Super Prophecy Master

Chapter 124 Fan Support

Chapter 124 Fan Support

At [-]:[-] in the morning, Zhang Yang came to the training ground.

The others had arrived earlier.

After all the players have assembled, Aldous and Frederick are organizing everyone for warm-up training.

When Zhang Yang came to the stadium, everyone immediately paid attention to him.

The eyes of many reporters were a little gloating. They thought that Millwall fans would not support Zhang Yang, because in the last game, there would definitely be fans who opposed Zhang Yang.

Cameras are already on the crowd of fans.

Reporters are ready to make a story straight away if they want to film fans 'resisting' publicity.

But they overthink it a bit.

The Millwall fans who came did not openly resist Zhang Yang.

In the last game, Millwall drew with Gillingham, but it was only a draw. As for the analysis of various criticisms from the media after the game, many fans are a little used to it.

The thinking of most fans is simple.

They are indeed not very optimistic about Zhang Yang's ability, just like the analysis reported by the media: young and inexperienced, but Millwall's performance has been very good recently, and it is normal to draw a game.

Since Zhang Yang took over the team, they don't have to worry about relegation at all. The team keeps winning and scoring points, and has already left the "relegation" zone. Some fans even hope that the team can continue to work hard and work harder to enter the front Sixth, at that time, they will be eligible to participate in the promotion play-offs.

As for upgrades?

The vast majority of fans dare not think about it.

But if there is an opportunity to participate in the promotion play-offs, it can be regarded as a success, and it will not be too late to talk about whether there is hope for promotion.

In short, fans have no reason to resist Zhang Yang.

Most of the fans hold a 'do not care' attitude towards Zhang Yang, they do not boycott or support, they come to watch the training, they just want to have a closer look at the team and their favorite stars, in addition, the practice of buying tickets , It can also make the club's economic situation better.

Although it is almost useless for a single fan to buy a ticket, one thing is better than nothing.

The fans who came thought so.

Journalists were disappointed.

Waiting until the whole Millwall team started the lap warm-up in the morning, the fans did not openly resist Zhang Yang, they did not see what they wanted to see.

Journalists are sorry.

Then something happened that made them even more depressed. A fan suddenly yelled in support of Zhang Yang. The loud voice was almost heard by the entire stadium--
"Zhang Yang! Come on!"

"You have led the team very well! I support you!"

"It will be better in the future!"

"Now I believe in you! You can definitely lead Millwall to upgrade!"


Many people watched it, including media reporters, fans who came, and Zhang Yang himself, because he was standing on the sidelines watching the players' training.

He glanced back.

It was a bald-headed fan, who looked a little familiar from a distance.

Zhang Yang thought for a long time before he remembered, "It turned out to be that annoying guy on the bus!" When he first coached Millwall, he met an angry fan on the bus in the morning, and he was willing to classify him as a football hooligan 'I ignored it, I didn't expect the other party to come to the club to support me.

This change is too big!
The Millwall area is so big, many fans know each other, and someone recognized it immediately, and the one who shouted was Melvin—a notorious football hooligan!

"How did this guy come to the stadium? How did he get in?"

Some fans wondered.

Melvin didn't care what others thought, he was still shouting there, and some fans were called up, and they also shouted to support——
"Zhang Yang! Come on!"

"You are the best! You can definitely lead Millwall to promotion!"

This slogan made the surrounding fans excited, and soon more fans joined in, shouting that sentence, "Zhang Yang! You can definitely lead Millwall to upgrade!"

The reporters didn't understand why.

Li Jiandong smiled.

What he hopes to interview is the topic of Zhang Yang's coaching influence.

If Zhang Yang is only "lucky" to coach Millwall temporarily, he will be "laid off" next season, and the public opinion in China will definitely be much smaller. On the contrary, he has the support of Millwall fans, which means that it will last a long time. Time to coach, the public opinion will be much larger, because domestic fans can be sure--
There is a football coach in China who coaches in the Championship!


Melvin is a football hooligan.

This is the judgment of the masses.

Five years ago, during a match between Millwall and Charlton, Melvin was banned from entering the stadium for three years after ignoring the security guards, rushing into the pitch and punching Charlton's striker.

Two years ago, it was still Neal Field.

Melvin and Gillingham fought in the fan aisle, one person killed four of the other, and one unlucky guy was sent to the hospital for a month.

He was suspended again.

This time it was more serious. The FA blacklisted him, and he was not allowed to enter a regular stadium for ten years.

Melvin is Millwall's 'list' football hooligan.

He is also a loner.

There are many 'registered' football hooligans among Millwall fans, and most of them have entered the Millwall Fan Support Association. The more famous the guy, the higher the status.

Melvin did not opt ​​in.

To many who knew him, Melvin seemed a bit of an outlier, but he was certainly an avid Millwall supporter.

The Melvin family all support Millwall.

From a young age, Melvin received a 'Millwall football education'. His father and grandfather taught him to support Millwall. He inherited the family tradition and grew up to be fanatical. Support Millwall.

Melvin would care about any news from Millwall.

When Zhang Yang coached the team, he thought the Chinese was too young and incompetent, so after meeting Zhang Yang on the bus, he chose to use his own way to force the opponent to leave Millwall.

That of course had no effect.

Melvin was very angry, but also a little helpless. He was worried that Millwall's grades would decline.

But that didn't happen.

Not only did Millwall's performance not decline, but it got better and better. First, they won five consecutive victories during Christmas, and then they won three consecutive victories in January. The league ranking quickly rose to seventh place.

Melvin was somewhat convinced.

But just like the media reports, he also believes that Zhang Yang is not based on ability. Millwall's good grades are caused by many factors, not because of Zhang Yang alone.

He was just watching.

Two days ago, Melvin had a huge change!
Melvin has a cousin named Billy, who works at the Millwall Club. Billy attended Zhang Yang's speech that day, and when he saw Melvin, he said excitedly, "Did you know? Zhang! It's ours. Manager, he said he would take Millwall through promotion!"

"Upgrade? Just him?"

"Yeah, what he said is great! Now I think, we have a good chance of upgrading! Look, we are already ranked seventh in the league. If this continues, we can be ranked in the top six, top five, and participate in the competition. The promotion play-offs will definitely be no problem, and Millwall will also be able to break into the Super League by then!"

Melvin was shocked by Billy's excitement.

Melvin was very impulsive since he was a child, but he listened to Billy very much. Billy actually believed that the Chinese could lead Millwall to upgrade?


That Chinese person talked about leading the team to the Premier League in front of everyone in the club?

Oh, God!
Melvin couldn't even imagine it, he suddenly found himself very small: he only wanted to keep Millwall's performance and stay in the Championship, but the other party wanted to lead Millwall to the Premier League .

That is something that has never happened before!

Melvin is not sure whether Zhang Yang can complete it, but he knows what he should do. "With the support of the fans, will he do better? Will the team perform better? By then Mill Wall is more likely to upgrade!"

Melvin's heart was on fire at the thought of the team entering the Premier League, so he decided to start supporting Zhang Yang instead.

support him!
That's good for Millwall!

Zhang Yang doesn't know why Melvin supports him, but it's always good to have support from fans, especially during public training, with so many fans shouting his name, it doesn't feel too good.

He put a smile on his face.

As the training progressed, the fans' support became more enthusiastic, "Zhang Yang! Come on! We support you!"

"You're the best!"

"The last game was just a mistake. It's normal to draw. Under your leadership, Millwall will definitely get better and better! We will definitely be able to complete the upgrade!"

Some fans yelled, "Those media are talking nonsense. I already knew they were just trying to sell more newspapers! They are a group of beasts dressed in civilization!"

This sentence made the faces of the reporters turn black. They originally hoped to see the fans resist Zhang Yang, but they didn't expect to see voices of support.

But no one dared to speak out.

In front of so many fanatical fans, if you say a bad word about publicity, who knows if you can stand and walk tomorrow?


Then there is still a 'registered' football hooligan!

Many reporters regretted it. They felt that they should not have come, so they would not feel depressed.

These Millwall fans were bewitched by this young Chinese!
Look at what they're all saying, 'Millwall to the Premier League', it's the new year, the funniest line ever!


Zhang Yang had been praised all morning, but the fans calmed down a little in the afternoon, but the voice of support never stopped.

So Zhang Yang thought that the public training was a success.

The players thought so too.

They gossip about the fans' support for Zhang Yang, just like Weston said, "The boss has conquered all Millwall fans!"

"He's so good, Denise can't do it!"

Many players agreed.

Aldous was happy for Zhang Yang, while Frederick snorted jealously, but Zhang Yang automatically blocked his stinky face.

The reporters who came were disappointed.

The same goes for Li Jiandong.

In one day, Li Jiandong took some photos, but in the end he did not interview Zhang Yang. In the middle of training in the afternoon, Zhang Yang left the field. When the public time was over, he could only leave with the others.

The combination of these close-up photos and the collected information can also make a piece of news, but that is completely meaningless, that is, it will cause a momentary sensation. When the time comes to reveal the news to other competitors, there will be no exclusive news. news.

Li Jiandong was very unwilling.

So he decided to stay in London.

(End of this chapter)

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