Super Ninja

Chapter 10

I woke up quite early. A slight and somewhat irrational anxiety had kept me from getting a good night's sleep. Throughout the night, various thoughts, ideas, desires, and even dreams kept invading my mind. Of course, I can’t forbid myself from dreaming. In short, sleep didn’t come easily, and even meditation didn’t help much.


Then, in the middle of the night, a strong thunderstorm began, during which I finally managed to fall asleep. Let’s just say... it was very relaxing.


Since I didn't feel like sleeping anymore, I decided to continue studying the book on seals before heading to the team assignment. For now, I’m not ready to start practicing fuinjutsu because I don’t have all the necessary items. I don't have paper, ink, or even the skills. Once I earn my first mission money, I can start moving toward learning this skill. I don’t really want to ask my parents because they might need the money for something else. At least, that’s what I think.


"Couldn't sleep?" my mother asked, getting up a bit earlier.


"Not really," I replied. "I’m anxious about something, don’t know why."


"Well," she said. "That’s normal. After all, big changes are going to happen in your life. You’re probably anxious because you don’t yet know what those changes will be."


"Maybe," I admitted reluctantly. It’s really possible because I know changes are coming, but it's hard to say in what direction they will go. Probably, to get rid of this anxiety, I’ll just have to wait a bit and see everything with my own eyes. I’m sure the situation could turn out to be sad, but I don’t want to think about that right now. Definitely not.


My father also came to breakfast, but since he had to hurry to work, he quickly ate and left, but not before wishing me luck.


"Good luck with the assignment."


"Thanks, Dad," I replied.


The door closed behind him, and he quickly left. I also got up from my place, thanked my mother for breakfast, and went to get ready. Putting on my new clothes, I attached my hitaite to my arm and adjusted the pouch with various useful things like shuriken and kunai. I wrapped a special holding bandage that serves several functions. If a shinobi gets injured, it can be used for first aid. It can also be used to attach additional equipment for traps and survival. In general, a useful thing.


"Alright, I’m off!" I said to my mother as I put on my shoes.


"Okay," she replied, looking me over. "Handsome!"


"Tsk," I muttered and waved. Then I quickly ran outside and took a deep breath.


The morning was cool and damp. Dew could be seen on the walls, roofs, and ground. But just a glance at the sky, and you suddenly marvel at its blueness. Something tells me that today will have very pleasant weather. What could be better for the start of a new day and a new life than warm and beautiful weather?


Jumping onto a nearby tree, I moved towards the Academy. Just before the entrance, I jumped down and joined a group of my classmates. No one had noticed me yet, except for the dog of one of the Inuzuka clan members in our class. The dog opened its mouth, stuck out its tongue, and happily wagged its tail. Something stretched out between its legs... better not to look there.


"Yuck," said the Inuzuka clan member. "Yuck, Kitoshishi. Yuck."


"Oh, Suzuki," Ayamane Nara called to me. "I didn’t even notice you join us."


"That’s how quiet I am," I chuckled. The girl just rolled her eyes.


When I entered the classroom, the first thing I noticed was that it felt more spacious. Now, the students weren’t clustered in groups of four or five. We could sit comfortably in groups of three. A quick count showed that our class could form seven teams of three people each. Not bad. Those who failed would be sent to the capital to continue their military training and serve the daimyo.


In general, the political situation in the countries is somewhat strange. In one state, there are two regimes. One is entirely "secular," if you can call it that, and reports directly to the "anointed" of God — the daimyo. The other is subordinate to the Hokage, who is the ruler and deity within the village and anywhere he happens to be. In short, two states in one, existing in symbiosis.


We didn't have to wait long for our sensei. After a while, he entered, holding a rather hefty folder. We stood up and greeted him:


"Good morning, sensei."


"Good morning, genin," he replied. Previously, he called us students, but now he addressed us by our official title. "I'm glad to see you all in good spirits. As you already know, today you will learn your teams and captains, who will be your first guides into the world of adult shinobi. Are you ready?"


Nods were his answer. We were truly ready and eager to get started. Well, most of the genin were, at least. Sensei smirked and opened the folder. He pulled out the first sheet of paper and glanced around the classroom.


We all fell silent, waiting for him to start speaking.


"So, before I begin reading, I want to say a few things," he said. A light sigh of discontent could be heard among the genin. You can't leave us hanging like this... "First: I will announce your teams and your captains. After that, you will wait for them in this classroom. Your captain will come and take you further. This will be your last moment in the Academy. You won’t return here unless you come to retrieve your genin or become instructors yourselves."


Everyone understood that. Sensei nodded, noticing this, and pulled out the sheet of paper again.


"So, team number eleven. Hyuga Neji, Tenten, Rock Lee. Captain — Might Guy."


Rock Lee? Who is that? I don’t remember anyone by that name among our students. Looking around, I noticed a boy who was smiling widely. Isn't he the guy who can't use ninjutsu? Seems like it. Interesting how he managed to become a genin. His hitaite clearly indicates he passed the exam. Interesting.


"Team number twelve. Yamanaka Shito, Nara Itton, and Akimichi Douza. Captain — Sarutobi Tetsuya."


Yamanaka Shito is one of the twins. Nara Itton was the guy Ayamane often beat up. And Douza is an Akimichi. In short, a classic team following the formation traditions of the current clan leaders of the Yamanaka, Nara, and Akimichi clans. It's even named: "Ino-Shika-Cho Formation."


"Team number thirteen. Suzuki Grandvitara, Nara Ayamane, and Yamanaka Shiko. Captain — Subidzuma Kiochi."


I looked at Nara and Yamanaka, who were also looking at me. Honestly, I didn’t expect to end up in a team with two girls. I wonder if our captain is a man or also a woman? I have no idea.


Teams fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen were either entirely clan-based or had one member from a regular family, like me.


"Team number seventeen. Shima Doto, Kisuke Aizen, Ukirake Sojin. Captain — Hatake Kakashi."


Wait... Isn't Kakashi supposed to be the captain of Naruto's team? Or am I confused? It seems not... Or maybe that team failed some mission or something like that. I don't know. Well, it shouldn’t really concern me.


"That's all," said the sensei. "Your captains should start arriving soon."


The door suddenly opened, and a tall man with thick eyebrows appeared. He was dressed in a strange, somewhat tight green suit. Over this suit, he wore a standard shinobi vest. Smiling so broadly that his pearly white teeth almost blinded us, the man loudly announced:


"Team number eleven! Follow me!"


The trio of genin stood up and followed this man. Neji's face was neutral. Tenten looked interested, while Rock Lee was as happy as a clam. It seemed he was already familiar with their captain, which explained how he managed to pass the genin exam.


Next, the captain of team twelve, Sarutobi Tetsuya, entered. He was a short man with a shiny bald head. He wore black glasses that reflected the sunlight. The trio from his team stood up almost immediately, even without an announcement. Perhaps they had already been acquainted with their captain before the assignments were announced.


Honestly, it seemed to me that some teams were formed even before all the students had passed the genin exams. I'm sure the clans made sure their younger generations got the best teammates.


Our sensei was next to come in, as I had guessed. A very tall and large man walked through the door. Not fat, but large. Broad shoulders, narrow waist, arms like cannons, and legs like two locomotives. The doorway barely accommodated his shoulder width. To pass through, he had to bend down a bit.


"Team number thirteen. Follow me."


We got up and followed the sensei in single file. He waited for us in the corridor. Standing before him, we let him take a good look at us. His eyes gave no hint of his thoughts or intentions. The steely color only added to the image.


"Hmm," he muttered and nodded, confirming some thoughts. "Alright. Follow me."


Without saying anything else, we followed our captain. He had his hands in the pockets of his vest, which is not standard. Normally, that part of the vest should contain some light armor plates or pockets for medical supplies, depending on the preference. But not pockets.


We walked outside and headed towards one of the distant gazebos, created for situations like this. You often see captains and their genin teams in these gazebos, discussing various matters. It could be training, missions, or something else.


"Sit down," he said.


We sat down, and it so happened that I ended up between the two girls. Not that I minded... quite the opposite. The captain stomped his foot, and a tall stone chair emerged from the ground, into which he settled. Nice trick. Using an element without hand seals suggests that he is very skilled in it. This already hints that he is not just an ordinary shinobi. An ordinary shinobi cannot create a technique without concentration seals.


"So, my name is Subidzuma Kiochi, I am your captain for the near future. Jonin. I am twenty-nine years old. I have a wife and two sons who will soon be entering the Academy. As you have already understood, I use Earth Style, but besides that, I am fairly proficient in Fire Style and Lightning Style. I have some skills in genjutsu and bukijutsu. Now you, from left to right."


"My name is Nara Ayamane," introduced the dark-haired girl. "I have some proficiency with the clan's hiden."


Hiden are techniques that only a specific clan can use because only they have the knowledge of how to apply them. Hiden techniques are rarely recorded anywhere because another shinobi could learn them. In addition, for the full use of hiden, a certain lineage is required.


Then the captain looked at me.


"Grandvitara Suzuki," I introduced myself.


"Huh?" the captain asked in surprise. "Go on."


"Well, I’m pretty good at taijutsu, some movement techniques, and one genjutsu," I said about myself, ignoring his surprise at my surname. So what if he was surprised? No need to dwell on it.


The captain nodded and looked at the next genin.


"Yamanaka Shiko," introduced the blonde girl. "I know a bit of the clan's hiden."


"Understood," Captain Kiochi exhaled. "Now that we've introduced ourselves, I want to share my expectations with you right away. You must improve every day, be responsible on missions, and represent the village with honor before any client. I expect you to become chunin at the next exam. But you won't train alone. Regardless of the weather — rain, winter, cold, wind… I will train you. That’s my promise to you. You will cry, beg to stop, but don’t expect any leniency from me. The more you learn, the more you’ll get from me. Understood, team thirteen?"


"Yes, captain," we responded. If he really trains us as he says, then I will definitely give it my all… or even two hundred percent. Because the more knowledge I gain as a genin, the more successful my future life will be. My goal is to become a jonin.


"Great," he nodded with a satisfied smile. "Now we are heading to training ground thirteen, which will be assigned to us for the year. You can train there in your free time… if you have any, which I wouldn't count on."


Training ground thirteen was hidden in the green shade, somewhat distant from the central part of the village. Scattered around it like a string of beads were other training grounds, creating a vast space for diligent ninja training. This distribution was due to the thick walls of the village not being able to accommodate all the needs and ambitions of young warriors. And even though there were many grounds, it sometimes seemed that it was still not enough for those who yearned for improvement.


Training ground thirteen, like many others, boasted its unique features. At the corners stood four mannequins, scarred and battered by countless strikes and kunai throws. In the middle of the ground was a deep pond with clear, shimmering water, rumored to be connected by underground rivers to neighboring grounds. Colorful trees scattered around the perimeter created shadows, ideal for stealth training and practice on especially hot days. In the center of the ground stretched an open clearing, its soil trampled by many feet and marked by powerful and dangerous techniques, bearing witness to the seriousness and intensity of the exercises conducted there.


Captain Kiochi looked us over again and began his speech:


"Welcome to our training ground. Remember that this place is open for your training. But be careful. Sometimes chakra beasts wander in here. It would be unpleasant to find your bones the next morning."


He smirked at this and fell silent, letting us imagine such a situation. Not that it had never happened, but I had heard about it.


"As for your training," he continued, "I'm not a big fan of evaluating genin's fitness by their captains. If the Academy deems you a genin, to me that's the truth. But if any of you have gaps in knowledge or skills, I will help you fill them. The next two weeks will look like this: today I will assess your individual skills and your ability to work as a team. Starting tomorrow and for the next two weeks, every morning at eight, you come here, and I will train you. And, for the record, in two weeks you will have your first mission."


He fell silent and carefully looked us over, trying to see if we understood what he was saying or not. It seemed like we did because he asked:


"Any questions?"


I raised my hand.


"Yes, Grandvitara," the captain nodded, then added. "Too long. From now on, you’ll be... Machine. That’s it… I’ll call you Machine. Ask your question."


"Sensei, what skills exactly are we supposed to master over these two weeks?" I asked, ignoring for now that he had just given me a nickname.


"I don't know yet. I'll see after the assessment. But don't worry... you will either become chunin, or you'll die training until you do. It's as simple as that."


He showed two fingers and made some kind of strange gesture. Neither I nor the girls understood it. The captain realized this and rolled his eyes. Then he waved his hand and stepped back a few paces.


"Who will go first?" he asked.


"I will," I raised my hand.


"Maybe the girls want to go first?" he asked, looking at Nara and Yamanaka. But they shook their heads and simultaneously took a step back. The captain just sighed and waved his hand, saying, "As you wish. But don't think you can avoid the assessment. Alright, Machine. Step forward."


Stepping forward, I jumped up a few times to get ready for the spar.


"You can use all your techniques and knowledge. Attack when you're ready."


"Yes, captain," I replied. In a second, my chakra started to flow more actively through my body. Another second, and I rushed forward to the captain. A kunai appeared in my hand, which I threw forward.


The captain stepped to the side, assuming a stance. A classic stance. Knowing it, I could predict the next move. A step to the side, and the captain's punch missed my head. I knew it would be a straight punch. If I hadn't dodged, I would have run right into the hit.


"Illusionary Clones," I quickly and sharply created the technique and immediately tried to get behind the captain.


Captain Kiochi reacted quickly and skillfully. An unnoticed strike dispelled one clone. At that moment, I tried to attack in such a way that the clone's blow and my personal blow would intersect in the same place. But the captain had already sped up, figuring out who was an illusion and who was real.


He grabbed my arm and threw me sharply into the air. The throw was very strong, and I could have crashed into a tree. But I had studied movement techniques. Twisting in the air, I landed on the tree, stuck to it, and jumped to the nearest branch, throwing several shuriken.


Sensei zigzagged, dodging my projectiles, and started approaching. He jumped onto the branch and moved toward me. I managed to dodge and jumped to the next tree, but he was already closing in on me, showing that I still had room to grow. But I knew that already.


"Catch!" he shouted and delivered a knee strike.


I crossed my arms, taking the blow in a hard block. I was sharply thrown towards the lake. Landing on the water, I tried to soften the fall. Fortunately, I had practiced such scenarios and knew what to do.


Rolling over the surface of the water, I got up and threw a kunai again. The captain, who was already heading toward me, quickly pulled out his kunai and deflected it with a light movement to the side. He landed on the water, and at that moment, I caught his gaze.


"Genjutsu!" I cast the technique.


My chakra surged towards the captain and entered his mind. This was my chance. I jumped forward, ready to attack the captain. Of course, he should know how to fight genjutsu, so I couldn't afford to wait long. I had to act quickly and decisively.


A smirk appeared on Captain Kiochi's face. Damn, I was too late. As I approached, I tried to land a blow but hit an impenetrable wall. My hands hurt from his block. In the next second, he made a sharp move, and I received a direct elbow strike to the chest. The air was knocked out of my lungs. Sliding across the ground, I rolled over and tried to get up. But then I felt the captain was behind me. And indeed, his foot came down on my head, pressing my face into the water. Relaxing my body, I dived and tried to resurface a bit further away.


Jumping up, I threw another kunai. The captain demonstrated his agility, caught it, and sent it back at me. Barely dodging it, I darted to the side, but the captain was already close. He grabbed my arms and flung me.


Before I could react, I landed like a sack of potatoes. My entire body ached because the captain seemed to have no intention of playing around. I wouldn't want to be his enemy. Too dangerous.


Captain Kiochi landed and started approaching me slowly. Noticing his movement, I tried to catch him off guard. Jumping forward, using my chakra to the fullest, I attempted to knock him down, but I miscalculated. The captain deftly dodged, and then I felt my leg sink into a hole. Damn!


At that moment, I felt his knee strike my torso. Once again, the air was knocked out of me, and for a moment, I thought I might lose consciousness. Lying on the ground, I tried to recover. A kunai landed nearby—a sign that I had lost. I'm not yet a match for a jonin.


"You're dead like a marinated cucumber."

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