downstairs, with disheveled hair, and a dirty five or six-year-old boy standing beside her. The middle-aged woman cried loudly, and burst into tears too.Passers-by saw that there was a lot of excitement, and immediately surrounded it, and soon a circle of people surrounded it.

Yan Fei frowned, he didn't know what happened because he didn't know this middle-aged woman at all.Then I saw a man next to me curiously asking: "Sister, what is wrong with you?"

The middle-aged woman stopped crying, pointed at the building of Yan Fei's house and said, "Brother, you don't know that the Yan family bullied my illiterate head of the family, tricked him into signing the land transfer contract, and usurped our family's land , forced us to move, and then they built a building on top of it, and lived a good life. But after we were forced to move, because there was no land, there was no source of income, and life was very difficult. My head of the family and my son Both my daughters-in-law and I died one after another because of poverty, and only my little grandson and I were left to depend on each other. Our mother-in-law and grandson have already run out of ammunition and food, and it seems that we will not be able to survive. We are so miserable!"

Yan Fei's heart moved. Their building was built in the 80s. Yan Fei was not born at that time, but later heard his parents talk about it.Their family was a big capitalist before liberation and ran their own company.After the founding of the People's Republic of China, their family's company was jointly owned by the state and became nothing.After the reform and opening up, the state began to correct some previous wrongdoings, subsidized a piece of land and compensated a large sum of money to his father, so Yan Fei's father used the compensation and land to build this building.

At that time, the building was built using the compensation land obtained by my family, but after the building was repaired, for the convenience of transportation, it took up less than 1 square meters of private land of a nearby farmer to build a road to connect to the street outside.This piece of occupied land still went through formal channels and paid high economic compensation, 1 yuan for 5 square meter, and 5 yuan for 5 square meters. At that time, the compensation was sky-high, and the government notary department also issued notarial certificate.So in terms of procedures, there is nothing wrong with the building of Yan Fei's house.Morally speaking, the compensation of [-] yuan at that time was already worthy of the occupied land.Moreover, the family whose land was occupied moved away in the early years, and Yan Fei had never seen this family before, so how could someone suddenly appear to complain?
Suddenly, Yan Fei spotted a burly figure among the crowd of onlookers, and he immediately recognized that that person was Zhang Baocheng's subordinate Xie Lao Er who had appeared downstairs in his house last night.Xie Lao Er was watching the middle-aged woman's cry with great interest, and then found that Yan Fei was looking at him. He smiled mysteriously, cut his throat on his neck, turned and left.

Seeing Xie Laoer, Yan Fei suddenly realized.This middle-aged woman must have been recruited by Zhang Baocheng for the purpose of causing trouble, and then forced himself to sell the house to them at a low price.After all, this house is worth more than 30 million yuan, and I seem to be alone, so it's strange that no one is eyeing me.What surprised Yan Fei was that Zhang Baocheng was so powerful that he was able to investigate what happened [-] years ago, and immediately thought of finding someone to act in a play to put pressure on him.

The middle-aged woman was crying too loudly, and Yan Fei's tenants were alarmed, and they were a little surprised when they found the crying middle-aged woman.There was a couple who were about to go out when the middle-aged woman grabbed their clothes and cried out with snot and tears: "This unscrupulous Yan family has taken over my family's land and taken my field, making it impossible for us to live. You Give back our land, you give me back our land, we have to survive, we have to eat..."

The couple was so frightened that they broke free and ran away.A later troublemaker asked the reason, and the middle-aged woman cried and told about the crimes of the Yan family, and asked for her land back, they wanted to survive.So someone nearby uploaded the live video to a short video website. In order to attract the attention of the Internet, these people also made some particularly horrifying titles.

Yan Fei returned to the room and called the police.

Five minutes later, a police car drove over, and two policemen, a man and a woman, came out.After being scolded by the two policemen, the crowd of onlookers dispersed, and the middle-aged woman did not continue to cry when she saw the police arrived, and just left with her child.But when he was leaving, Yan Fei saw a smug smile in her eyes.But the police saw that the middle-aged woman had voluntarily left with a child, so they did not stop her.

Yan Fei knew the two policemen who came out to the police, and they were both policemen from the nearby police station.The man's name is Huang Pu, and the woman's name is Miao Hong.Yan Fei often goes to the police station to report tenant information, so he is very familiar with them.

Two policemen came forward, Huang Pu said to Yan Fei: "Xiao Fei, what's the matter with you? Who is that woman?"

Yan Fei said: "Brother Huang, I don't know that woman at all."

Miao Hong said: "Then why did she come to you to make trouble? There must be a reason..."

Yan Fei then told the history of the origin of his house. After thinking about it, he told the story of Zhang Baocheng's visit last night. He also said that he had just seen Zhang Baocheng's person in the crowd, so he suspected that The young woman was sent by Zhang Baocheng to make trouble.As for her real identity, Yan Fei said she didn't know.

Huang Pu's face was a little dignified, and he said: "I've heard about this Zhang Baocheng. He used to be a gangster, but later he went ashore to wash his hands and changed his career to a real estate company. Although he went ashore, he still colluded with gangsters, and his real estate Companies often resort to fraudulent threats to seize homes and have a bad reputation."

Yan Fei asked suspiciously: "Isn't the country cracking down on gangsters now? Why would there be such a person who would come to steal my real estate?"

Miao Hong said: "Xiaoyan, although the country is cracking down on gangsters, we must also pay attention to evidence. We are now ruling the country according to the law, and naturally we cannot arrest people without evidence. In the past, once something happened to Zhang Baocheng, his subordinates would come forward to take the blame. We It is impossible to grasp his criminal evidence at all, so naturally he cannot be arrested, at most he will be fined a little money, and next time he will repeat his old tricks."

Yan Fei was in a daze when he heard it, and almost thought he had returned to the era of old Hong Kong movies.It is true that the country cracks down on gangsters, but it also pays attention to evidence and procedures.With the education of old Hong Kong movies, those gangsters will become more and more cunning. After committing a crime, they will randomly send someone out to take the blame.In this way, everyone gets what they need, and everyone is happy.So the black she will continue to commit crimes. As long as it is not a major event involving human life, if you are more cautious, you will be able to avoid danger again and again.

Huang Po added: "Zhang Baocheng is doing a serious business. Although he took advantage of the robbery, he made things tight. In addition, the victim was threatened. We can't touch him without evidence."

Yan Fei thought for a while and said, "Then what should I do?"

Miao Hong said: "There will be demolition here. Once the demolition is negotiated, as long as the conditions are suitable, I suggest you sign it as soon as possible, and leave immediately when you get the demolition money. Make sure that Zhang Baocheng's people are not allowed to take advantage of it. For safety reasons, you should not go out casually recently, as long as this period of time has passed."

Yan Fei was a little helpless and could only nod in agreement with their suggestion.Just let Huangpu and the others help to check whether the middle-aged woman is from a family whose land was occupied 30 years ago.Huang Pu and Miao Hong also agreed.

While leaving, Huang Pu asked Yan Fei a question, that is, has he noticed a black drone appearing nearby recently, and took out a blurry photo of the drone printed from the camera surveillance video Show Yan Fei.Yan Fei was startled, and found that the photo was indeed his own drone clone.Just because of the light and color, the photo of the drone is not very clear. It seems that the police are really starting to investigate the drone, so he shook his head decisively, expressing that he did not know about it.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Yan Fei heard the sound of wailing outside again. He went out to have a look and found that the middle-aged woman appeared again with the little boy, still sitting on the ground with disheveled hair and crying loudly. A banner with black spots on a white background reads: "Give me back my land, I want to survive, I want to eat!"

Soon, there were onlookers around again.Seeing the presence of onlookers, the middle-aged woman cried even more heartbreakingly, and the entry and exit of some of Yan Fei's tenants was also greatly affected.

Yan Fei went downstairs, took out some evidence documents that he had just copied, showed them in front of the middle-aged woman, and said, "I don't know who you are, but my father obtained this house through completely legal means. So please don't come here to make trouble again."

The middle-aged woman was taken aback when she saw the evidence documents, but immediately rushed over, hugged Yan Fei's leg, and cried, "I don't know what these things are, I only know that you oppressed our family, let us I have lost the land on which I live, so quickly return the land to me..."

Yan Fei wanted to pull out his leg, but he didn't expect that the middle-aged woman hugged her tightly and didn't twitch.He looked at the surrounding crowd and said, "If you feel that your rights have been violated, you can sue me in court."

The middle-aged woman shouted: "I don't want to go to the court. You and the judges in those courts are in the same group. You have conspired to bully us ordinary people." This reason?"

The people next to him felt that it made sense and began to nod.

When Yan Fei saw the middle-aged woman starting to incite the crowd, he frowned immediately, and with all his strength, he broke away from the middle-aged woman, returned home, and called the police again. Huang Pu and Miao Hong arrived again, dispersed the crowd, and took the middle-aged The young woman and the little boy went to the police station for questioning.

At night, Yan Fei got the news that the middle-aged woman's name was Wang Xiaohong, and she was actually the family member who moved away from the neighbors back then. However, that family member later contracted a vicious infectious disease and almost died, leaving only Wang Xiaohong. And that little boy is really Wang Xiaohong's grandson.After arriving at the police station, Wang Xiaohong's attitude changed drastically, and she cooperated with the police in every way. After the legal education of the police at the police station, Wang Xiaohong took the child and left after taking notes.
Yan Fei felt dizzy for a while, but he didn't expect that the middle-aged woman who caused the trouble was actually from that family back then. Back then, her father occupied only five square meters of her family's land, and there was a high amount of compensation. Notarized, but now people are coming to the door again, but it is a bit difficult to deal with.

Although Huaxia is now ruling the country according to the law, it will still consider some actual conditions and social impacts when facing some civil disputes, and mainly rely on the two parties to negotiate and resolve them.In addition, people in the world generally sympathize with the weak, Wang Xiaohua looks like a weak person, and she is alone with a little grandson, all of which make people can't help but want to help her.

Sure enough, what worried Yan Fei happened, and the videos that were posted on the short video website began to ferment.Under the impetus of caring people, several Internet celebrities joined in. Based on these few videos, they wrote Wang Xiaohong's experience as extremely tragic, ignored the facts, completely ignored the few evidence documents Yan Fei presented, and forwarded them everywhere.These few videos became popular all of a sudden, causing a large number of people who did not know the truth to watch, condemning the Yan family, and successfully turning this matter into a hot topic on the Internet.

The next day, Wang Xiaohong actually appeared again with the little boy.There were also dozens of so-called human rights fighters who came from urban areas after watching online videos to help orphans and widows defend their rights.There was even a lawyer from some kind of association, who said that he would help Wang Xiaohong and Yan Fei fight the lawsuit for free.

These people surrounded the building of Yan Fei's house, holding up the banner of "Return my building, I want to eat". When they saw people coming and going in and out of the building, they immediately surrounded them, and then shouted slogans in their ears, making it a mess Yan Fei's residents are very troublesome.Yan Fei called the police again. As soon as the police arrived at the scene, these people stayed away from Yan Fei's yard and nodded to the police's warning. Once the police left, they gathered around and shouted slogans.

On the third day, three tenants actually requested to withdraw the lease.Yan Fei watched coldly, and simply returned the deposit and the remaining rent to the three tenants.Lu Yangyang and Su Yan are very loyal, not only comforting Yan Fei, but also helping Yan Fei come up with ideas, wanting to mobilize their colleagues to explain the truth on the Internet.It's just that the two girls are small company clerks, how can they have the energy to refute rumors?Facing the ferocious water army, it is lucky not to be attacked and bruised all over.

On the fifth day, Yan Fei had fully mastered the newly increased power in his body.And the farce of asking for housing outside has become more and more intense. There are not only many so-called righteous people and popular Internet anchors, but also many tattooed men with vicious faces.Although these people disappeared soon after the police appeared, they reappeared as soon as the police left, cursing loudly at Yanfei's building, and even painted red paint on the walls of the building, writing "unscrupulous profiteers, I am a building, I want to defend my rights" and other slogans.

It's just that they shouted loudly, but no one actually went to the court to sue Yan Fei, which disappointed Yan Fei who hoped to solve the problem through the court.

(End of this chapter)

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