Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 3 Can I be resurrected too?

Lin Ran breathed a sigh of relief after finishing off the Green Demon Spider, looked at the tired and disfigured Orange Shadow Cat, and was a little speechless, letting a strange beast with only about one level shake the three It is indeed too difficult for a high-level alien beast, but relying on infinite resurrection and continuous attacks, the training effect is also very significant.

Just a few times during the most thick resurrection of the orange shadow cat, the speed of the attack was obviously faster, and the attack angle was also very tricky, and even used a fake move to hide it from the opponent, and attacked it again, which already injured its stomach.

Although this battle kept dying and resurrecting, it actually only lasted about half an hour. It was incredible to be able to improve so much in such a short period of time.

Lin Ran excitedly used the Pet Appreciation Instrument on Juyingmao again.

Growing Body Orange Shadow Cat

Attribute: wind

Level: first-order upper

Skills: Brutal Charge, Meow Claw, Wind Spirit Art, Cat Claw Shooting

Qualification: Grade C

Score: 22

Haha, it seems that it is not so difficult to increase the strength by 3 times. It will be the first rank in a short time, and even the qualifications have been improved, which is not bad.

Let's go, Xiaoju! Let's continue on our way. Lin Ran stroked the orange shadow cat's furry head and smiled.

Too tired to walk!

Orange Shadow Cat passed a very unpleasant message to Lin Ran through the temporary alien beast contract.

Lin Ran was stunned for a moment, looking at the orange shadow cat lying motionless on the ground with no strength at all, he showed a very strange smile on his face and said, Hey! Are you tired, let me rub it for you!

The orange shadow cat heard it, and nodded in satisfaction, but glanced at Lin Ran from the corner of the eye, and found that very weird smile, all the hairs on his body stood on end, very flustered.

What is this wretched human being doing in front of me!

Don't be nervous, I'm really just giving you a massage, that's all. Lin Ran smiled kindly and walked towards Orange Shadow Cat slowly.

When he got close to the corpse of the green demon spider, he swiftly pulled out a poisonous thorn with his right hand, and rushed towards the orange shadow cat at a faster pace.

The orange shadow cat was startled immediately, before it could react, it died again, and was still stabbed to death by Lin Ran.

Resurrection in situ!

Haha! It's comfortable this time, am I fine! Lin Ran stroked the orange shadow cat's hair and said softly.

Lin Ran had noticed a long time ago that every time the Orange Shadow Cat was revived in this plane, it would always return to its best state, as if it hadn't been hurt at all.

So there is no doubt that although this is cruel, it is definitely a good way to quickly restore physical strength!


After the orange shadow cat was revived again, it roared loudly, bared its teeth, and kept rubbing its claws on the ground, very angry.

Oh, don't be angry, I'm doing this for your own good. Lin Ran squatted down, comforting the Orange Shadow Cat constantly.

The Orange Shadow Cat accepted it helplessly. If it hadn't been restricted by the temporary alien beast contract, it would have wanted to scratch the master who caused trouble to death.

At this time, Lin Ran suddenly felt very uncomfortable in his right hand. In a blink of an eye, his right hand turned purple, and he lost consciousness. At the same time, the venom slowly spread up.

Unexpectedly, the venom of the green devil spider was so terrifying, Lin Ran soon began to vomit and became dizzy.

System, save me quickly, I'm going to die. Lin Ran started to panic

The host's death behavior is not a critical moment, and absolute defense is not launched. The system said indifferently.

Damn, you, you, you... Before he finished speaking, Lin Ran fainted, and died soon, his eyes were staring fixedly, obviously he was unwilling to die.

The Orange Shadow Cat was stunned for a moment, then ecstatically, its short paws kept flapping, as if to say: Look! Retribution is coming, it deserves it.


Am I dead?

Lin Ran's eyes were dull, but he soon came to his senses. The forest was still in front of him, and the orange shadow cat was secretly delighted.

I can also be resurrected, haha! Lin Ran was extremely happy.

As I said, all the beasts can be resurrected at will. The system said lightly.


I'm a strange beast too? Damn it! Lin Ran started hilarious again, greeting the system crazily.

But soon, in exchange for 5 hot mouths.

Is it funny, let me continue on my way. Lin Ran said to Orange Shadow Cat with malicious intentions.

The orange shadow cat's smile froze immediately, sighed deeply, and obediently set out on the road.


In this way, for the next 2 days, Lin Ran led the orange shadow cat to continue to carry out inhumane training. When he saw a strange beast, he would die hundreds of times. Although Lin Ran had absolute defense, he could not avoid his own death , also died more than ten times.

Come on, I'm looking at your attributes. Lin Ran used the Appreciation Apparatus on the Orange Shadow Cat.

Growing Body Orange Shadow Cat

Attribute: wind

Level: Tier 3 Lower

Skills: Brutal Charge, Meow Claw, Wind Spirit Art, Cat Claw Flying Shoot, Tiger Roar, Chain Wind Arrow, Wind Demon Coat

Qualification: D

Rating: 45

Hahaha! It's a success, is Xiaoju happy! Lin Ran held the Orange Shadow Cat in his arms and kept stroking it, but the Orange Shadow Cat looked hopeless.

Drip, the dormitory task is completed, reward 20 points, and unlock the store function at the same time.

Beginning to return to...

Successful return, clear part of the memory of the beast!

After another whirlwind, one person and one cat returned to the store.

After the orange shadow cat felt the safety around him, he let out a deep breath, lay down on the side and fell asleep, and didn't feel that he had lost part of his memory.

Shop? Where is it? Lin Ran looked around.

When you think about the store in your heart, it will appear in your mind. The system said lightly.

Lin Ran was a little embarrassed, laughed a few times, and then said shop silently in his mind, and sure enough a page appeared in his mind.

There are 5 things on it, which are 20 points for the complete collection of strange beasts, 50 points for the low-level trapped beast lock, 100 points for the star spirit liquid, 500 points for the berserk, and 1000 points for the low-level spirit gathering pill.

The points behind the items above are not the 20 points you gave me just now. Lin Ran said in surprise.

Yes! the system said.

I'll go, 20 cents is enough to buy anything, you're too picky! Lin Ran was very honest.

Hosts can accumulate slowly, the system said.


Then what do I want to exchange for these 20 points?

According to the host's current needs, you can purchase the Complete Collection of Alien Beasts first.

What is it? Is it useful?

Be able to master the information, skills, habits, etc. of all the strange beasts in this world

Oh! Really, it seems very powerful.

Lin Ran used his only 20 points in exchange for the Encyclopedia of Strange Beasts, and then a stream of powerful information flooded into his mind crazily, feeling that he had gained a lot of knowledge all of a sudden.

Then he used the Pet Appreciation Instrument again on the already asleep Orange Shadow Cat.

When he saw the orange shadow cat's message again, Lin Ran suddenly became clear.

Wow, Wind Spirit Art and Wind Demon Coat are actually high-level wind skills.

I didn't expect this stupid cat to learn it.

And this series of wind arrows is only made by strange beasts with the ability to fly.

It's true that the forced sows are all on the tree, haha!

Lin Ran was talking to himself.

By the way, you want me to sell this strange beast, do you set the price? Lin Ran asked the system.

All the products in this store are priced by this system.

The host has no right to change, and at the same time, the money earned is exchanged for every 1,000 blue star coins equal to 1 point.

The system explained.

1000 to 1, you are too dark, forget it, let me just ask.

Can I become a beast tamer? Lin Ran suddenly asked solemnly.

After the host has accumulated 100 points, he can exchange for the star spirit liquid, purify the body and obtain star spirit power, and then he can become a beast tamer. The system said.

100 points is one hundred thousand!

Tell me quickly, how much this top-quality orange cat beast will sell for! Lin Ran said excitedly.

Identifying the alien beast...

The appraisal is complete, and the price is 30,000. The system replied.


It's only 30,000. In the encyclopedia of strange beasts, it is said that an ordinary orange cat beast costs about 20,000.

My top-quality one only sells for 30,000... Lin Ran was speechless.

This system is absolutely foolproof! The system said firmly.


Okay, 30,000 is 30,000, it's all up to you. Lin Ran looked hopeless.

At this moment, Lin Ran was startled suddenly. He had stayed in Fenglinhaishan for two days, and the family members had to die in a hurry.

The time for cultivating the interface is different from the real world. It takes two hours a day. The system sensed it and replied immediately.

Lin Ran breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the clock on the wall, and found that it was only past 1 o'clock, so he opened the shutter door again, preparing to sell the orange shadow cat.

The flow of people on the street increased. From time to time, a few people looked into their store, but when they saw that it was empty, they left immediately.

Nothing, people don't come at all.

No, I have to find a way!

...Yes! Haha! Lin Ran's eyes lit up, and he immediately ran out of the store with the Orange Hidden Cat in his arms.

The invincible orange shadow cat newly bred in our shop, does anyone want it! Lin Ran yelled loudly.

Tch, a lowly novice Alien Beast is still invincible, idiot. The owner of the Alien Beast shop next door kept rolling his eyes.

The absolutely invincible Orange Shadow Cat, if you don't believe me, all players are welcome to challenge! Lin Ran ignored it and continued to shout.

Hey, young man, if you are too short of money, you can sell it to me. I will pay you 10,000. The boss said with a sneer on his face.

Ten thousand? You fool, let me tell you, my strange beast is invincible below the fourth level, if you don't believe me, you can come up at will

Including the fourth step! Lin Ran pulled out a stool and shouted.

Invincible below the fourth level? I think your head is squeezed by the door, haha! The owner of the animal shop next door kept laughing.

I said you've been talking nonsense, come out and fight if you have the ability, you're mentally retarded! Lin Ran was driven beyond endurance by this person.

What did you say? It seems that I have to teach you a lesson for your parents today. A middle-aged man next door came out, shirtless and full of fat.

I don't bully you either. I'm just a Fierce Shadow Lizard of the fifth-order bloodline. I'm currently a growing body with the strength of the third-order. If you can beat me, I'll take your orange shadow cat. Otherwise, give it to me obediently. I kneel down and apologize! The middle-aged uncle was very arrogant, and opened a light door, and a giant lizard with a black body came out from the inside.

Sell you? Just dream, see if I don't abandon you. Lin Ran responded disdainfully.

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