Super Marshal

Chapter 103

Chapter 103 Avatar

Facts have proved that Gao Han’s prediction in the locker room has been fulfilled!

Aragones did not make any substitutions during the intermission, but it completely changed the team’s formation and style of play.

changed from the original irregular four-four-two to a more targeted four-two-three one.

The entire midfield has not changed at all, but the original left midfielder Ibagaza moved to the midfield midfielder’s forward midfielder position. Eto’o played a single forward, Albert Luke and Finidi George’s position is back, cruising around Eto’o, serving as a winger or a back forward.

In this set of adjustments and changes, the most important link is undoubtedly the use of Ibagasa to restrain Harvey Alonso.

The tactical execution power of the Argentine midfielder is obviously higher than that of Luke, which restricts Harvey Alonso and it is difficult for him to pass and receive the ball as easily as he did in the first half.

Limiting Harvey Alonso and disrupting Atletico Madrid’s midfield organization, Mallorca took the opportunity to launch an attack and actively played the impact of the two wingers Albert Luke and Finidi George. Suppress the two wings of Atletico Madrid.

In this way, Mallorca successfully took over the game, and Atletico Madrid was directly pressed into the half.

But Alpine’s reaction was quick. The three lines retracted. Villa and Torres were at the forefront, harassing the opponent’s defense. But the three midfielders who were behind and the four players who followed the defense all returned.

In this way, although Mallorca has the advantage, it is difficult to find an effective way to penetrate the hinterland of Atletico Madrid, and they can only pass from the side.

Eto’o is not a high center forward in his own right. Under Marchena and Pablo’s front and back flanking, Mallorca’s wing cross is also difficult to create a threat.



“Resilience is also fast!”

Aragones saw that Atlético Madrid regained its footing so quickly and looked into Gao Han’s eyes, and he couldn’t help showing a look of admiration.

Marchena and Pablo performed very well, and Eto’o had a hard time grabbing the spot of the cross under their grip.

The more this happened, the more Aragones was surprised.

Because both Marchena and Pablo joined Atletico Madrid during the winter break, one was introduced by Alpine when he was in the second team, and Marchena was asked to sign when Alpine entered the first team.

As a result, both of these players showed great strength.

Relatively speaking, Pablo is weaker, but younger, he is tall and strong, and has good skills at his feet. There are faint signs of replacing Ibic and becoming the main central defender.

“This kid’s eyes are really poisonous!”

The more Aragones understands Alpine, the more he marvels.

This magical Chinese boy gave him too much excitement, too much.

“What shall we do now?” Assistant coach Cesar asked.

The initiative that was finally won, can’t it continue to be such a stalemate, right?

“Go, let Ariel lean more to the left when attacking, let Lukdo insert into the penalty area from the left, and Eto’o will also respond!” Aragones quickly adjusted.

Since the simple side pass doesn’t work, then I will put in one more force to break your game!



“Aragones made adjustments.”

“Mallorca launched an offensive again, passed to the feet of Ibagaza, passed to the left, and gave it to Luke!”

“Good chance, Luke broke through Roberto’s defense, broke into the penalty area, passed Marchena, and passed to the center!”


“Eto’o was slow to start and failed to catch up with the ball.”

“However, Mallorca’s attack is still quite threatening. It is also the most threatening attack in the second half so far.”

“Although many people say that Gao Han’s on-the-spot command can be called art, but it is not difficult to find that the on-the-spot adjustment of the wise man is also quite delicate, and the decisive change during the intermission, the adjustment in the second half is also very targeted.”

“Now let’s see how Gao Han makes moves!”

“Hey, Mallorca’s offensive has come again, and it has spread to the left!”



“This old fox, it’s not easy!”

Gao Han also had his heart beating from the sidelines.

Luke’s pass just now, if Eto’o starts faster, Atletico Madrid will be over.

Of course, Pablo’s delay to Eto’o also played a role.

“Roberto is not good at playing right back, facing Luke, it is very difficult.” Cantarello reminded from the side.

Full of calculations, Roberto withdrew from the right midfielder to the right back, and only played a few games in total. Coupled with his own long-term substitute rotation, it is naturally impossible to expect him to suddenly play how strong.

On the other hand, Luke, whether it’s dribbling, or one-on-one, or suddenly hit the penalty area, it’s very fierce.

Plus Ibagatha, who returns to the center, but keeps in touch with the left, is really a headache.

Gao Han thought for a while, walked to the sidelines and called Marcos Senna over.

“You retreat to the front of the big penalty area, pay attention to cutting off the connection between Ibagatha and Luke, and help defend Harvey Alonso and Roberto. Can you do it?”

Marcos Senna’s dark skin was full of sweat, and he was panting as a cow. After hearing Gao Han’s question, he nodded immediately.


Gao Han glanced at Marcos Senna with admiration, “Although you signed the contract for more than a year, but I promise, as long as you continue tonight’s performance, after the end of the season, the team will definitely renew your contract.”

Marcos Senna immediately lit up, “Really?”

“It’s true, and I tell you, the better the performance, the higher the salary, you know what I mean?”

The Brazilian midfielder immediately nodded his head again and again. Why doesn’t he understand?

Although he is now signed with Atletico Madrid, his salary is the lowest, and even some of the second-team players are higher than him, because it is impossible for him to bargain with the team.

Of course, no matter how low it is, it is much better than his treatment in Brazil.

But now Gao Han said that he will renew his contract after the end of the season. The higher the performance and the higher the salary, he is immediately excited.

He came to Europe, isn’t he just to play football and make money?

After making money, he brought his mother and brother from the slum to Europe, and then went to the slum to buy a big house in a wealthy area that was separated from the slum by a wall, but was like **** and heaven. Isn’t this his dream?

Now, the opportunity to realize your dream has come!

He believes that the promise Gao Han made to him will be fulfilled!

So, he has to work hard for it!

Watching Marcos Senna leave, Gao Han suddenly felt that he had the potential to bewitching people.

entered the coaching system, immediately activated the Samsung defensive card, the target is the nineteenth, Marcos Senna.

This is a reward for the Brazilian midfielder.

Although getting along for a short time, but Gao Han felt that Senna is a very smart, strong learning and adaptable player, so he quickly integrated into Atletico Madrid’s tactical system.

This is a good phenomenon, but many things cannot be accomplished overnight.

For example, his sense of position is very poor, which has a lot to do with his playing side lanes before.

Therefore, Gao Han decided to speed up his progress and use a Samsung defensive card to bless him. It depends on how much he can improve.

As far as the performance is good, the contract can be renewed after the season, this is completely safe.

I am afraid that at that time, Senna did not want to renew his contract, and Atletico Madrid used guns to force him to renew.



“…Ibagatha took the ball and threw away Harvey Alonso…”

“Oh, my goodness, Marcos Senna suddenly came out and successfully intercepted the ball!”

“A beautiful defense!”


“Ibagatha still got the ball and wanted to pass it to Luke…”

“Marcos Senna intercepted midway, passed it to Hugo Leal, and launched a counterattack!”


“Mallorca launched an attack, the ball was handed over to the left and came to Luke’s feet.”

“Luke suddenly smashes the ball and wants to cut inside!”

“Senna, Marcos Senna again, blocked Luke’s inner cut.”


“Still pass to the left, Luke takes the ball and faces Roberto, one-on-one.”

“It’s past, beautiful, Luke is so successful that he has entered the restricted area!”

“Marchena hurried forward…”

“In a fake action, Luke suddenly knocked back to Ibagatha, and then cut into the penalty area.”

“Ibagatha will pass again, it’s dangerous!”

“A wonderful through ball, Luke caught it, single shot!”

“Oh, my goodness, at the critical moment, Marcos Senna stabs him diagonally, puts the sliding shovel to Luke, and destroys a single-handed shot!”

“Let’s see how the referee makes a penalty. Will it be a penalty?”

“Oh, that’s not right. The referee pointed his eyes with his fingers to indicate that he saw very clearly. Marcos Senna did a very good defense, not a foul!”


“Marcos Senna, great!”

“This game reminds us of the Brazilian midfielder. This is his first appearance in the Sheet Corps!”



The cheers of the sky are all because of Marcos Senna’s crucial defense.

is very bold, even a bit adventurous, but he succeeded, so he is a hero!

Senna didn’t understand why, he was following his subconscious mind and instinct in the game.

He simply feels that his mind has become unusually clear and his judgment is very accurate, but there is a strong desire in his body that urges him to desperately defend every attack of the opponent , Every player.

From the left side of Harvey Alonso, to the front of Roberto, and even to the gap between Roberto and Marchena, all are within his control.

He knows that the coach does not want to see opponents create threats from this area!

He must do it!

He seemed to hear someone calling his name in the stadium.

“Marcos Senna… Marcos Senna…”

was very weak at the beginning, and he didn’t hear clearly. He even wondered if he had heard it wrong.

can gradually become louder and clearer.

He finally heard it!

Someone is really calling his name!

“Marcos Senna! Marcos Senna!!!”

More and more people are yelling, that feeling… It’s really great!

This feeling of being noticed, noticed, and valued by others is really great!

I have to work harder to behave!

I must not let the coach who trusts me, let down the fans who call my name!

Senna gritted his teeth secretly and swears.

He looked at Ibagatha, looked at Luke, looked at Eto’o, looked at all the Mallorca players who were staring at him.

From this minute on, this area of ​​Atletico Madrid is under my control, and none of you will ever think about it!

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