super invincible battleship

Chapter 63 Angel with Broken Wings

Chapter 63 Angel with Broken Wings
When Yan Fei used the drone clone to look at the Chilong submarine, the high-performance sonar on the Chilong also found the drone clone.

Although the drone is sneaking fast on the seabed, the sound of the propeller pushing the water at the tail cannot be hidden, so when it appeared near the Chiryu, it was immediately discovered by the Chiryu's sonar.It's just that the shape of the drone is a bit weird, and the sonar echo looks a little strange. The sonar soldiers on the Chilong thought it was a shark.Then the shark they thought ran up to them and circled them as if watching them.Now, the personnel in the Chilong submarine became a little restless.

In the Chiryu submarine, the sonar soldiers reported: "Report, suspicious objects are approaching our ship again."

The deputy captain said to the captain: "I think this suspicious object is dangerous. Do you want to launch a torpedo to kill it?"

The captain said: "We have a special mission in this operation, and we are responsible for sending people to the sea outside the magic capital, so we can't make extra troubles."

The deputy captain said: "But this thing has been following us, and our whereabouts may be exposed. Just now we fired sonar to drive it away, but there was no response, so I suspect that this thing is not a living creature at all, and you see it is around us. After several laps, the shape on the sonar has not changed at all, so it is very likely that it is a man-made object. This is the Huaxia Offshore, and it is very likely that this thing was made by Huaxia. If this is the case, we His whereabouts may have been exposed."

The captain began to weigh the pros and cons, and the deputy captain persuaded: "This place is still some distance away from the magic capital. If we attack that suspicious target, even if our torpedo explodes, the possibility of being discovered is not high, but we will not drive it away. If we don’t, it’s a risk for us to be close to the coast of China, and now the relationship between the two countries is so tense, once we are discovered, they might choose to kill us.”

The captain thought over and over again, finally made a decision, and began to order: "I order, launch port No. [-], anti-submarine torpedo preparations, suspicious targets outside the target."

So the torpedo tube on the Chilong began to fill with water, ready to launch the torpedo, and the target of the attack was Yan Fei's drone clone.

Yan Fei swam around the submarine several times, and before he had time to figure out how to deal with the submarine, he heard the sound of the submarine's torpedo tubes starting to fill with water.To his surprise, the flooding of the torpedo tubes was a harbinger of an imminent attack.He is very clear that his drone clone can be found by the sonar of other ships, so he never thinks that the other party has not found him. Now that he finds that the other party is about to launch a torpedo attack, then he is the target of the other party's attack.

However, Yan Fei had no experience in naval battles, so he still hesitated, wondering if he might have misunderstood the submarine, and then saw a large string of bubbles appearing from the bottom of the submarine, and a huge torpedo was heading towards the direction of the drone. When it was launched, there was a wire attached to the tail of the torpedo.

Yan Fei was furious. It turned out that the submarine was really going to attack him. In this case, he didn't need to be polite to them. Anyone who attacked him was his enemy and should be eliminated.

At this time, the UAV was less than 1 kilometer away from the Chilong submarine. As soon as the torpedo was launched, it flew towards the UAV.Yan Fei's drone turned quickly, but who knows that the torpedo also turned and continued to chase the drone.

It was only then that Yan Fei realized that this torpedo was a wire-guided torpedo. After it was launched, the submarine could still navigate the torpedo through the wire connected to the tail, so after Yan Fei turned around, the torpedo would chase after him.

Yan Fei wanted to understand the reason, so he stopped dodging immediately, but turned the nose of the plane to face the incoming torpedo, the Vulcan cannon on the nose began to fire, and the 30mm cannon attacked the chasing torpedo head-on.A string of bubbles suddenly appeared, and the bullets of the cannon hit the head of the torpedo continuously, and then the torpedo was exploded by the bullets of the cannon. Yan Fei saw a white flower blooming in the deep sea, and then the flower quickly disappeared under the strong water pressure. All that remains is a trail of air bubbles and the wreckage from the torpedo explosion.

The operator in the Chilong submarine was navigating the torpedo according to the wire, and then found that the torpedo exploded inexplicably, and at the same time the sonar on the ship heard the impact of bullets.After receiving the news, the captain immediately felt that the situation was wrong and wanted to launch a second torpedo, but after Yan Fei destroyed the torpedo, he quickly approached the submarine and narrowed the distance to within 100 meters.At this distance, the submarine can no longer launch torpedoes to attack Yan Fei.

Although Yan Fei was not sure if this was the ship used by the Dahe family to transport people to Huaxia, but just because he was attacked for no reason just now, this matter cannot be counted as such today.The UAV quickly approached the submarine. The submerged speed of the Chilong at 20 knots was like a turtle speed in front of the UAV. The UAV adjusted the position of the nose and fired 30mm armor-piercing projectiles at the submarine.

But something that surprised Yan Fei happened. The 30mm cannon, which is usually invincible, failed when it attacked the hull of the Chilong submarine. The new rubber anechoic tile was broken.

Yan Fei's heart moved, and he quickly checked the auxiliary brain, but found that there were no merit points for sinking the submarine, nor any other records.It seems that although the drone's cannon attacked the Chiryu submarine, it did not penetrate its hull, so the meritorious judgment of the drone believes that this attack cannot obtain merit points.

Yan Fei felt the strength of the Chiryu submarine's hull, and then he remembered the introduction about the Canglong-class submarine that he had read before, including the introduction of the hull material.In that document, it was introduced that the Soryu-class submarine fully applied NS-110 high-strength steel. It is precisely because of the use of this high-strength steel that its ultimate diving depth is as high as 604 meters, surpassing most of the submarines in the world.

Yan Fei didn't know much about this NS-110 high-strength steel before, but after the 30mm armor-piercing bullets couldn't penetrate the hull, he realized how abnormal this NS-110 high-strength steel is. It really deserves to be able to dive deep High-strength steel to the seabed of 604 meters.

Yan Fei was shocked outside, but the people inside the Chilong submarine were even more shocked.They didn't expect that the unknown object was really man-made, and it could also launch a weapon attack and blow up their weapons.Moreover, the speed of sneaking under the sea is very fast, far exceeding the speed of its own submarine, and then attacked itself.Although the weapon didn't penetrate the steel plate of the hull, it had already destroyed the anechoic tiles on the outer layer of the submarine.

Without the protection of the anechoic tiles, the huge echoes of the cannon bullets attacking the hull of the Chiryu began to spread on the seabed, making the Chiryu suddenly become a big noise maker on the seabed, and it was no longer possible to maintain stealth.And the "Dangdangdang" aerial cannon attack also made the people in the Chilong submarine fearful, for fear that the hull would be penetrated by the aerial cannon in the next second.

Yan Fei's cannon quickly attacked the submarine's hull, but found that it could not penetrate the hull at all, so he began to change the attack target, and he began to attack the sonar device installed outside the Chilong's hull.The sonar device is not installed inside the hull, but is directly exposed outside, in order to detect the sound and identify the enemy.Under the attack of the aerial cannon of the drone, the sonar device of the Chilong was extremely fragile, and it was destroyed by the aerial cannon at once.

As the sonar of the Chiryu was destroyed by the drone, the Chiryu submarine suddenly lost the ability to detect the external environment, that is to say, they have become blind.So the captain immediately ordered the submarine to float up quickly, and gave up the special task of transporting personnel.

Yan Fei couldn't destroy the Chiryu submarine. Now that he saw the Chiryu floating up, he still didn't give up. He chased the Chiryu from below and continued to attack. However, it was still unable to penetrate the hull of the Chiryu.

However, when Yan Fei saw the Chilong floating to the surface of the sea, he stopped attacking immediately and left far away.The Chilong is on the bottom of the sea, and because the missiles cannot be used, Yan Fei's cannon cannot break through the Chilong's defense.But as soon as the Chiryu floated to the surface of the sea, his strongest weapon, the missile, would be available.The reason why the UAV is far away is to avoid the detection of the Chiryu, and rise to the sky after leaving the water in the distance, and use the missiles of the UAV to deal with the Chiryu submarine.

The 30mm cannon cannot penetrate the hull of the Chilong, but Yan Fei believes that the anti-tank missile of the drone will definitely be able to penetrate the hull of the Chilong submarine.As long as he penetrates the hull of the submarine, he will be able to obtain the great feat of sinking the Chilong, and at the same time, he will be able to drown the people sent by the Dahe family to Huaxia in the sea off China, so as to solve his own safety hazards.

The Chiryu floated to the surface of the sea, the bridge above opened, and several people walked out from inside. They stood on the hull and observed, and found that the submarine's sonar was only slightly damaged, so they rushed to repair it immediately.It is also Yan Fei's lack of experience, and he has not discovered the real location of the sonar at all, so the actual damage caused by the aircraft cannon to the sonar is not great, and there is still a great repair value.

And the other people who came to the sea together, all in black and with hoods, looked around blankly, and one of the leaders started to talk to people on the satellite phone.

On the Chiryu, the captain was listening carefully, and found that there was no attack again, and he was relieved. He didn't feel relieved until he heard the damage control personnel report that the sonar could be repaired.Just when he was about to order Chilong to float up and return, he suddenly received the latest order from the rear, which was to continue the mission.

The drone sneaked quickly, then rose vertically ten kilometers away from the Chilong, and left the seabed. Then the drone body quickly changed its shape and returned to its original image.Regardless of the water dripping from the body, he flew towards the Chilong in the distance.

The drone quickly approached the Chiryu. After the Chiryu surfaced, the radar on the bridge started to work, and suddenly found the drone flying towards him.Because of the previous attack on the South Korean coast guard law enforcement ship, the Japanese side paid attention to this drone, which has the same shape as the US military's "Predator Drone". Be vigilant, not only report this information to the rear, but the anti-ship missiles on the submarine are quickly activated, ready to attack the incoming drone.

Under Yan Fei's control, the drone quickly approached the Chilong.Just when the drone entered the optimal attack distance and Yan Fei wanted to launch an anti-tank missile to attack the Chilong, a white light flashed in the distant sky, and one wing of the drone suddenly broke, and then the white light Another flash, and the other wing of the drone also snapped off.The drone lost its wings, and immediately fell into the sea, sinking towards the bottom of the sea.

In the headquarters of Magic City Dream Technology, Yan Fei himself was discussing things with Lu Pingping, when Lu Pingping suddenly saw Yan Fei yelled, then turned over and fell to the ground, his body twitched non-stop, looking extremely painful.

(End of this chapter)

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