Super Marshal

Chapter 1113

Chapter 1113 Good luck to Alpine!

New style of newcomers.

The frankness and sincerity shown in Gao Han’s first press conference obviously made all media reporters and fans feel undoubtedly, not to mention, the three-hour time alone is enough to make people feel Gao Han’s sincerity. .

He not only answered all kinds of problems raised by domestic and foreign media, but also faced Internet netizens to answer topics that everyone cares about, including his confidence in the next two games. Gao Han said that he has only one goal, that is, two consecutive victories.

As for the effect of the press conference…

Obviously, starting from the afternoon of the press conference, this was a grand event on the Internet. After that, after the CCTV news fermented in the evening, the addition of traditional media the next morning attracted the attention of everyone across the country.

Everyone believes that Gao Han officially takes over the national team and will bring a new era for the national football team.

Even authoritative party magazines gave Gao Han’s press conference a very high evaluation. On the one hand, he was frank, and on the other hand, he was grounded. He praised Gao Han as the most anticipated coach in the history of the national team.

Not only the domestic media, but also many world-renowned media including Europe, have also given a very high evaluation of the first press conference of Gao Han’s comeback, thinking that Gao Han is still the same as that of the year.

But many well-known football commentators, including Matayana, have said that Gao Han’s coaching this time can be described as crisis-ridden. On the one hand, it is because the current international ranking of the national football team has fallen to more than ninety, which is in recent years. The lowest, on the other hand, there is not much time left for the high cold.

In this situation of internal and external troubles, Gao Han wants to lead the team to achieve results, the difficulty is unimaginable.

Even if it is an old friend, Della Morena of Radio Serre just said, I wish Gao Han good luck!

In the face of the waves of praise from the outside world and many concerns and worries, Gao Han did not pay too much attention. Instead, he refreshed Weibo and Twitter the next morning to let everyone see his movements. Arrived at the airport a long time ago, ready to set off, and started a new round of work.

This also makes everyone have to admire Gao Han’s dedication.

In the next ten days, under the attention of media reporters from all over the country and the world, Gao Han became a trapeze. He changed to another city almost every day and shuttled back and forth at home and abroad. The purpose was to inspect the national football team and communicate with various clubs at the same time. communicate with.

Finally in early February, the official website of the Football Association officially announced that the first round of the national team training list after Gao Han took over was freshly released. A total of forty international players have been called. Among them, in addition to the regular international players in the Peyin period, there are several previous ones. Many of the players who performed well in the Super League this season were selected for the first time.

Many players who had a high voice but never made it to the national team have also been recruited by Gao Han this time. Not only that, but Gao Han also recruited several players from the National Olympic team to join the national team.

It is quite surprising that all the clubs in the Super League have given the green light to Alpine’s transfer this time, and they have shown a permit to all international footballers to show their strong support for Alpine. This has also greatly appreciated the domestic media and fans.

But the most surprising thing is that several very young players appeared in this list, including Zhang Yuning who played for the Dutch League, Gao Ren, Wang Lei, Zhao Jun and Yang Xin who played for La Liga Chinatown.

After the official website of the Football Association announced the new national team list, it not only caused a huge response in the country, but also aroused huge attention in Spain.

The most important thing is that the players in Chinatown are too young.

Wang Lei and Zhao Jun were born in 1998. They are not yet 18 years old. Gao Ren and Yang Xin are not yet 17 years old. But such players can be selected for the Chinese national team?

Especially Yang Xin, this player is favored by the Spanish Football Association. There have been rumors before that he will play for the Spanish national team, but he did not expect that this time he actually accepted the call from Gao Han.

When the news of the Football Association was announced, there was a huge response in Spain, and media reporters immediately went to Chinatown.

In an interview with the media, Yang Xin said that the main reason why he decided to play for the Chinese national team was that he and his family were unable to accept his naturalization in Spain. His roots are in China and he is willing to play for China.

“I know that compared with Spain, Chinese football is still very weak, but Mr. Gao Han has given me strong confidence in taking over the national team. I know he is a magical person. He has given me a great help and played for him. The ball is the dream of all professional players, and I am no exception.”

“I firmly believe that under the guidance of Mr. Gao Han, Chinese football will usher in a rise. I am willing to work with Mr. Gao Han to contribute to the revitalization of Chinese football.”

Yang Xin was shortlisted for the first period of the Alpine National Team, which undoubtedly means that he will no longer be able to play for Spain.

While Gao Han and the coaching staff went to various places to inspect the players and persuade the club non-stop, the Chinatown training center in Guangzhou also began to become lively.

After several choices, Gao Han and the coaching staff were not satisfied with the several training venues given by the Football Association. Originally, the most suitable training venue was Beijing Chinatown, but considering the climate in the north, they finally chose Guangzhou Chinatown in the south.

Therefore, Chinatown is also actively preparing for the arrival of the national team.

On February 9, the internationals selected for the national team successively flew to Guangzhou from all over the world.

The reception vehicles of the Football Association and Chinatown also rushed back and forth between the airport and the training center, sending the arriving international players one after another to the training camp. The logistics staff immediately received them, arranged a room for them, and prepared everything.

Except for a few Hengda and Chinatown players, this is the first time for the international players to come to the training center of Chinatown. I didn’t expect the facilities to be so complete and the service to be so proper and considerate. Even the standard of the dormitory is at least a four-star hotel. The level of quality, let them really enjoy what it means to join the team.

Since the staff had already communicated with the international team in advance, they all met close friends after joining the team. They all gathered together, talking, laughing and chatting, telling the experience of the past period of time, and looking forward to the next high cold coaching. The expectation of the national team.

At this moment, in the WeChat group of the international football team, a short video suddenly sent by team leader Zheng Zhi caught everyone’s attention.

In the ten-second video, there are ten players fighting in a small five-a-side indoor football field. One of them is their familiar national teammates, while the other team is relatively unfamiliar. It seems that they are not very old. Not big, but the ball seems alive under their feet.

“These brats…who will avenge us?” Captain Zheng Zhi shouted loudly in the WeChat voice.

Below is the location of the game, the indoor football stadium.

The WeChat group immediately exploded. Everyone admired the passing skills and tacit cooperation of these young players. When the ball reached their feet, the international team could not grab the ball at all. It was a bit like. It was clumsy wooden stakes, they slipped to play, watched the ball go into the net again and again but could do nothing.

No wonder even the captain is so frustrated.

Everyone asked who these small players were, and many international players who had already joined the team also rushed to the indoor football stadium. It was found that the four small nationals from Chinatown were fighting on the field, but four. Right five.

“Hey, these guys are crazy enough!”

“Isn’t it? The newcomer will do this on the first day of joining the team?”

“Is this to embarrass us old people?”

The sweaty captain Zheng Zhi took a towel and walked over while wiping his sweat. “It was not that they were crazy. At first they were five-on-five, but after one more person, they made more passing and receiving errors. I went to one, and it turned out…”

“Can’t beat it?” Hao Junmin was a little surprised.

Zheng Zhi shook his head in frustration and smiled bitterly: “These four boys are just like the loach. They shuttle back and forth on the court. There is really nothing to say about the skills under their feet, but the most important thing is their running position and passing and receiving the ball. Cooperating, they can’t stop at all, but when it’s their turn to defend, the four-person defensive formation can always grab the ball quickly.

When everyone heard Zheng Zhi say this, they were a little surprised, but they were not convinced.

So soon, Hao Junmin and Zhang Xizhe and other players who were sure of their own abilities, all played in teams, and it was four-on-four, which did not take the slightest advantage of a few small players, but after a short time, they were also brushed down. One by one, I lost the rooster in the fight, and I was frustrated.

But they all play football, and they all have the blood of men. Even if they are a little unwilling in their hearts, they have to convince this kind of capable young teammates. It is hard to wait until Gao Ren and others are tired of playing and they are finished. People immediately gathered around.

“I said, how exactly do you practice?”

“Isn’t it? Look at you, how did you practice it?”

If you say it is the tacit understanding cultivated by playing together since childhood, it is obviously not, because Gao Ren, Wang Lei and Zhao Jun all went to Spain six months ago and are not in the same team as Yang Xin. How could there be such a tacit understanding?

“It’s very simple, it ran out.” Gao Ren replied naturally.

All the national footballers looked at each other, you look at me, I look at you, they are all blinded.

Who doesn’t know it came out?

As long as anyone who can become a professional player can choose any one, there is no need to say the skills at the foot. The difference lies in the on-the-spot performance, and these young players in Chinatown are not only excellent in their personal abilities, even at the feet of a central defender like Zhao Jun. The work is very detailed, and it is easy to do in the face of pressing and oppression.

But more importantly, each of them is very self-confident, which makes them dare to make moves in the face of pressure. Moreover, they do not rely on their personal ability to go to people many times, and they rely more on passing and receiving.

“What kind of level are you in the Chinatown team?” Zheng Zhi asked bitterly. UU Reading www.uukānshu.cOM

Anyway, he was hit hard this afternoon, and the only thing he wanted to know was where he was.


“Lower middle.”

“At most medium.”

“It must be in the middle.”

The four people gave four completely different answers in unison, but all the internationals felt very frustrated.

On the whole, they are also medium.

No wonder the strength of Chinatown is so strong!

Even they are so terrifying, let alone technical madmen like Hazard, Isco, and De Bruyne.

In fact, the four of Gao Ren are indeed a little modest. They are definitely middle and upper, or even the best in the team. Even Zhao Jun, in the central defender, is quite good in terms of technique and passing.

But soon, Wang Lei’s next sentence rekindled hope for the internationals.

“Don’t worry. Passing and catching and running can be practiced. The boss is best at passing and attacking. I saw Coach Xiao Mu leading the staff to divide the area on the training field in the morning. I guess it will definitely be during the training camp. It is necessary to strengthen training.”

“Really? I think we should practice running and array first.”

“Possibly, we should do a good job defensively and practice good press and pressure.”

“I see that the training plan Buenaventura is holding is so thick, my goodness, it’s going to peel off.”

The players from all over the world were embarrassed, amazed, and uneasy.

It seems that it is not easy to gain a foothold in the new national team.

However, if they can learn more from Gao Han, it will be of great benefit to them if their strength is greatly increased.

Thinking of this level, they couldn’t help but start looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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