Super Prophecy Master

Chapter 99 The Braniff Incident

Chapter 99 The Braniff Incident
On the last day of the holiday, Zhang Yang went to the basic coach training practice course.

A lecturer from the London Football Association talked about some ways to encourage children who like football, and how to try to create a positive atmosphere.

Zhang Yang found it very helpful.

The lecturer of the FA is talking about the way to train children, but many of the contents are related to basic training. If you have not heard this class, you will definitely not be able to see many details by observing it yourself.

That night, Zhang Yang was still working.

He took out a small notebook for his records, in which it was recorded that Wise said some small tactical routines that he had trained, and some of them had been trained. Wise just had an idea and hadn't had time to practice it.

Zhang Yang read it carefully, it was considered as a review, and he felt that he should find inspiration from it.

Then he started revising.

Zhang Yang didn't intend to study a tactic by himself. He knew that in terms of tactical ability, he was definitely not as good as Wise, who had played in the top league for many years.

There is no doubt about that.

In the field of football tactics, he is just a rookie.

The system doesn't help.

What Zhang Yang is modifying are the coordination routines of several midfielders, some of which have already been trained, and some of which have not been trained. He will consider adding Livermore's position in the routine.

Livermore is a very special player.

If you want him to understand complex tactical routines, it is simply impossible for God to do.

So keep his job simple.

In fact, Livermore not only has the advantage of being physically strong, but also has good defensive ability, especially one-on-one defense. Few players can break through. Perhaps more importantly, he can't compare with his body. On the field, football is not very technical. Players who like to show off their feet in official games are either often injured or unable to play at all.

This is determined by the league level.

If it is in the top league and the technical strength is higher, it will be very difficult for Livermore to perform.

But the British Championship is the British Championship!
The overall level and style of the league are there. Just relying on physical strength is enough to create a sky.

After constant thinking and adjustments, Zhang Yang decided on a modification plan.

He decided to give the team a try tomorrow.

The next day was a training day, Millwall regrouped for training, and the first team training ground became lively.

All the players assembled and stood in a row.

Aldous took the list and called them one by one. Most of the players came, only one Braniff was late.

"Is he late?" Zhang Yang frowned and asked, "If I remember correctly, this is the third time he has been late. On the day of our last game, he arrived at the training ground half an hour late. "

Aldous thought for a while, "It seems to be."

"Does the club have relevant regulations to punish late players?" Zhang Yang didn't pay attention.

Aldous shook his head, "No."

Zhang Yang frowned even tighter, "In other words, whether a player is late depends on his own self-consciousness?"

Aldous thought for a while, and felt that this statement was also correct.

Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes slightly.

When Wise was coaching before, he didn't pay attention to these details at all. Even if half the team was late, it had nothing to do with him. When he became the head coach and didn't participate in the training, he still didn't notice. .

But Braniff made a big impression on him!

If other players were late, Zhang Yang might not have realized the problem at all, but Braniff was late three times, so he could remember it anyway.

It's not just 'being late', it's a matter of discipline!
Discipline is important!
Zhang Yang understands the importance of discipline too well, especially in a team. Everyone must abide by the discipline so that the team can develop better, otherwise it will easily breed a bad atmosphere.

This is absolutely intolerable.

Zhang Yang raised his face in a rare way, and said to all the players, "From now on, I want to emphasize one thing! Millwall will never allow you to be late. If you really have something to do, you can ask for leave in advance, but you must not be late!"

A lot of people don't take it seriously.

In the impression of most players, Zhang Yang is a very kind young coach who does not interfere in most matters of the team. Since Wise was injured, they seem to have become much freer.

But this time Zhang Yang was very serious, "I don't know why some players dare to violate discipline continuously, but everything must not touch the bottom line. I don't ask much from everyone on weekdays, as long as they come to train normally and play normally."

"But what I ask and what I emphasize, everyone must hear clearly and keep it in mind. If anyone dares to challenge my bottom line, then they must be prepared to accept punishment!"

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he immediately ordered, "Aldous, Braniff will come later and tell him that he can report to the youth team."

"This is not where he should come!"

Aldous was taken aback for a moment, he frowned and didn't understand, neither did the others, what was the purpose of doing this.

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he left.

The players on the first team training ground began to discuss this matter continuously—

"Why did he say that?"

"Is he planning to punish Braniff by sending him to the youth team?"

"But what's the use of it?"


It soon became clear to them.

What Zhang Yang used was the 'General Chinese Punishment Method'.

There will be a bulletin board in the club's office building, in front of the first-team training ground, and in front of the club's main gate.

That's for posting reminder messages.

For example, talk about the holiday arrangement, or talk about the maintenance time of the stadium, the opening time of the training ground, some internal personnel changes, etc.

The news today is different.

A large photo of a player was posted on the bulletin board, and that was Braniff, who was late three times.

The reasons and content of the punishment are written below—

Player: Braniff.

Reason for punishment: Being late three times after Christmas (intentional behavior), serious failure to observe team discipline.

Punishment content: 1. The team is suspended for one month.

2. Go to train with the youth team until you recognize your mistakes and promise not to violate discipline.

3. In the next month, Braniff will decide whether to return to the first team due to his training performance in the youth team.

When Braniff came to the gate of the club, he saw a group of people piled up on the bulletin board, including club staff and fans who passed by.

Of course, there are also interviews with reporters.

A reporter was holding a camera and was about to take pictures, but the staff quickly stopped him from taking pictures, and the two sides even started arguing—

"This is the meaning of the head coach. If you can take pictures, you have to ask the head coach."

"But y'all posted it here! Must have made it public. They're all taking pictures with their phones."

"Okay, I'll call and ask!"

While the staff was on the phone, the reporters started taking pictures. At this moment, Braniff came over and asked, "What's going on?"

Everyone looked at him instantly.

The eyes were full of surprise, and some people looked at the bulletin board again, as if to compare themselves with the photos.

Braniff felt that look in his eyes, he took a closer look strangely, and almost vomited blood in anger!

That's my ID photo!
This photo has been magnified countless times, occupying almost a quarter of the bulletin board, and there are a bunch of explanations below, such as what the specific punishment is. Braniff didn't even look at it carefully, and he felt ashamed up.

Annoyed, Braniff tore off the photo, and then asked the staff next to him, "Who told you to do this?"

A staff member replied, "It's the head coach, Zhang! He said you should be punished for being late three times."

"I have never heard of this kind of punishment."

The worker shrugged.

There are no provisions for the head coach to punish players.

Braniff took the photo and walked towards the first team training ground, but he didn't see Zhang Yang, only Aldous and Frederick.

Aldous said to him, "Zhang asked you to report to the youth team."

Frederick said, "Maybe he wants to use you to establish authority. Your luck is very bad, but it seems that pleading is useless."

Braniff took out the photo and said angrily, "I mean, what's going on with this! Why is it posted outside the club?"

Aldous and Frederick looked at each other, they had just found out about it.

"Maybe Zhang wants to make it public?"

"Mr. Coach probably doesn't care too much about internal issues being known by the media."

Braniff didn't want to get such an answer, so he went directly to the office building and the head coach's office. When he saw Zhang Yang, he immediately shouted, "What's going on!"

Zhang Yang was thinking about tactics. Seeing Braniff, he frowned and said, "What are you doing? Do you know where this is? Do you know who I am?"


Braniff wanted to yell, but he finally held back when he thought that the other party was the head coach, "I just want to ask this, why is it posted outside."

"This is your punishment. You have been late three times."

"But, that can't..."

Zhang Yang interrupted, "Could it be that you can be late continuously without fear that others will find out?"

Braniff was speechless.

He looked at Zhang Yang angrily, and finally gritted his teeth, "Okay, I already knew you didn't like me! If you let me go to the youth team, I will go to the youth team!"

He left very coolly after speaking.

Looking at Braniff's back, Zhang Yang couldn't help curling his mouth.


Without Braniff, he would really be much more comfortable. Such a guy who doesn't obey orders in games and violates discipline in daily training is not beneficial to the team at all.

Publicity is not aimed at Braniff.

In his past and present lives, he has always adhered to a principle: work and personal relationships are separate.

Work is work!

In the work of the head coach, he considers the team as a whole.

Braniff is the 'number three' striker in the team, but with the growth of Curtis Weston and the addition of veteran Danny DiZio, there is no shortage of personnel up front.

Two regular forwards, Neil Harris and Kevin Kiel, have been strong lately, and Curtis Weston and Danny DiGio should be enough if needed.

Braniff is somewhat redundant.

If Braniff can perform normally, Zhang Yang doesn't mind giving him more opportunities. After all, he is just playing in his early years, and his experience and strength are much better than Curtis Weston.

But Braniff didn't do that.

Some coaches may shout the slogan "No one in my team is indispensable", but Zhang Yang shouted it with the most confidence. He led the team to win by relying on the ability of "prediction". He still has the confidence to lead the team to victory, and he doesn't care who leaves the team at all.


Or go to the youth team to reflect on it!


PS: Thanks to kkmmkkmm for the support of [-] coins!

Thanks to book friends 121108040927462, Zi Chu, and Zero Sad for the 500 coins reward!
Thanks to BoboJiang and Hongchenduo Chimeng for their reward of 100 coins!
Talking about the update issue again, the book is delayed, at least on the 17th of this month, more than half a month later than planned.The delay time is a bit too long, and there can only be one update recently.

Please rest assured that it will be updated as soon as it is on the shelves!
(End of this chapter)

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