Super Prophecy Master

Chapter 121 New Target! (7th update)

Chapter 121 New Target! (seventh more)
The players were confused, and so were the others.

Grigory and Ebenezer stood together, and they looked at each other without knowing what was going on, so they asked Frederick, "Do you know what he is going to do?"

Frederick shook his head and said, "I just joined the team, just like you. I think he seems to be planning to throw a party? Celebrate our good results in recent times and successfully complete relegation?"

He said he laughed.

Gregory and Ebenezer looked at each other, and shook their heads in confusion.

Zhang Yang stood in the middle.

After everyone arrived, he glanced at everyone with very serious eyes, as if staring at everyone, making people quiet down unconsciously.

"I think everyone is wondering why I'm bringing everyone together!"

Zhang Yang finally opened his mouth. He glanced at the players, "Including all the players!"

Glancing at the staff, "There are also club staff!"

"Of course, Mr. Chairman, Mr. Manager, and two assistant coaches are also indispensable!" He glanced at Grigory's direction, then turned his head and continued, "Now is the normal training time, but what I want to say is more important than training. many!"

"Every word that follows, you have to be very clear and understand!"

"Because that's very, very, very important!"


Listening to Zhang Yang's sonorous and powerful words, all the players, coaches, staff and officials became serious. They looked at the serious young man on the court, and their expressions were moved by the other party's words.

Zhang Yang talked about his feelings when he first joined the team, "Before I came to the club, I never thought about going to work for a professional team. Previously worked in the BBC media department."

"It was Mr. Gregory who invited me. I thought about it and agreed. In fact, my decision was a little hasty, but the consideration was very simple: I am still young, and I have the capital to fail. Even if the new job encounters Trouble, it’s a big deal to change jobs. It’s not a big deal. I’m different from you. When you can’t continue to be a professional player one day, it will be a major turning point in your life. But my job requirements are much simpler. You can’t How hard it is to expect a supermarket cashier to be fired because he can find the same type of work at another supermarket!"

"Of course, I don't mean to discriminate..."

This metaphor made many people laugh. Everyone understood Zhang Yang's meaning, that is, he was laughing at himself that his job requirements were simple.

"However, for me, the new job must do my best and devote more energy to it. Only in this way will I not regret it, because I have worked hard, and no one can demand that their IQ is higher than their love. Einstein, his body is so perfect that he surpasses Schwarzenegger. But everyone has something he is good at, so failure after hard work is not actually a failure. Maybe it can enrich experience and increase knowledge. In short, it will be meaningful experience."

This kind of witty metaphor made many people smile and nod.

"But I've been successful for the time being."

Zhang Yang made a simple summary, "The success of a coach lies in the fact that his players can perform well and his team can achieve good results."

"I've been successful, Mr Furnival has been successful, Mr Lawton has been successful, the rest of the club staff, plus Mr Ebenezer and Mr Gregory, because the team is doing well, we can all count. success."

Zhang Yang praised everyone, then looked at all the players, "But you are different!"

"The success of the team does not necessarily represent your success, because each of you cannot represent the team individually, and the basis of your success is your individual performance, because you are players and stars! If a player If he can't play, then no matter how good the team's performance is, what does it have to do with him?"

This Chiguoguo argument made many players bow their heads.

Zhang Yang ignored the players' feelings, but continued to follow the topic, "Anyone in any profession must put in a lot of hard work if they want to be successful. Of course, the definition of success is not necessarily the same. For example, our big star—Mo Reese."

Many people looked at Jody Morris.

"His success may be to be the core of a top league team, or to lead the team to the championship trophy, because he has performed very well, and the goals he set for himself must be higher than the current situation. "

"For example, Masterson." Zhang Yang pointed out another player's name. "To put it bluntly, he is only a substitute goalkeeper for the time being, so his success may be just to have more opportunities to play, or to be the main goalkeeper. He must I will also think about the future, entering the top league, entering the giants, entering the England team, etc., but those are still too far away from now, and I can only look forward to it before going to bed."

Many people laughed again.

Masterson rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

Zhang Yang continued to conclude, "But no matter what, anyone who wants to succeed must work hard."

"But recently I've seen a bad situation!"

Zhang Yang's voice changed, and his expression became extremely serious, "I found that some players probably think that the team's performance is good and there is no pressure to relegation, so they don't care much about the game."

"First of all, I understand this kind of thinking. They think back: Anyway, regardless of whether the game is won or lost, we will continue to stay in the Championship next season, so the team's results are not important."

"Am i right?"

Zhang Yang glanced at the players, many of them lowered their heads, and even some staff members didn't feel like they lowered their heads.

They do.

"I understand the idea, but I strongly disagree!"

"It's like ordinary people doing work for the purpose of making money. They hope to have more vacations, provided that the money they earn is not less." Zhang Yang said, "If you take an extra day off, you will deduct a few days of salary. I think Most people would say no."

"So money is very important. I won't say this, and you all know it, but people's desires are hard to satisfy. When you get a weekly salary of [-] pounds, you hope to increase it to [-] pounds. If you get a weekly salary of [-] pounds, you hope to get [-] pounds, [-] pounds, or even like those big stars, you can get [-] pounds a week!"

Many people don't want to admit it.

Zhang Yang said, "I think so too. This is the instinct of human beings to survive in society. Only with more money can they bring a better life to themselves and their families."

"Same goes for a team!"

Zhang Yang's tone became more serious, "When I first came, we were under pressure to relegation. At that time, I saw that everyone was working hard, because everyone didn't want the team to be relegated. That meant relegation with the team, or means to leave."

"Now our grades have improved. I don't want to discuss the specific reasons, but it's the same as making money. If our grades get better, we should work hard to make it better! How good is it?"

"Now we are seventh in the league! If my understanding of the league promotion system is correct, as long as we advance one place, we will be able to participate in the promotion play-offs, and if we advance five places, we will be eligible for direct promotion to the Premier League!"

"Now we have a chance!"

"Wolves, ranked No.6, also drew in the last game. They only have three points more than us, and Wigan Athletic, ranked No.2, only have ten points more than us. That is unsurpassable. No? Think about it, we won five consecutive victories a while ago, and then won three consecutive victories, we can quickly rise to seventh in the league, why can't we continue to catch up?"

After hearing what Zhang Yang said, the surroundings could no longer keep quiet.

Every player is discussing—
"Do you think we have a chance? I think so! The difference is not many points, but..."

"Upgrade? I never thought of that!"

"That's unimaginable!"

"However, our results are really good. We are already seventh in the league! Maybe we will have a chance if we work hard!"

"If I can complete the upgrade, I will be able to play in the Premier League! Play against Manchester United, Arsenal, and those top teams!"

"Yeah, maybe there is a chance!"

Other staff members, including coaches and officials, are also discussing.

Grigory and Ebenezer glanced at each other with shock written all over their faces. Before that, they had never thought about the issue of promotion. Perhaps because Millwall has been working hard for relegation for a long time, the promotion seems to be It has nothing to do with them.

When the team's performance improved, they also thought that relegation was success.

Can be upgraded?
"Zhang... what you said is really exciting!" Ebenezer couldn't help but said, "It would be really amazing if the upgrade can be completed!"

"That's promotion! Millwall has never been promoted to the Premier League! But do we have a chance?" Grigory was very uncertain.

Ebenezer said, "Maybe there is, we are now seventh in the league!'s unimaginable!"

Both of them were a little afraid to think.

But after hearing Zhang Yang's analysis, they seem to have hope!
Zhang Yang pressed his hands down, signaled everyone to be quiet, and continued, "I believe that each of you wants the team to be promoted! That will be good for you. If you want to stay in the team, you can go to the Premier League." Those who play football and want to leave, as a member of the 'promoted', can easily find a good place."

"This is what I want to say today. After ranking seventh in the league, we should have a new goal, which is to strive to enter the promotion circle, strive for a better ranking, and strive for the hope of promotion!"

"Maybe you haven't thought about it before, but it's not too late to think about it now. There are still fourteen rounds in the league. As long as we work hard from now on, I believe we can achieve our goal!"

"What an exciting thing to play in the Premier League!"

"I believe that each of you will think seriously, and I also believe that each of you knows what to do next!"

"That's what I'm going to say today!"

"Then... disband! Let's start today's training!"

PS: The seventh update!Ask for subscription, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards and other support!

(End of this chapter)

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