Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 134 Gaining a Fame?

After leaving the principal's office, Lin Ran soon arrived at the venue where he was going to teach.

As soon as he arrived at the periphery of the venue, he heard the voices of people outside the venue. From a distance, it was crowded with people. Lin Ran smiled wryly. There are so many people crowded at the main entrance, how can we get in? And if I go there like this, it will definitely cause a sensation, and maybe there will be an accident, causing a serious stampede.

Although it would be nice to walk in from the front door, it would be bad if it caused an accident, so it's better to be steady and go in from the back door.

Teacher Wang Chen who was waiting at the back door recognized Lin Ran at a glance, and greeted Lin Ran with a smile.

Mr. Lin, this way please. Wang Chen immediately went to lead Lin Ran, very respectful.

Lin Ran nodded and followed his steps to the backstage of the teaching venue.

Ms. Lin, you have to wait for a while, the students are entering the arena in an orderly manner now. Wang Chen smiled.

Yeah. Lin Ran also took advantage of this time to sort out his thoughts, and from time to time, he looked out of the venue through the small window in the backstage, and found that the outside was full of students at the moment, and the popularity was extremely hot.

This is only the second time for Lin Ran to teach at the academy, and it is still full of novelty for many people, and the last time he taught, Lin Ran showed his king-like ninth-order strange beast, just this point , so that many students who did not squeeze in last time came to line up early, and some rich second generations even spent a lot of money to buy tickets from the students who squeezed in.

Soon, the venue was full, and the doors were closed. A large number of students were blocked outside, and they could only look inside with envy.

At this time, Lin Ran also walked to the podium under Wang Chen's notification.


The audience cheered immediately, and there was a thunderous applause.

Lin Ran nodded with a smile, then raised his hand to signal the students to calm down.

After that, he started to continue the unfinished courses in the last lecture, and at the same time, he also took care of some students who came to class for the first time, and spent a few minutes reviewing the content of the previous class.

In this lesson, Lin Ran mainly talks about three parts. One is what to pay attention to when fighting against demon-type alien beasts, as well as the combination and matching of some alien-type beasts and skills. A little bit of experience with strange beasts.

These can be said to be all dry goods, and it is extremely valuable information for some students who are about to participate in the Beast Tamers League Competition.

Moreover, there are also many students who specialize in using demon-type beasts, and they are all listening to Lin Ran's lectures very seriously. Even though many of these knowledge are too general, as long as they can learn one or two little secrets , small skills, that is a big gain.

Of course, many of the students sitting here were actually attracted by Lin Ran's fame, and some even came here to see Lin Ran's Liu Ying Phantom Moon Dog.

These students actually didn't have much interest in the lessons that Lin Ran narrated, they only cared about when Lin Ran would summon the strange beast and show his true strength.

Soon, half an hour passed, Lin Ran was talking about some theoretical knowledge, and he didn't seem to be summoning a strange beast at all. At this time, a boy suddenly raised his hand.

Lin Ran saw that someone raised his hand, and the lesson he was talking about at this time had reached the point where he could pause, so he immediately paused and motioned for the student to speak.

Mr. Lin, I heard that you have a phantom moon dog, can you let us have a look? The boy said excitedly when he saw Lin Ran motioning for him to stand up.

His words immediately aroused the approval of other students around him. They were all students who hadn't come to class last time, and they all wanted to see with their own eyes what this so-called ninth-order strange beast looked like. .

Lin Ran was slightly taken aback. In the previous class, quite a few students raised their hands to speak, but they were all asking about demon-type beasts. Who would have thought that the topic would now turn to his own beast for no apparent reason?

So Lin Ran frowned, and said coldly: Then you said that I will show you the Liuying Phantom Moon Dog, what can you gain? Besides, can you bear the breath of a ninth-level alien beast?

The boy was stunned immediately, he didn't expect that Lin Ran would suddenly ask himself this question, and he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

What did you gain?

Then of course, you can feast your eyes on the domineering power of the legendary ninth-level alien beast!

As for whether you can bear its breath, it's hard to say, after all, you haven't been here last time, if you can bear it, let's talk about it, let's talk about it first.

But it was obviously impossible for him to talk to Lin Ran like this, so he didn't know how to answer for a while, and he was stunned.

Seeing that the boy didn't answer for a long time, Lin Ran shook his head slightly, waved his hand at him, motioned him to sit down, and said solemnly: If there are any students among you who came here to take a look at my Liu Ying Huan Yue Dog, then I suggest that you just search the pictures on the Internet, don't occupy the latrine and don't shit, and give the seat to those students who really need to listen to my lectures.

This kind of topic is not allowed in my class, otherwise don't blame me for being rude. Lin Ran's words were mixed with a trace of his embodied star power, so his voice was very loud and carried through the entire class. Among the venues.

Many students who had the same thoughts as that boy were shocked when they heard Lin Ran's serious words. They didn't expect this teacher Lin Ran to be too violent.

The boy who just sat down was also very embarrassed at the moment. At the same time, he felt some unfriendly eyes from around him, and he was immediately ashamed and angry. He just wanted to see your strange beast. the fire? I will never come to your class again.

Before I knew it, another half an hour passed.

Lin Ran also finished his lecture, so he waved his hands and left the stage.

After Lin Ran left, some of the students who failed to see Liuying Phantom Moon Dog as they wished were all very angry, and some even began to speak ill of Lin Ran, saying that the rumors were simply false, that Lin Ran was There is no Liuying Phantom Moon Dog, the last time it was just that he used some special techniques to deceive us.

There were even some radical students who began to insult Lin Ran, saying that the reason why he talked about some very unpopular strange beasts was because we didn't know even if he said something wrong, and some of the strange beasts he taught us The combination of beast skills does not exist at all, it is simply nonsense, but a person who has earned his reputation.

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