Super Resource Empire

Chapter 50 The Surprising Deeds of My Father

Chapter 50 The Surprising Deeds of My Father

What else can Su Wen say, if a beautiful woman is a training partner, then he can only accompany him to the end.

Yi Xue kept his word, and if he said it was an hour, it was an hour, not more than one minute, not less than one minute.Afterwards, she dismissed Su Wen simply, but gave Su Wen the black sword instead.Su Wen was not interested in this dark long sword, but it was given by Yi Xue after all, so it must be kept well.Maybe one day he will get a sword technique or something from the system, and then he can save the money to buy a sword.

In the afternoon, Su Wen practiced physical skills again.With the improvement of his vitality, it became easier to practice physical skills, and on the contrary, it became more and more difficult to increase his vitality.According to Xiaotian, physical training can indeed increase vitality, but that increase is within a certain range. Now his vitality is far ahead of the height of physical skills, so the vitality that can be increased is naturally very little.

Knowing this, Su Wen didn't feel any loss.This is like practicing martial arts in martial arts novels. The protagonist has cultivated a kind of inner strength mentality. This inner strength method is not working at all, and the increased inner strength can't be seen after practicing. On the contrary, because of the strong true energy, the inner strength method has been promoted to the highest level in a blink of an eye.


A small shop in Jiangning called Lao Wang Noodle House.

Tang Long is a frequent visitor here, and the boss knows him very well.Su Wen heard that the boss's son had been framed as a murderer. It happened that Tang Long had taken office in the Jiangning Public Security Bureau at that time, and the case fell into Tang Long's hands. , It was in Tang Long's hands to overturn the case.The boss was so moved that he asked his son to kowtow three times to Tang Long, and he also asked his son to visit Tang Long every Chinese New Year. Later, Tang Long also felt sorry, so he often came here for dinner, taking care of the boss's business.

There is one more Su Wen here today.

Tang Long promised to tell Su Wen about his father Su Donghe, and Su Wen naturally didn't want to miss this opportunity.He was still very curious about his father's military career, thinking that his father had a comrade-in-arms chief, and he shouldn't be an ordinary soldier in the army at that time.When he was a child, he heard people say that his father was strong, flexible, and righteous. Such a person would definitely enjoy himself in the army, but he was sadly retired in the end. It was extremely weird.

"Uncle Tang, just tell me directly! I am not a child anymore, no matter how surprised I hear, I will only smile at most. Everything about my father will not affect me, so you don't have to have any psychology Burden. I am very clear about the path I will take in the future. I want to know about my father now. You can understand it as the responsibility of the Son of Man. Every filial son wants to know more about his father, what do you think?"

"Don't talk to your Uncle Tang in this tone. This will make Uncle Tang mistakenly think that the person sitting across from you is not a 20-year-old energetic child, but an old and cunning elder. Your Uncle Tang has no intention of calling the younger generation the old man. You Weigh it yourself."

"Uncle Tang, you'd better stop teasing your nephew, just speak directly!"

Seeing Su Wen's wry smile, Tang Long nodded: "Okay, since you're going to talk, let's talk about it happily. Let me start with your father's enlistment in the army. At that time, your father showed extraordinary , He quickly made a name for himself in our military region, from a small soldier to an elite soldier, and even entered the special brigade, all his grades were excellent, and I have been following your father, second second."

Su Wen could feel Tang Long's admiration for his father.

Tang Long didn't hide it, and continued: "In the army, your father has always been a soldier among soldiers. His personal combat power and marksmanship are top-notch, and he was later called the king of soldiers in our military region. You may be interested in I don’t know the title of King of Soldiers very well, but I can tell you that in our period, those who dared to be called King of Soldiers in the country would not exceed two hands. It was the highest honor of a soldier and a measure of combat power symbol."

Su Wen was slightly startled. He smiled and motioned for Tang Long to continue.

Tang Long took a deep breath and seemed to have found the key point: "In the third year after your father became the King of Soldiers, I also became the King of Soldiers with the help of your father. I have to say that I can become the King of Soldiers because of your father. It’s a great credit, so from then on, I secretly regarded your father as my elder brother. Your father has always been my idol, and we are also a pair of recognized besties, the only two military kings in the same military region. "

Su Wen suddenly found it funny, these are two soldier kings, what exactly Uncle Tang wants to say, it seems that he hasn't got to the point yet!
"Don't be impatient, the King of Soldiers has just started here." Tang Long took a sip of water, and then showed some melancholy, "After both your father and I became King of Soldiers, a sudden thing happened. A mercenary group organization has emerged. Many of those mercenary groups have national backgrounds, and they have obtained incredible wealth for the country outside the country. Naturally, we in China also wanted to get a piece of the pie, so we established the world-renowned Dragon Tooth Mercenary Group."

"Dragon Tooth Mercenary Corps?" Su Wen murmured to himself. He remembered that Tang Long had served in the Dragon Tooth Mercenary Corps.

"In order to make the Longya Mercenary Group famous as soon as possible, the five most famous soldier kings in several major military regions at that time joined the Longya Mercenary Group, including me and your father. But internally, we They were all expelled from the military. No country would admit that it was supporting a mercenary group. The five of us warrior kings got together and quickly formed a powerful force. In more than a year, the Dragon Tooth Mercenary Group Inside, we quickly rose to the top three mercenary groups. We also brought huge returns to the country." Tang Long had already fallen into deep memories.

"Are the other three of the five soldier kings the ones Auntie showed me the photos of?" Su Wen asked after thinking about it.

"That's right." Tang Long took a deep breath, "The other three soldier kings are life and death brothers of your father and me. Their names are Long Yun, who is known as the sword king; Hu Yiming, who is known as the sword king; Mo Feiying, who is known as the eagle Wang. Among them, Long Yun is a son of a noble family in Kyoto. You may ask him in the future. As for Hu Yiming and Mo Feiying, Hu Yiming has now been included in the army and has a high position. Don't look for him in the future if it's not a big deal. Mo Feiying is still in Longya, he can be said to be the last pillar of Longya, and it is because of his existence that Longya has not completely fallen."

Su Wen nodded: "Uncle Tang, what are your and my father's titles?"

Tang Long smiled: "It's all called by others casually. Because I have a good nose, others call me the Mouse King. Because your father has practiced a boxing technique that can make the sound of a tiger roar, people call him the Tiger King."

Su Wen was embarrassed, he thought Tang Long would be called the King of Dogs, but the latest scientific research shows that the sense of smell of mice is indeed more sensitive than that of dogs.As for his father's fist that can make the sound of a tiger's roar, it must be the Tiger King Fist that Yang Xiao taught his father.

Su Wen wrote this down and asked naturally: "What happened next? My father would never retire without any reason. What was the reason?"

Tang Long took a deep breath, with a bit of bitterness in his mouth: "Later, we accepted a mission assigned by a country, a mission that put our Dragon Tooth Mercenary Corps almost in a desperate situation. The name of this mission has a nice name, it's called Sparks plan."

Su Wen was silent, waiting for Tang Long to continue.

Tang Long didn't keep Su Wen waiting for a long time. He sorted out some thoughts and recalled sadly: "In China 20 years ago, our technology was very backward, especially in the field of aviation. You should be able to imagine what happened back then. Situation. At this time, the U.S. fire satellite lost its intended target when returning to the earth due to the failure of orbit change, and finally fell into the primitive jungle of Africa. It can be said that the fire satellite at that time represented the most advanced in the world If our country can obtain the wreckage of the Tinder satellite, the sluggish aerospace technology will burst into bright sparks."

Obviously, this is the Spark project.

Tang Long seemed more and more disappointed, and his voice was a little hoarse: "You can imagine the importance of the Fire Satellite. At that time, we Huaxia were the only ones who looked at this satellite. In addition, the satellite landed in the primitive jungle of Africa. It can be said bluntly that whoever snatches it is the one who owns it. So mercenary regiments from some countries all over the world were dispatched, and the entire African jungle was stained with blood, but we, Longya, were the first to find the satellite. But……"

"But what?" Su Wen knew that the key was coming.

"However, when we found the satellite, we were also spotted by mercenary groups from more than a dozen countries. At that time, not to mention the black water, the number one mercenary group in the United States, and the evil god, the second mercenary group in Germany. There are even more mercenary groups. We dragged the satellite wreckage and fought these mercenary groups in the African jungle for half a month. Longya suffered more than half of the casualties, and it seemed that we could not continue. At this time, your father suggested We need to lure other mercenary groups away and let the remaining people return home by sea with the satellite debris."

"My father went, didn't he?"

"Obviously this is the case. Your father led some Longya's mercenaries to act secretly. He also successfully lured away all the mercenary regiments. The Water Mercenary Corps is now ranked seventh. Of course, your father also paid a heavy price. He was shot three times in one leg, one of which pierced the bone. After returning home by chance, he immediately applied for retirement. Although We tried to persuade you to stay, but your father has decided to go."

Su Wen couldn't help but smile when he heard this: "So that's what happened, thank you Uncle Tang for telling me this."

Tang Long was startled: "Don't you feel sorry for your father?"

Su Wen shook his head: "There is no pity, life is more important than anything else. His legs and feet are not good, and it will be a tragic end to be a soldier. It's better to go home and stay with my mother."

Tang Long was extremely surprised, he looked at Su Wen, and only uttered one word for a long time: "You..."

Su Wen stood up, looked at Tang Long and said, "Uncle Tang, thank you for clearing my doubts. I will never let my father fall into such a dangerous situation again, and the people around me are the same. If there is nothing If anything, I'll go first."

After Su Wen left, Tang Long's gaze became dull.

(End of this chapter)

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