Super Prophecy Master

Chapter 147 We want to take away the victory!

Chapter 147 We want to take away the victory!
Wigan Athletic is located in Wigan Town, Manchester, and its home field is the J Chain Stadium on the edge of Wigan Town. (Note: The original name is the three-letter stadium, and the last two letters describe the characteristics of men. I really can't type it out, so I can only say 'scientific name'.)
The J Chain Stadium is a new stadium that was unveiled in August 1999 at a cost of £8 million and is jointly used by Wigan Athletic Football Club and Wigan Warriors Rugby Club.

At [-] o'clock in the afternoon on March [-]th, fans gathered in the small square in front of the J chain stadium. Most of them were local fans from Wigan, and there were also a small number of Millwall fans. These fans came from London and came to support Millwall's.

Fans form small groups, ready to enter the stadium.

On the main road in front of the small square, a bus with the Millwall logo on its body drove over. Some Millwall fans on the side of the road gave welcome shouts, and more boos from local Wigan fans.

When approaching the gate of the J chain stadium, the window in the middle of the car opened, and a young smiling face appeared inside.

That is publicity.

Zhang Yang was waving at a group of Millwall fans on the side of the road, because there were some familiar faces among them, fans who went to the club to support the team every public training session.

Those fans also waved and shouted in response, "Come on! We must win! Today we come to the north to support the team!"

"Millwall must win!"

"Zhang Yang, you will bring us victory!"


Amid the shouts of the fans, the bus entered the restricted area for fans, and then drove into the side gate of the J Chain Stadium.

Some Wigan fans who saw it also looked at the bus as it left, and some people commented loudly, "Is that their head coach just now?"

"I read it on the news, it should be right! They have a young head coach!"

"He's younger than the players!"

"He seems to be very popular, and those London guys are shouting his name! But this time when they met us, it was like a dream for Millwall to win!"


Amidst the fans' comments, it was almost time to enter the arena, and soon the fans crowded at the door and lined up to enter the arena.

inside the field.

The two teams started warming up.

At the beginning of the warm-up, the fans had just entered the arena, and when the warm-up was about to end, the auditorium was already full.

This is the home ground of Wigan Athletic.

There are more than [-] Wigan local fans in the stands of the J Chain Stadium, and thousands of other fans, some are Millwall fans, and some are neutral fans.

The support situation at Millwall is dismal.

Millwall is used to it.

Comparing the 44 teams in the Premier League and the English Championship together, Millwall has one of the smallest number of fans.

This is a regional issue.

The Millwall area of ​​Greater London is small in size and small in population, and all the population combined cannot keep up with the number of members of the big clubs, not to mention, a large part of them support Chelsea, Fulham or other regional clubs. Team up.

This is also caused by the historical reasons of the Millwall club. Millwall has never entered the Premier League, and the century-old achievements have no glory to talk about. Naturally, it is difficult to attract many fans to support.

In the past 30 to [-] years, Millwall is also known for football violence, and it is the team that produces the most "football hooligans". It feels as if all the football hooligans in London have come to support Millwall.

If you describe the club as a 'person' and compare Millwall and Wigan Athletic, Wigan Athletic is a local tyrant who inherits regional finances. He is handsome, handsome, young and rich, and his career is also on the rise; Millwall belongs to the poor dicks in the metropolis, the pure moonlight family, and has a criminal record in prison, and there is nothing to talk about in his career.

The contrast between the two is stark.

Most British media are optimistic about Wigan Athletic. In fact, there are certain external reasons. No matter how you think about it, Wigan Athletic will not lose to Millwall at home, but Zhang Yang will not conform to the views of media reporters. At the press conference, he said energetically, "I like the town of Wigan very much. The environment here is very good and the people are very friendly, but unfortunately, we are going to let them down today. We are full of confidence. Come on, we prepared a lot for the game, so we will definitely take away the victory too!"

This is Zhang Yang's declaration of victory!

The media reporters in the audience felt it was funny. Two days before the game, they could find the match analysis of Wigan Athletic vs. Millwall in many sports reports, but no matter which report analyzed, they could not find support for Millwall. The reason for my victory.

The young Chinese said that Millwall was going to take away the victory at the J chain course!

Is he crazy?

Zhang Yang simply ignored the thoughts of the media reporters, because he knew that almost no media reporters would support Millwall.

The pre-match reports speak for themselves.

Among all the media, Zhang Yang only found one supporter - "Telecom Sports". So after publishing the victory declaration, he scanned back and forth with his eyes, and finally found "Telecom Sports" among dozens or hundreds of reporters. 》marked the microphone, he ignored the eyes of the press officer, but only clicked on the reporter, "You come to ask questions!"


The "Telegraph Sports" reporter pointed at himself, a little caught off guard, when everyone looked over, he still reacted, and immediately stood up and asked excitedly, but he seemed a little nervous, "Mr. Zhang, hello, I'm from... …From "Telegraph Sports", when you were interviewed before, you said that Millwall's goal is to upgrade, so can you talk about this match against the league leader, Wigan Athletic, Millwall achieved promotion importance in the goal?"

The reporters from other media were in an uproar. They never imagined that in the atmosphere where the group was not optimistic about Millwall, there was such a special reporter, and the meaning in the words was obviously optimistic about Millwall.

Has this guy lost his mind?
"Telegram Sports"?
Many media reporters suddenly realized that "Television Sports" is a new media in the UK. They purely use network traffic and network fee subscriptions as their main means of income, so the top news selling point is very important.

If they follow the trend of the public and report, how many fans will spend money to order?

Many journalists understood.

Zhang Yang doesn't care why "Telecom Sports" supports Millwall, after all, they are the only supporters, and the questions they ask make people feel comfortable, so he coughed lightly, smiled patiently, "For us, this game It is very important. The team has won four consecutive victories before, but the best chance to catch up with the competitors is to defeat them head-on. We are seven points away from Wigan Athletic. As long as we win this game, the gap will be closed. With four, it will be much easier for us to catch up."

"In addition, Wigan Athletic is number one in the league. As long as we can beat them, it will also give the players more confidence in the team. I believe that as long as we win this game, we are only one step away from the promotion goal!"

Zhang Yang said confidently.

The media reporters will not understand why defeating Wigan Athletic is only "one step away" from promotion, because in their view, the premise is not valid.

Millwall can't win!
Just let this young Chinese talk big, and see what he will say after losing the game, or will he run away with his tail between his legs?

Many reporters began to look forward to it.

There are also some media reporters who want to refute Zhang Yang's remarks in person, but they don't have any chance. Zhang Yang only gave the "Telegram Sports" reporter a chance to ask questions. The others?

Feel sorry!

"I'm busy! The game is about to start!"

Zhang Yang left the venue directly after leaving a word, so he wouldn't make himself angry!

In the visiting team locker room.

Zhang Yang mobilized before the game. He stood in the middle, called everyone to look over, and said, "We have been preparing for the game for more than a week, and we have worked hard for more than a week. Before, we had never What kind of game does it take so long to prepare for? This week, everyone trained very hard, everyone worked hard, but everything was for this game."

"If we lose the game, all our efforts will be in vain, but I have confidence in the game, do you have confidence?"


Many players shouted.

Although it doesn't have the grand effect of the army shouting, it is not bad for a professional team. Zhang Yang nodded in satisfaction, "Yes, that's it. We have worked hard, and it is time to reap the rewards! But now I still I want to say a few words, you should have read the news reports in the past two days, about this game, yes, almost no news is optimistic about us, they all analyze the strength of Wigan Athletic, and analyze the reasons why we must lose!"

"Almost no one is optimistic about us. A lot of analysis is not good for us, but I think they don't know us. It took us a week to adapt to the new formation. We will catch them by surprise. This is also my source of confidence. At the press conference just now, I told all reporters that we will take away the victory and take three points at the J chain stadium!"

"I dare to say this, and I believe that you can do it!"

"Do you believe in yourself?"

The players in the locker room were all shocked. They had no idea that Zhang Yang dared to publicly express his intention to 'take away the victory' in front of so many reporters. If he couldn't do it, the pressure would be too great. He was betting his reputation on above.

Zhang Yang has so much confidence, how can they still have no confidence in themselves?
"I have confidence! We will definitely win!"

"Yeah, we're going to win!"

"Wigan Athletic is nothing! We are in front of all the fans and beat them hard!"


Every player shouted.

This time the shouts were irregular and a bit noisy, but Zhang Yang's ability was definitely more useful than the perfunctory answer just now.

This time the team is full of fighting spirit!

The game started.

Zhang Yang and Aldous walked to the coach's bench together.

There was a row of seats on the coaching bench, but Zhang Yang chose the one on the far left, because he knew he would definitely stand up and direct the game.

Before the game, the team made a lot of preparations.

For other head coaches, after a week of preparation, they can only stay here to watch the game. Zhang Yang is different from other coaches, directing the game is what he is best at.

At the beginning of the game, there is still no need to adjust.

The first 5 minutes are normal.

Zhang Yang used 'precognition' to judge the progress of the game, and then settled in his position with peace of mind, ready to enjoy Wigan Athletic's performance.

The opening game belongs to Wigan Athletic.

This is the home court of Wigan Athletic, and Wigan Athletic has an advantage in strength. They launched a large-scale offensive at the beginning of the game, and they were quite aggressive to break through the goal.

Zhang Yang was not in a hurry.

In the "prediction" judgment, Wigan Athletic did not score. As long as there is no goal, it is tantamount to no offense, because Zhang Yang repeatedly reminded the team of the difficulties before the game. He believes that every player is prepared for the difficulties.

In this game, Millwall is worthy of attention, on the starting list.

Josh Simpson did not appear on the list, nor did other right midfielders appear on the list. Millwall's starting lineup was somewhat confusing, and judging from the opening positions, Jody Morris stood Right.

Morris playing right midfielder?
Many game analysts were surprised, but they didn't think too much about it. Millwall's players are of average strength, and it's not a big deal to replace another player as a right midfielder.

This may just be a small tactical adjustment.

But there is one person who must think carefully about this point, and that is Wigan Athletic's coach Jewell.

As the head coach of Wigan Athletic, and one of the few successful coaches in England, Jewell will not underestimate every adjustment made by the opponent. There is no right back in the Millwall lineup, and their right attack will have problems.

Jody Morris?
Wigan Athletic may be able to rest assured that Morris is the right back. Morris is best at playing in the middle of the midfield. He left the center and went to the wing. Wigan Athletic lost a huge threat.

But the other party will really do this?
No matter what Jewell thinks about, he doesn't think that the opponent's young coach will be such a stupid guy, otherwise Millwall's results would not be so good.

"Could it be that they gave up the attack on the right? Perhaps, Millwall gave up the attack? So what do they rely on to win?"

This is the only answer Jewell can think of, but it still sounds illogical. The young Chinese coach, at the press conference, brazenly said that he would take away the victory from the J chain stadium.

Millwall will not stop attacking, and they may even strengthen their offensive to break through the Wigan Athletic gate as soon as possible.

Jewell couldn't figure it out, so he could only watch the game patiently.

With Wigan Athletic attacking, the initiative of the game was quickly in his hands, and Jewell quickly felt wrong, because whenever Wigan Athletic had possession of the ball, he could hardly see a Millwall player. in the frontcourt.

In a normal game, even if one side retreats to defend, there will be frontcourt players running on the center line, and there should be more than one in order to prepare for a counterattack, but Millwall only has a young forward in front, and the other players all back. Withdrew to the vicinity of the restricted area.

This is very strange.

It is easy to see the formation when retreating in a football game, but what formation does Millwall have?Those players seemed to be standing and running at random. If you say that the formation is a group of people retreating to the penalty area.

What game is this playing?
Could it be that Millwall's players haven't entered the state yet, and they can't even run the basic formation well?
Jewell's doubts intensified.

(End of this chapter)

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